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Post How to not run a team like a total 10yo f2p n00b
1.0 Introduction
1.1 "Leadership" and Leadership
1.2 Motivation
2.0 The Minions
3.0 The Skilz
3.1 Communication
3.2 Psycology
3.2.1 Behaviorism
3.2.2 The Ego Crap
4.0 And the point of all this...

1.0 Introduction
This guide is about how to get loyal minions and why to discard the noobs. Not easy to write in a way understandable for you n00bs, but I did my best. I remover some capters to confuse you less, so this I only the stuff understandable for the dummies.

1.1"Leadership" and Leadership
"Leadership" the ablilty to start a team must not be confused with the skill leadership
Must not be confused with the RL combination of skills we refer to as leadership. All you need for "leadership" is five skill points, leadership takes knowlege and/or understanding about communication, psycology, sociology and pedagogics . This guide is based around the leadership subject, if you can't figure out how to get the "leadership" after reading this guide, you haven't managed to understand the basics needed for leadership. But don't give up, you can still be able to become a good minion.

1.2 Motivation
Ask yourself: Why do I want to start a team. If you can answer that, you got a motivations. It can be good or bad, but I won't jugde. If you find yourself without minions in the end, I guess it was bad. Or was it something else?

NEVER forget the Golden Rule of the Commander:
This is a game. Games is supposed to be fun for everybody involved.

2.0 The Minions
Guess you have enug basic understanding to erhmm... understad that flying around typing orders with caps on your team chat without any minions is kinda silly. To qualify as a team you will need minions. Minions can be found in many shapes, hull classes, focuses and degrees of retardation. You'll never know what you get until you get to know them. In some cases that can take alot of time, in others five minutes. You'll just have to trust your own gut.

NEVER TRUST ANYBODY YOU DON'T KNOW. Need some councilors and shit? Use some friends you allready know or lead it solo until you trus a minion well enug (ALOT) to be given access to you precius team founds. If somebody who just joined is very eager to be promoted to counciler right away, get rid of him. Don't forget YOUR TEAM, YOUR RULES! If a minion can't deal with the rules he can join somebody else. If no minions can deal with rulse, you should change the rules or join some other team as a minion.

They are not your tools, they are people. And if you want them to respect you, showing them some respect is a good start. If they don't respect you boot them. The other minions are watching, so you should show some autority.

The N00B F2P TEAM ISSUES is some sort of examples on a results of bad leadership:
1) some wise noob "know-it-all" leader with relativly much credits he's desperatly sharing with his n00bs so they don't leave him
2) some newbs getting wiped in the ass by the leader and not learning how to do it themselves
3) some n00bs that want to have all they want given to them by the leader

The solutions
1) You don't know shit! We'll, more like you know a lot of shit, but that's all you'll ever know when you're just wiping ass. You just want to feel important? They are F2P n00bs FFS! Become a minion or at least do it right.
2) You are not helping them at all really. Stop being a crappy leader. Instruct them in how they can make their own creds, help them get their first PC and stuff like that. This group have potencial to become ubers, maybe even commanders some day. And they'll owe you big! One of the best and cheapest occations to build up their loyality to you.
3) They are parasites. If they are not willing to make their own creds and stuff BOOT THEM!

3.0 The Skilz
Is it possible to learn to become a good leader? Or is it just some sorta gift?
To lead, skills are needed. Some do it natural, but that don't make it some kinda godgiven gift. The "natural leader" just somehow understand the basics of it without having an idea about it. They may have picked up the pices of the leadership skills from parents, good teachers they had, total randomness, who cares. Some of those individuals sometimes have no idea what they are doing, all they know is that whatever they are doing is working. Well, this is a short answer on a long subject. Those "natural" skills can be learned.

3.1 Communication
Leadership (the RL skill, not "leadership") can be preformed in many different styles. Some good, many bad. The most important skill is the basic skill you learned from your parents. Communication.

The most important part of leading is to tell people what to do. Well, at least the most fun part. If they don't do what they are told it can sometimes be because of bad communication.

Example: bad communication:
Crow4: "Kill that shit"
*Mr.n00b start shooting some random astroid with his laser
Crow4: WTF are you doing you n00b!
*Mr.n00b has left your team

Everybody can do mistakes now and then. In this case Crow4 is communicating on his own terms without considereing the noobiness of Mr.n00b. Since Crow4s ego is blocking his skills, he acts out on Mr.n00b instead of trying to get the communication adjusted to Mr.n00bs newbiness. That make Crow4 a n00b btw. But Commander is no n00b. Look at this:

Commander: "Kill that shit"
*Mr.minion start shooting some random astroid with his laser
Commander: Minion, use your heat weapon on BigBoss. You change weapon with E
*Mr.minion attack BigBoss with his immo
Commander: GG
*After fight*
Commander: GG=good going
Mr.minion: :)

Commander is adjusting the communication to Mr.minions level. When Mr.minion pleases Commander, he is given him credit (or a positive reinforcer for the more educated).

