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Post I agree wholeheartedly.
If you can stomach the wall of text rant, this is epic! 10/10!

I am so sick of hearing about people whining about tax payer dollars being spent on Obama's trip to PG. If you want to whine and bitch about tax dollars being wasted bitch about the billions of dollars being sent as foreign aid to country's that either A) aren't in a position to return the favor should we need it and B) probably won't even if they could. Better yet, bitch about the fact that we have the largest military(yes, military, not defense) budget in the world. So large in fact it tops the next 20 nations COMBINED, most of which are allies or neutral. Pick your fights people and stop acting like spoiled children because a black democrat is in office and fixing the fuck ups of the 8 years Bush had to screw us up. No one bitched and moaned about Bush wasting 3.2 TRILLION on invading Iraq or dicking around to find Osama(or even ignoring warnings from the FBI and CIA about a possible attack), no one bitched about Bush jabbering on like a drunk monkey in front of the worlds leaders and making us look like fools, no one bitched when he cut taxes on the rich(which was part of what kept the budget half straight under Clinton. I think its obvious now that trickle down economy DOES NOT WORK), no one bitched about all the deregulation that went on under Bush but yes, lets raise all kinds of hell over a couple hundred thousand dollars being spent on Obama visiting a new factory in PG. But wait, it gets better, where do you think the money spent on this trip goes? Right back into the economy, jet fuel, motorcade fuel, the wages of the secret service and any others that might follow him. Hell he might even make a stop at a local diner and spend a few bucks. Why doesn't everyone just own up to the fact that your mad because a black man is in office? You might not be racist, at least not openly or hell it might even be subconscious racism, but every half assed argument about Obama has racial undertones. You want to complain about Obama? Bitch about his lack of testicular fortitude when trying to push bills through, like the healthcare bill. Oh wait, the tea baggers would have you think thats communist and a terrible terrible idea that will call upon the wrath of the ancient gods to smite you for even thinking about it. Or even moan about his lack of doing something serious about the poverty situation, 25% of Mexico is under the poverty line while 24% of the USA is. Something wrong with that, a world super power almost has the same poverty levels as Mexico. The enlightened, science and common sense based governments in Europe are laughing at our petty squabbles people, wake the fuck up and pick a fight worth fighting.

Fri Mar 09, 2012 10:19 pm
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Post Re: I agree wholeheartedly.
US needs to be more imperialist. What a waste of military spending.

Fri Mar 09, 2012 10:31 pm
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Post Re: I agree wholeheartedly.
When joining an argument, assume all sides are wrong. Then, you can neither win nor lose.

Death to medicare, social security, obamacare, government bureaucrazy. Don't eat pork. Artificial sweeteners are poison... Basic chemistry tells me that high fructose corn syrup is not corn. Lets see, uh... wars in the middle east are for oil. Bankers, lawyers, and politicians should be shot...

And drink Coka-cola, not pepsi!

Jey123456 wrote:
That will happen in a future closer than most futures.
No Context. Ever.

Fri Mar 09, 2012 10:37 pm
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Post Re: I agree wholeheartedly.
Max235 wrote:
If you can stomach the wall of text rant, this is epic! 10/10!

I am so sick of hearing about people whining about tax payer dollars being spent on Obama's trip to PG. If you want to whine and bitch about tax dollars being wasted bitch about the billions of dollars being sent as foreign aid to country's that either A) aren't in a position to return the favor should we need it and B) probably won't even if they could. Better yet, bitch about the fact that we have the largest military(yes, military, not defense) budget in the world. So large in fact it tops the next 20 nations COMBINED, most of which are allies or neutral. Pick your fights people and stop acting like spoiled children because a black democrat is in office and fixing the fuck ups of the 8 years Bush had to screw us up. No one bitched and moaned about Bush wasting 3.2 TRILLION on invading Iraq or dicking around to find Osama(or even ignoring warnings from the FBI and CIA about a possible attack), no one bitched about Bush jabbering on like a drunk monkey in front of the worlds leaders and making us look like fools, no one bitched when he cut taxes on the rich(which was part of what kept the budget half straight under Clinton. I think its obvious now that trickle down economy DOES NOT WORK), no one bitched about all the deregulation that went on under Bush but yes, lets raise all kinds of hell over a couple hundred thousand dollars being spent on Obama visiting a new factory in PG. But wait, it gets better, where do you think the money spent on this trip goes? Right back into the economy, jet fuel, motorcade fuel, the wages of the secret service and any others that might follow him. Hell he might even make a stop at a local diner and spend a few bucks. Why doesn't everyone just own up to the fact that your mad because a black man is in office? You might not be racist, at least not openly or hell it might even be subconscious racism, but every half assed argument about Obama has racial undertones. You want to complain about Obama? Bitch about his lack of testicular fortitude when trying to push bills through, like the healthcare bill. Oh wait, the tea baggers would have you think thats communist and a terrible terrible idea that will call upon the wrath of the ancient gods to smite you for even thinking about it. Or even moan about his lack of doing something serious about the poverty situation, 25% of Mexico is under the poverty line while 24% of the USA is. Something wrong with that, a world super power almost has the same poverty levels as Mexico. The enlightened, science and common sense based governments in Europe are laughing at our petty squabbles people, wake the fuck up and pick a fight worth fighting.


