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Joined: Sun Jan 29, 2012 2:18 am
Post The suggestions of a outward bound player
The suggestions of a outward bound player
I hope ive stuck this in the right spot, if not stick where its deemed right
Im leaving SS after a good 3-4 month run of daily activity, but I figured I would throw this in, just a collection of the stuff I’ve seen but not had the time to bitch about. By the way I have built 2x 1k+ accs in that time from scratch for anyone who is concerned about my short time span and experienced most of the content in one form or another from Nexus to Oly runs.

Tl:dr-> Remove the ability to solo very High DF(300+) DGs/uber stuff and force people to team up in order to do the content like it was designed for. Encourage teams to fight/contest the uni to make the average day a bit more dynamic than just grinding. Remove ability to Camp/akf spawn raid for lvls to increase the activity of the general populace. Different stuff to fight as DG bosses, and I don’t mean another MF version of something but rather a set of AI that act like player classes, example a lvl 500 Dela type with huge range but zilch resists for a boss would be alot more fun than just a MF version of the last 5 rooms, even a Inbuilt like a FC fighter/missile launcher on regular AI or Drones rather than spawn that heal/buff the boss would be the easy way to spice up DGs and keep interest past the point where everything looks the same.

Read on!

One: The most basic issue is one the vast majority of people are aware if not annoyed by: The distinct and unavoidable Class imbalances, mainly the fact that some classes can carry most situations FAR better than any other. This isn’t about one class being better at some situations which would be exactly what is spost to happen, its one class being best at 90% of stuff. Im talking largely about Snipers here but my own class DM and to a lesser extent SD are so far out beyond what others can do no longer funny. Its sad to see a zerka trying to solo a DG you would consider “easy” and failing even when he has 150% of your lvls.

Secondly, the answer is NOT “beef everything else” because at lvl 1k I should not be able to cruse through 6-8 Pick DGs, its just not right! It just takes all the fun out of it, first time I smashed through a DF200 dg with those kind of rooms I was really pumped, hyped to keep going and keep getting stronger until I realised that was about all that was there for another 1k lvls, just the same stuff in larger quantities until they became MF versions and then got more of that, then it becomes AI you cant do without ShMs and HEAVY fire support unless your a sniper just because the only difference between them and lower lvl stuff is simply DPS....The power of a mid-high game player (t20+) is so large in these 3 classes that if we where to bring the others up to their lvl the game would become so indescribably pointless I doubt anyone would bother if we can all solo DF350s on our ear nothing thats dropped is worth anything at all.

We should HAVE to find a squad to do df250+ without t21 gear/stats which would bring the whole universe closer together in order to get the good loots =) The fact that snipers can solo virtually every decent boss outside of oly and UZ means if your not sniper or don’t have a sniper alt then your doing it wrong....its gone past cookie-cutter builds to just boring

Which blends with my 3rd point, more dps does not equal stronger, it just enhances the class differences. Stronger versions should get better everything, range, speed, radar and DPS ect ect or more to the point there shouldent be “MF” but rather wholly different creatures, get some lvl 500 sniper types or FC types like Dela/GB who are obviously no-where near as strong. Make DG bosses mini oly’s where you are seeing for example a Heph type surrounded by drones that heal/buff rather than spawn or even just giving them a “Special/Imbuilt” which only boss lvl badies can use like a 20% dmg attack for example or anti-shield transfer when they drain you to heal themselves at various points, I dunno! I mean if I find a Frog (Forgone) or I find a MF Frog and the ONLY difference is I expect a larger dose of burst coming in at which point I yawn and drop an extra charge. Jacking DPS is fine when the main value of an AI is raw firepower like Reavers but when you make a MF version do 3x dmg for a banked class like FC/Zerks/Gunner/ShM all your doing putting them at a massive disadvantage to a stealth or evasion class like sniper/sd/seer who only really fight one at a time anyways and so only need worry about the occasional burst attack because they screwed up where as a banker is fighting the whole thing and is toasted alive.

So many times ive wandered into a DG to find the first or second lvl camped by some idiot FC who cant be assed doing the work because this is his 3rd alt and he is over the grind of lvling under 1k (or 1.5k if he can find a decent MF Reaver dg). Not only does this make the game utterly pointless because it devalues your own grindage (You Should feel proud that your acc is lvl 1k because of your tenacity and skill not just because you can put a weight on the spin key while your at school/work/with your m8s.) It also reduces the total availability of players in the game, if those people where forced to lvl their alts “by hand” which assumes they would bother at all then thats several dozen more in game hours players spend per alt which means more people to squad with and more people talking and generally being active.

