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Post Re: China buying up rare earth materials
Civilians are gonna get raped in a war =P.

Sat Feb 11, 2012 9:13 am
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Post Re: China buying up rare earth materials
Keep thinking that please.

The worst thing an opponent can do is underestimate his adversary.

Everyone here serious about online gaming should read the art of war.

I look forward to the day someone is foolish enough to invade the united states.

The very name is in its self a warning.

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Sat Feb 11, 2012 12:34 pm
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Post Re: China buying up rare earth materials
No one will invade America you will more likely be bombed to dust or destroyed economically.


Sat Feb 11, 2012 5:53 pm
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Post Re: China buying up rare earth materials
Belliaum wrote:
No one will invade America you will more likely be bombed to dust or destroyed economically.

I think being bombed would have a greater chance of happening.

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"Come have sex with me in space, my lord".

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Sat Feb 11, 2012 6:01 pm
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Post Re: China buying up rare earth materials
HitmanCaius wrote:
Belliaum wrote:
No one will invade America you will more likely be bombed to dust or destroyed economically.

I think being bombed would have a greater chance of happening.

Really? Have you seen our economy lately?


Sat Feb 11, 2012 7:13 pm
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Post Re: China buying up rare earth materials
Or paid attention to who buys our debt?

3 Basic types of players(quitters, losers, and winners) Choose your own fate.

Sat Feb 11, 2012 7:15 pm
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Post Re: China buying up rare earth materials
HitmanCaius wrote:
Belliaum wrote:
No one will invade America you will more likely be bombed to dust or destroyed economically.

I think being bombed would have a greater chance of happening.

Our economy is bombing, so both, sorta.

rand4505 wrote:
Or paid attention to who buys our debt?
Can they collect?

Jey123456 wrote:
That will happen in a future closer than most futures.
No Context. Ever.

Sat Feb 11, 2012 7:31 pm
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Post Re: China buying up rare earth materials
I find it infinitely amusing how so many talk about USA's capabilities in leveling entire continents/nations/armies with nuclear weapons yet the world is concerned that Iran is enriching uranium. Lets not forget that USA is the only nation in history to have ever deployed nuclear weapons against another nation; and PLEASE don't use the over-used justification that "more would have died if those nukes weren't used" because if they were dropped on USA then your reply would be quite different.

Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it. China is more civilized than USA can ever hope to be. It is not a nation of conquerors. They don't have a history of invading other nations. All of this China-talk is simply a by-product of the current US propaganda machine which has turned it's dreadful eye towards China. I read the news from 5 different organizations located in a different country and I can see the trend very clearly.

It never ceases to amaze me how blind some people yet remain even after all the things we've seen USA do within the last 10 years alone. They invaded Afghanistan to war against the Taliban and secure their Opium fields. A war that USA inevitably lost on just attrition alone. Then they accuse Iraq of having WMDs, an accusation that was later revealed to be false, and all prior documents related to Iraq having them being forged (Why Bush hasn't been impeached for this is beyond me). Now they turn their eye towards Iran (which conveniently rests between Afghanistan and Iraq) which they are now accusing of having WMDs or at least trying to develop them.

Now they are indirectly challenging China by expanding troop presence in Australia. Let me be clear on something, if USA attacked China is would be a graveyard for the USA. All this talk of nukes is irrelevant. USA would not employ nuclear weapons to level some tanks, furthermore China also has nukes that will act as a deterrent. However there will be no China-USA war I can assure you. Neither country is stupid enough to do such a thing, USA will posture and boast as per usual while China plays the role of the passive-aggressive business man, then as time slips by China will surpass USA in nearly everything and USA will take it's rightful place as a has-been nation that was once the gleaming jewel of this planet but is now nothing more than tarnished silver at best.

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Sat Feb 11, 2012 9:41 pm
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Post Re: China buying up rare earth materials
noone is saying the US is the greatest

what we are saying is, that the US is top dog currently.

and for china to become the top dog, there must be a standoff.

and that standoff will turn all sides bad.

just as it did in the english wars of independence, which were started to ensure the freedom of all englishmen, but ended up simply replacing the monarchy with just another regime willing to tax the americas

freedom's only chance is in avoiding war alltogether. a populist uprising in both countries is the only thing that will preserve the current "good times"

and i assure you, things may seem shit now, but they could be so much worse...

it is the mark of an educated man, to entertain a thought without accepting it. - aristotle

Sat Feb 11, 2012 9:48 pm
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Post Re: China buying up rare earth materials
tariq_1984 wrote:
Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it. China is more civilized than USA can ever hope to be. It is not a nation of conquerors.
Enlighten me then, what is communism?

Jey123456 wrote:
That will happen in a future closer than most futures.
No Context. Ever.

Sat Feb 11, 2012 10:02 pm
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Post Re: China buying up rare earth materials
Visorak wrote:
tariq_1984 wrote:
Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it. China is more civilized than USA can ever hope to be. It is not a nation of conquerors.
Enlighten me then, what is communism?

Radia has just won the thread.


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Sat Feb 11, 2012 10:07 pm
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Post Re: China buying up rare earth materials
China has a history of overdoing it in Civil Wars more than trying to conquer other civilizations. The only nation I can think of it invading, rather than the other way around, is Vietnam.

On the other hand, the amount of civil wars is greater than the amount of times and the amounts of nations that conquered China, combined.

China knows very well how to fight a land war. It can reasonably fight an air and sea war, too. It cannot fight a war where both sides don't even see each other, man, air, or ship-wise. Because the US has up to 20k nukes(Russia has 22k+).

However, China is part of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, a military alliance between China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan. While the last four nations do not pose much of a threat, the first two do.

Western media observers believe that one of the original purposes of the SCO was to serve as a counterbalance to NATO and the United States and in particular to avoid conflicts that would allow the United States to intervene in areas bordering both Russia and China.

India currently has observer status in the SCO. Russia has encouraged India to join the organisation as a full-time member, because they see it as a crucial future strategic partner.

NATO vs China, Russia, and India anyone?

Axis Industries

Sat Feb 11, 2012 10:17 pm
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Post Re: China buying up rare earth materials
india is too westernised, china is india's biggest threat

india will side with us, because india knows that in a global conflict, if the sides arent fairly even, it will eventually become a cold-war type freeforall with the "winners" tearing each other apart.

just as the last world war did.

china may be the next superpower, but india will choose how history unfolds when it chooses a side. half the reason the US is in pakistan, is to preserve relations with india, because india shares the US's issues with terrorism and islamic fundamentalist psychopaths.

also, india is democratic. and no two democratic nations have ever gone to war with each other. nor should they, as is the premise of democracy

it is the mark of an educated man, to entertain a thought without accepting it. - aristotle

Sat Feb 11, 2012 10:46 pm
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Post Re: China buying up rare earth materials
Too bad the US isn't actually, NOT a democracy.

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Sat Feb 11, 2012 11:51 pm
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Post Re: China buying up rare earth materials
Battlecruiser23 wrote:
Too bad the US isn't actually, NOT a democracy.

india is.

australia is.

the UK is.

the EU is.

the children of american democracy are still alive and kicking.

and science is slowly taking power from the hands of the leaders, and putting it in the hands of the citizenry.

the US is democratic, it follows the will of the people, and the will of the people is determined by what the politicians say.

science will take back that power too. the singularity will force everyone to learn about the "brave new world" that is coming, and in learning about it they will free themselves of the brainwashing and control of the current world.

it is the mark of an educated man, to entertain a thought without accepting it. - aristotle

Sun Feb 12, 2012 12:01 am
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