Poverty rates are off though, its 18% in Mexico and 15% in the US according to the CIA factbook.

Jey123456 wrote:
back burner is overloaded with stuff right now. but yea its somewhere on there.

landswimmer wrote:
you know that even if you're wrong, they're more wrong. which makes you right.

Fri Mar 09, 2012 11:05 pm
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Post Re: I agree wholeheartedly.
I'd like to hear how you support the argument that any criticism of Obama's policies is innately racist. I've been known to criticize his policies. For example, I think Obamacare is one of the worst things to happen to our country, that concerns over the price of its requirements is keeping small businesses from expanding, and that it will actually lower the standard of medical care in The U.S.A. rather than improve it. Now, I'm not trying to start an argument about Obamacare. We've already hashed that one out ad nauseum. I just want you to educate me about how those beliefs are racist.

Here's another one: Obama closed down a big portion of our oil industry after the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. Then, when he eventually allowed some of that drilling to restart, he used the number of restarted wells (which he had closed in the first place) to assert that he had opened more drilling than previous presidents. Then there's the whole Keystone pipeline thing. My belief is that the more oil we take from the U.S.A. and friendly countries like Canada the less likely we are to go to war over oil with other countries or get involved with overthrowing their governments in an attempt to put in a new regime more friendly to us. Of course, all the extra jobs that come from new pipelines and oil wells in The U.S.A. combined with lower fuel prices will also be a huge boon to our economy. Obama, on the other hand, has repeatedly moved to block new leases of federal land for oil drilling, even going so far as to return the checks to companies that had leased land under Bush, and of course he has done everything possible to block and delay the Keystone project. Again, I've only given these short details about my disagreements with Obama policy as an example of my criticism for him. I simply want you to tell me what's racist about my opinion.

pip8786 wrote:
Dorin Nube... you win the best post on the forums ever award. Well done.

HAL wrote:
You are greedy and ignorant, you can't have everything in life for free.

Sat Mar 10, 2012 12:25 am
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Post Re: I agree wholeheartedly.
Except the XL pipeline will, in reality, add practically no jobs to the american economy, and potentially disastrous environmental damage to our own country. In the end the environmental damage has the potential to actually cost MORE to our country than the pipeline will bring in.


landswimmer wrote:

Sat Mar 10, 2012 2:03 am
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Post Re: I agree wholeheartedly.
Cygnus wrote:
Except the XL pipeline will, in reality, add practically no jobs to the american economy, and potentially disastrous environmental damage to our own country. In the end the environmental damage has the potential to actually cost MORE to our country than the pipeline will bring in.

Myrtok wrote:
Again, I've only given these short details about my disagreements with Obama policy as an example of my criticism for him. I simply want you to tell me what's racist about my opinion.

My intent isn't to muddy up this thread with arguments about energy policy, the environment, or health care. I'd probably respond if you wanted to start that debate in another thread. I'm simply trying to address the assertion in the OP that any criticism of Obama is racist.

pip8786 wrote:
Dorin Nube... you win the best post on the forums ever award. Well done.

HAL wrote:
You are greedy and ignorant, you can't have everything in life for free.

Sat Mar 10, 2012 3:14 am
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Post Re: I agree wholeheartedly.
I personally think that saying criticism of Obama is racist is complete hogwash. Regardless of race, the president must be open to criticism, constructive and otherwise.


landswimmer wrote:

Sat Mar 10, 2012 3:27 am
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Post Re: I agree wholeheartedly.
Dorin Nube wrote:
I'd like to hear how you support the argument that any criticism of Obama's policies is innately racist. stating that the majority of plaintiffs have no valid reason, and are just racist, is different from claiming ALL plaintiffs have no valid reason and are just racist I've been known to criticize his policies. yes, and "you'd be shot for your thinkery if not for the fact that you dun like that nigger either"

put those same criticisms to others guilty of it and see how long your support lasts
For example, I think Obamacare is one of the worst things to happen to our country, that concerns over the price of its requirements is keeping small businesses from expanding, and that it will actually lower the standard of medical care in The U.S.A. rather than improve it. Now, I'm not trying to start an argument about Obamacare. We've already hashed that one out ad nauseum. I just want you to educate me about how those beliefs are racist. they arent, they are however USED to justify racist beleifs in the minds of others. they ignore the logical and rational and listen only to the "yeah, FUCK that obama guy, what an asshole" sentiment

thats why you dont get them repeating the same arguments, they only want to repeat "yeah, FUCK that obama guy, what an asshole, he's even the same colour as one"

are you starting to see how not calling people out on racism can cause legitimate harm to the credibility of the viewpoints those racists hold?