Reduce the sheer size of the uni! Not only can I almost guarantee to see only 1 person every 2h of game time spent lvling/DGing but because wild is so freaking huge we no longer see the competition over decent gals, don’t get me wrong and think im saying that reset isent a smash and grab but after that we see every team holding the number of gals their size/power dictates and then pretty much ignoring the rest just because there are so many to go around ergo no resource wars so nothing for the teams to do but grow....and grow...and grow. Also, if the size of the gal/uni is reduced we will see alot more people at least interacting in order to do DGs if not actually teaming up like the squad system was designed to promote.

The devs should, in my opinion, give serious thought to breaking up the “mega-teams” like Pancakes and their various sub-teams. What is the point of even having an emp when the outcome is decided uni's in advance and no-one even bothers to blimmin try!

As you can see alot of this is about getting people to actually work together rather than solo it, I find that the game rewards squads in loot/dmg/interplay of classes just like its meant to but the fact is those bonuses arnt needed any more so its basically ignored.

There! Done, I think
I don’t want to bash the game, in fact I want it to work alot but in its current state I was beginning to need to force myself to go out and lvl because I wanted one extra piece of meh gear (the next step up being 30b+) and asking around for squadies is just a pointless activity in all or in team. And yes the team is active just everyone is so busy soloing for the most cash in lower DF that it takes an hour to prize them off their chosen cash run or they ask “why do you need squad when I can solo that anyways?? 3 people for”

Anyways theres my complain fest, hope it helps, or at least doesn’t get ignored.

Thu May 17, 2012 4:10 am
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Team: Resident Evil
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Joined: Sun Jan 08, 2012 12:14 pm
Post Re: The suggestions of a outward bound player
Blah Blah Blah, been said, Blah Blah Blah, been ignored, Blah Blah Blah.

Fact is the player base is too small to warrent any serious consideration to ur comments no matter how just the are.

Ai and DF hasnt been balanced to the new found strength of even the mid lvl players let alone those on top (sounds kinky don't it!)

Thu May 17, 2012 5:07 am
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Post Re: The suggestions of a outward bound player
ThePoke wrote:
Blah Blah Blah, been said, Blah Blah Blah, been ignored, Blah Blah Blah.

Fact is the player base is too small to warrent any serious consideration to ur comments no matter how just the are.

Ai and DF hasnt been balanced to the new found strength of even the mid lvl players let alone those on top (sounds kinky don't it!)

Doesn't necessary mean it should be ignored, take them into consideration and respect the time and effort this person has put into making this post.

Yes I'm still watching the forums on occasion :P


Thu May 17, 2012 10:57 am
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Post Re: The suggestions of a outward bound player
Hello and thank you for your feedback post. I am sorry to see you are leaving but I do appreciate that you are giving a detailed post as to why.

I cannot give you a thorough response right now but I will bring the topic up with the rest of the develop team to look over.

I agree though that we need to encourage more squad based play versus solo though instead of beefing everything across the spectrum, content itself should require a variety classes as a concept.

And yes there are a few class imbalances in content, namely Speed Demons and Seers. While we can't really beef them we do need to make them more needed in content.

Breaking up teams isn't really viable as there are more than enough ways to get around it. The best thing to do is to encourage more team diversity, more fighting, competition, and more team subterfuge.

Thu May 17, 2012 11:09 am
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Post Re: The suggestions of a outward bound player
Markoz wrote:
ThePoke wrote:
Blah Blah Blah, been said, Blah Blah Blah, been ignored, Blah Blah Blah.

Fact is the player base is too small to warrent any serious consideration to ur comments no matter how just the are.

Ai and DF hasnt been balanced to the new found strength of even the mid lvl players let alone those on top (sounds kinky don't it!)

Doesn't necessary mean it should be ignored, take them into consideration and respect the time and effort this person has put into making this post.

Yes I'm still watching the forums on occasion :P


Some are decent considerations ill give him that. But some are also unrealistic. How do you think reducing the universe size will help the game? When we do that we do encourage competition, but that only means that the oldies will kick the shit out of the new guys trying to play too.

And I am not above wiping out lower teams. Tbh I dont give a flyin fart as long as me and mine are taken care of.