3.2 Psycology
Alot written on this subject, so I'll just take the basics of two branches. The ego crap you might have to deal with and the behaviorism.

3.2.1 Behaviorism
To make a long story short, Burrhus Frederic Skinner had some fun with lab animals and discovered the elements that make beings behave (not all of them you n00b, read a book). Some relate to it as a kind of psycology-pedagogics cross breed. It's what I've been using mostly professionally. If used right it make everything fun. If used wrong you have no idea what's happening. It's waaaaaaaaay to complex for explaining even the basics, and it's a mindefield of mistakes to do. I'll just give some principles explainend very gross so you don't screw up anybodys (and your own) head:

I'll just start this with a general rule: reinforcer > punishment. That's because I said so (or just read a book about it). Hmmm, not good enug? Well, in short terms, punishment is unpredictable, no fun and create agression. Unpredictable and agressive minions can be hard to control, and fun is the most important part of the game. Reinforcer is FUN-FUN-FUN.

reinforcer - whatever make a behavior more likely to happen
punishment - whatever make behavior less likely to happen

How does this affect my behavior
When I was a young drone master, a pax dropped me a caly. That was the biggest aug I'd ever seen! For a long period I killed every pax I saw. That's a result of reinforcement. The caly reinforced my behavior of killing paxes (and I still love to kill paxes). The loot dropping from bosses are reinforcers. The XP from killing stuff, the skill points, we gain ect ect. The souce of the fun!

I hate to burn gearglue. I'm less likely die because the consequence is losing gearglue. Losing gearglue is a punishment. Adding statis wait and stuff don't make it more pleasant.

But the thing is: I'm still risking my glue for the loot, XP, skills and the FUN! Reinforcer PWN punishment!

How to use this crap in leadership:
Make sure you tell a minion that you are pleased with his/her behavior when it happens. Because every good minion want to please their commander. Let them brag how easy he (and many more) PWNed some dude (that most likely was afk) you don't like, tell about the manvers ect ect. You might even find it FUN (the minion is actually reinforcing your reinforcer! and the chain goes on). Then the minion will run off killing more dudes you don't like for more reinforcers.

To make it more effective, you can throw a minion a boon now and then. Get him a 20-skill, help him build something or give him something useful for him! Show him you are pleased by his loyality and minionness!

Just to clarify: This is NOT evil manipulation! It's an equal exchange of reinforcers. Everybody have fun, everybody wins. The evil commander don't give the loyal minion shit, alot less than deserved or is not giving the good minion more reinforcers than the bad minions. The good commander give the minions exactly what they deserve or need while the minion give back what the good commander deserve.

A good commander should only use two punishments.
- punish the n00b by booting him
- correction the behavior of a newb in terms of good communication

3.2.2The Ego Crap
This fenomen was discovered by that Sigmund Freud kid. Ego can short be described as how somebody see themself. As a leader you will have to deal with not your minions ego, but your own and other teams egos as well. Here is how Commander deal with a atypical n00bs ego:
Commander: "Kill that shit"
*Mr.n00b start shooting some random astroid with his laser
Commander: Minion, use your heat weapon on BigBoss. You change weapon with E
Mr.n00b: WTF, you not my moterr, I ten yo, I do what i want lol ect...
*Commander boot Mr.n00b from team

Some times there is more effort than it's worth to deal with a n00b (in this case n00b, not newb).

Your own ego is like a firearm. You can become better at using it with direction and exercise, it can be effective and source of fun, security and power if you use it right. But constantly playing with it unsecured and loaded, somebody can get hurt. This is a game, but accidents can happen. If your minions can't deal with your unsecured ego they will leave. Accidental firing all over the universe can make somebody mad at you. At worst you can hurt somebodys feelings (this is a game). You will need your ego, but it will have no practical use if you don't know how to use it. If your ego is a problem for you, those problems won't be solved by reading this guide. Get a shrink.

The problem with dealing with other teams ego have two solutions (well, two solutions that's fun, remember GRotC). The first one is to PWN them until they realize they overrestimated themselves. If the attemt fails and they are PWNing you, at least you had some fun, right? The other solution is to oil and mend their egos, an excellent strategy for manipulation. They are having fun looking at you sucking up to them while you have fun watching they bend to your will. It's alot like training a dog. But that's more in the street of behaviorism.

4.0 And the point of all is...
Make sure your minions have fun and have fun making them have fun. You may suck, but make sure it's fun.