Here's another one: Obama closed down a big portion of our oil industry after the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. Then, when he eventually allowed some of that drilling to restart, he used the number of restarted wells (which he had closed in the first place) to assert that he had opened more drilling than previous presidents. quite frankly my dear, i dont give a damn

he isnt claiming the oil spill was vengance from god, (and he is american), thats good enough for me
Then there's the whole Keystone pipeline thing. My belief is that the more oil we take from the U.S.A. and friendly countries like Canada the less likely we are to go to war over oil with other countries or get involved with overthrowing their governments in an attempt to put in a new regime more friendly to us. the logic behind taking the oil from others, is that they'll run out before we do, they'll do all the work finding the solutions, and without the most powerful military in the world, they'd just take all OUR oil

this is the kind of logic conservatives deal in.

instead of investing money in science to solve problems, they'd rather just fucking TAKE shit from OTHER COUNTRIES

i mean, americans may "hate" liberals, but the liberals in america are the only fucking reason the rest of the world hasnt decided to get rid of the old "united states of america" already

i mean, do you think the communists wouldve screwed around for so long if they didnt think they could win through reasoning and discussion?

you can claim it was the nukes that held them back, fear of mutually assured destruction, but you're eventually going to have to recognise that maybe they saw in the USA the very thing they prided in themselves

rationality. the ability to not be ruled by fear.

Of course, all the extra jobs that come from new pipelines and oil wells in The U.S.A. combined with lower fuel prices will also be a huge boon to our economy. Obama, on the other hand, has repeatedly moved to block new leases of federal land for oil drilling, even going so far as to return the checks to companies that had leased land under Bush, and of course he has done everything possible to block and delay the Keystone project. Again, I've only given these short details about my disagreements with Obama policy as an example of my criticism for him. I simply want you to tell me what's racist about my opinion.definetly not racist. though i dont understand the pre-occupation with oil. it isnt the only energy source, if 0.01% of the money thrown at oil was spent on research, scientists might be able to crack fusion, and then we never have to worry about oil ever again. and i say that in the knowledge that there are several designs yet to be tested due to lack of funding, just because people BELEIVE its alot of work, or a long way away, doesnt mean its true. you should listen to the people who spend their lives studying physics, rather than your own uninformed gut instinct

TL;DR - norrath never claimed everyone who criticises obama is a racist, or that all criticisms of obama are racially motivated

all he did was rightfully claim that most people dont care about the rational reasons to get obama out of office, they just dont like him for some reason they cant quite put their finger on, because their brain doesnt want to admit to them that they are racially prejudiced.

i dont like him because he's a puppet, just like bush, he does a good job of pretending he's in control but right now the best descriptor for the US government is "shitstorm of indecision" with a little leadership conflict thrown in

but, ironically enough, obama has been increasing spending in reearch

so i cant even say i dont like him, or that he's doing the wrong thing, because for once he actually DOES have a clue, he just needs to go alot further with it, and he needs to talk about it more

the people need to know he supports scientific research, because it is one of the things in government policy that matters. the military knows how essential research is, its about damn time the citizenry knew

i mean, i just had an idea for a thread

it is the mark of an educated man, to entertain a thought without accepting it. - aristotle

Sat Mar 10, 2012 4:31 am
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Post Re: I agree wholeheartedly.
LS hit the nail on the head, I never said ALL criticism is, just a solid portion and we're too busy being politically correct to call out people like faux news or Gringrich/Santorum on that.

If you bothered to read my post you would've noticed I pointed out legit reasons to get him out of office, lack of testicular fortitude for one. So please Dorin, read my fucking post before you try to argue against it.

Jey123456 wrote:
back burner is overloaded with stuff right now. but yea its somewhere on there.

landswimmer wrote:
you know that even if you're wrong, they're more wrong. which makes you right.

Sat Mar 10, 2012 11:55 am
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Post Re: I agree wholeheartedly.
Spamming is not allowed and includes the repetitive posting of a subject, posts that are off topic, and bumping old topics (bumping your topic in Outer Rim Outpost is acceptable)

Last edited by anilv on Sat Mar 10, 2012 1:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Simply took the original post and copied it about 10 times

Sat Mar 10, 2012 11:59 am
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Post Re: I agree wholeheartedly.
Whats the point of that Comb? :roll:

Aut tace

Aut loquere meliora


Sat Mar 10, 2012 12:22 pm
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Post Re: I agree wholeheartedly.
He wants to get banned obviously.

JeffL wrote:
because we can and it looks really cool

The Voomy One wrote:
Runescape, Allows you to change your name every 30 days.

Runescape sucks so it doesnt count :P

Sat Mar 10, 2012 12:33 pm
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Post Re: I agree wholeheartedly.
NewFound wrote:
Whats the point of that Comb? :roll:

I have funny ways of entertaining myself :)


XxTommyxX, Daedalus, Combustion, Dr Eggman, Dr Combustica, Joew121, fghetfs

password wrote:
dang take this game so serious :roll:


Sat Mar 10, 2012 1:52 pm
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Post Re: I agree wholeheartedly.
American poverty is silly.

If you can afford cable TV you can afford a doctors visit. Americans in poverty also eat out more than middle class Americans. Bunch off odd cultural stuff that is beyond someone like me who is a seriously frugal.

Sat Mar 10, 2012 2:27 pm
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