For the DGs ect, interesting Idea..but I do not want to have to wait for people to get online to go play the game.. Its NOT the sort of game you can make entirely focused around team/squad play. Though I would like to see a return to the time when you had swarms of ai in galaxies. Just like it was back when we had between 6-12 BGs with 6-12 picks ect floating around waiting to pounce you.

And the moment you kill my solo play is the day I leave and will end my 7 year reign of terror. More squad content but don't remove the stuff for solo play, it needs to be improved upon also.

As for differences in the classes, its very difficult to organize and balance the classes since they work so differently. Some setups will break a class and other setups are good for PVP but not so good at PVE. The admins are not Omniscient and they try. People giving good suggestions about ways to improve the classes and better balance them rather than saying "its weak and broken, beef it!" or "its overpowered, nerf it!" is rare and its hard to really suggest good changes and many people don't realize how complicated the system really is to balance against the hundreds of items in game.

To summarize, Good effort. Some issues that cant be solved but overall I think you put some decent thought into what you were saying.


Thu May 17, 2012 11:18 am

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Post Re: The suggestions of a outward bound player
It is too bad you're leaving since you seem to have really gotten into the game in your short time here (assuming you're not an older player who's just been back under an alias, which I'm not yet sure about -- I guess it doesn't really matter).

1. DGs that can't be soloed, more custom content, etc.
Would be great, but not to replace current high-end DGs that are soloed or duoed by endgame players.

2. Breaking up large teams.
What the hell would that accomplish? There are already two pairs of fully functioning alliance-teams in this game, in addition to a number of more auxiliary alt teams. Making artificial divides does not artificially promote conflict. By splitting up Traders you do not split up Traders' interests. Also, in case you missed it, the emperor title was heavily contested last uni, and was held by Traders for quite some time. We haven't contested this uni simply because the single Anatolia siege scenario got boring.

3. Class balance.
I have faith that the dev team will move us in the right direction in terms of class balance. As you say, things are a bit wonky at this time. It's a lot harder than balancing content though.

4. Uni size.
This issue is tied up in the matter of territorial PvP. I personally feel that territorial PvP should be less emphasized than professional piracy and emp contests.

5. AFK grinding.
I hate this stuff too.

(DefQon1) use a Rhino reconstruotereatarerer
(Pasta) I need to figure out how to get rid of this UrQa Suqqa Ukuk
(Bluenoser) Put your finger in your mouth and gag reflex should do the rest

Thu May 17, 2012 11:43 am
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Post Re: The suggestions of a outward bound player
anilv wrote:
5. AFK grinding.
I hate this stuff too.

I think the cause of afk grinding is a lack of effective alternatives for leveling, and i believe the solution is high-volume dynamic team oriented custom dgs that are impossible to afk level in because AI will only spawn once when the instance is created and never again.

I'd like to point out that the OP makes the erroneous assertion that making AFK grinding impossible would make more people active. I think most people AFK level while doing other more important things IRL that would prevent them from actually playing at all, ergo eliminating that possibility would not cause them to be more active...

Pies are yummy.

Thu May 17, 2012 2:01 pm

Team: Dark Traders
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Joined: Wed Aug 01, 2007 12:28 pm
Post Re: The suggestions of a outward bound player
I agree with Kyp.

(DefQon1) use a Rhino reconstruotereatarerer
(Pasta) I need to figure out how to get rid of this UrQa Suqqa Ukuk
(Bluenoser) Put your finger in your mouth and gag reflex should do the rest

Thu May 17, 2012 2:06 pm

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Post Re: The suggestions of a outward bound player
There are places for solo content and a place for group content. IMO dgs should be mostly soloable considering all you really get are some semi-precious commods for your time, and very very rarely an actual good drop. You can still group if you wish to do higher end DGs earlier. If you want real group content go do UZ or olympus. The rewards for most the soloable bosses are absolute garbage, as bosses like undead calypso, undead helro, and even james watt drop nothing but coins for me or a few trash drops the vast majority of the time. Group encounters IMO are still too full of trash drops, but compared to the majority of the bosses that people solo, they're a gold mine.

That being said, more group encounters *would* be nice. Many times on the weekends my team will have multiple runs, and then everyone gets locked out, and everyone is bored for the rest of the weekend until lockouts expire and we can go again.

Mon May 21, 2012 7:34 am
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