Beta client version 191 (4/22/2012)
There is a bunch of things in this version, but the most notable changes were lagkiller related and configs related.
* a new client /command (/lkc) used to control every different lagkiller values (only 3 non generic ones for now rmbg to control the background removal, slowgui to control the gui render speed and starbg to control the background stars quantity).
* another new client command to allow you to save your /lkc /lkl /lku settings called /savecommands . It will open an edit box, you type in the commands you want the client to execute before starting (1 per line), and you press ok, from there on, every time you restart your client those commands will be ran. Since those are ran before the connection to the server, you cant use those for server side commands or chat, only client side commands which are mostly limited to /lkl /lku and /lkc related commands.
* Lagkiller will now reduce the number of layers in the backgrounds up to lvl 5 where it disable them completly (some lower end graphic cards are having a hard time with the fillrate required to render those properly, still investigating solutions on that side but in the meantime that should help).
* low graphic now have a maximum of 2 layers in the backgrounds
* lagkiller now reduce the number of background stars as it increase.
For the hardcore lagger out there i recommand using
/lku 9
/lkc rmbg 1
/lkc slowgui 2
/lkc starbg 0.6
as savecommands, what it will do is prevent your lagkiller from removing completly important things (upper limit 9), always remove the backgrounds layers completly, slow down the gui render so the game render is faster (2 times slower than normally allowed under lagkiller) and reduce the stars quantity in background.
It will offcourse make your gui look a lot laggier (as in 5-10fps in the gui related stuff), you can reduce the slowgui value until its perfect for your machine. On some machine the gui represent only a very small fraction of their lag, so on those /lkc slowgui 0.2 would probably give similar fps than 2 without the gui lag.
To install, simply connect using the beta client, it will update on its own
You can obtain the beta client here