"Walk it off, you pussy."
-Richard, Chief Warlock of the Brothers of Darkness, Lord of the Thirteen Hells, Master of the Bones, Emperor of the Black, Lord of the Undead and Lord of Dance.

Wed May 13, 2009 5:35 pm
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Post Re: How to not run a team like a total 10yo f2p n00b

"Walk it off, you pussy."
-Richard, Chief Warlock of the Brothers of Darkness, Lord of the Thirteen Hells, Master of the Bones, Emperor of the Black, Lord of the Undead and Lord of Dance.

Wed May 13, 2009 5:37 pm
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Post Re: How to not run a team like a total 10yo f2p n00b
i believe you stated leadership was 5 skillpoints; it is acctually 10
otherwise its a good guide

Despite what you may think, i am a F2P.

Wed May 13, 2009 6:09 pm
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Post Re: How to not run a team like a total 10yo f2p n00b
You forgot to include Machiavelli in 3.2 :lol:

I blame TF2.

Ware wa messiah nari!

Wed May 13, 2009 6:12 pm
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Post Re: How to not run a team like a total 10yo f2p n00b
LactoseTolerant wrote:
You forgot to include Machiavelli in 3.2 :lol:

1.2 GRotC
2.0 N00b F2P issue 3
3.2.1 Just to clarify

Learn to read.

"Walk it off, you pussy."
-Richard, Chief Warlock of the Brothers of Darkness, Lord of the Thirteen Hells, Master of the Bones, Emperor of the Black, Lord of the Undead and Lord of Dance.

Wed May 13, 2009 6:35 pm
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Post Re: How to not run a team like a total 10yo f2p n00b
Well written. Learn to spell check. But the idea is sound. 10/10.

JeffL wrote:
That's it. I quit!

Battlecruiser23 wrote:
Fuck you, Cygnus.

Wed May 13, 2009 7:22 pm
over 9000!
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Post Re: How to not run a team like a total 10yo f2p n00b
Demiser of D wrote:
Well written. Learn to spell check. But the idea is sound. 10/10.

something tells me that he's from a foreign country.

Axis Industries

Thu May 14, 2009 2:20 am
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Post Re: How to not run a team like a total 10yo f2p n00b
Reminds me of what I did when I ran a team... Then again I just had really really tough recruitment policies, and rules with an iron fist... But it was successful while I still played SS. :lol:

Yami no Tenshi 闇の天使

Thu May 14, 2009 4:53 am
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Post Re: How to not run a team like a total 10yo f2p n00b
fette bra


Sat May 16, 2009 8:39 am
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Post Re: How to not run a team like a total 10yo f2p n00b
nice guide.



Illegitimi Non Carborundum

Sat May 16, 2009 11:40 am
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Post Re: How to not run a team like a total 10yo f2p n00b
Empathique wrote:
i believe you stated leadership was 5 skillpoints; it is acctually 10
otherwise its a good guide

uh actually youre wrong and hes right its 5 i gat it on my alt yesterday

and that was the best guide ive read in quite a while

Neba wrote:

andezrhode wrote:
goett wrote:
All oly ships look way to geometrically conservative for my tastes.

thats because most graphic designers are squares :mrgreen:

goett wrote:
Fired bullets taste like candy.

Sat May 16, 2009 2:23 pm
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Post Re: How to not run a team like a total 10yo f2p n00b
shawn_mccall wrote:
Empathique wrote:
i believe you stated leadership was 5 skillpoints; it is acctually 10
otherwise its a good guide

uh actually youre wrong and hes right its 5 i gat it on my alt yesterday

and that was the best guide ive read in quite a while

Really? It used to be 10, I remember accidently training it as a n00b, and being pissed at the SP lost. I think....

Dorin Nube wrote:
Nipples aren't the only danger here.

Sat May 16, 2009 2:37 pm
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Post Re: How to not run a team like a total 10yo f2p n00b
I want a refund. Those 5 SP could help me alot.

I don't like the looser, travian, if you don't, put this in your signature.

Sat May 16, 2009 8:55 pm
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Post Re: How to not run a team like a total 10yo f2p n00b
Greo0 wrote:
I want a refund. Those 5 SP could help me alot.

F2P = free = you didnt pay so no refunds?

Neba wrote:

andezrhode wrote:
goett wrote:
All oly ships look way to geometrically conservative for my tastes.

thats because most graphic designers are squares :mrgreen:

goett wrote:
Fired bullets taste like candy.

Sun May 31, 2009 9:19 pm
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Post Re: How to not run a team like a total 10yo f2p n00b
Some of this is just basic logic...but then again its aimed for those people who start a team and just yell at people...

The director of team Shadow Wings...

Fri Mar 26, 2010 4:02 am
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