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Site Admin / Dev Team
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Team: Admins
Main: Jeff_L
Level: 1028
Class: Sniper

Joined: Wed Mar 23, 2005 2:21 am
Location: Santa Clara, CA
Post Server & Client Patch July 19
Gameplay fixes/changes:

* Fixed the range-dependent critical hit bug

* Fixed the bug where quickly injecting parasites could pause shield regen

* Fixed the bug where multi-firing lasers could chain critical hit damage multipliers

* Added /autotractor toggle

* Fixed a bug with chain lasers

* Made it so that people who have the wrong number of SP for whatever reason will gain either 4 or 6 SP per level until their balance is correct (rollbacks can cause extra SP sometimes)

* Made it so you get a tiny bit of extra XP when leveling so that you get 1 level for killing 5 things of your same level, despite rounding issues

* Made it so the reported amount of XP still to go rounds instead of truncates so it looks correct given the above

* Upgraded our internal timers to 64 bit, so that the server can run for months without having to be restarted if we want

* Made it so that if you target a specific enemy and kill him with a laser, your autofire turns off.

Content fixes/changes/additions:

* Seer mines added to the game (watch out!)

* Added new common MagCannons

* Made Boss Controller in Olympus invisible

* Commander's Apprenticeship aura stat fix

* Changed East Vindia to sell Trade Controlbots instead of Controlbots

* Changed respawn time on Red Photon turret back to 30 minutes

* Zeus' Launch Tubes added (inbuilt on Zeus Throne)

* Red Photon Drones made neurobound and sticky

* Changes to Serpica AI

* Made Uncloaked Heph Drone AI immobile

* Gave Serpica ships their own missiles and missile generators

* Hopefully fix the turrets teleporting around.

* Added in-built Super Items to: Sidhe, Sidhe+, Bule Super Sidhe, Bule Abadi Spectre. (use /outfithull to get your new built in items)

* Added in-built Mobile Factories to: Eyezer of Light, Zauron's Floating Izer, Christmas Spirit.

* Changed Heavy Bloodstained Ares Sapper BP to only take 1 Ares Sapper

* Upgraded the cop aura

Some older stuff from a previous patch that had no notes:

* Added account slot info to /baseslots command
* Fixed a bug where the number of parasites in your ship wasn't immediately updating when you get shot with an additional one
* Added some new optional parameters for future missile shotguns: self damage percent with self-damaging parasite, random weapon spray, bullet size change over distance, damage change over distance
* Added multifiring, angle overrides, and variable delays and damage multipliers to super items
* Added Super Items for App Ward, Ragnarok, and Kasper
* Fixed the bug that allowed capacitance item to be used multiple times in a frame (press 2 hotkey to the same stack at the same time, and you used 2 for the cost of 1 energy worth).
* Added super items to Zeus throne, Ares war chariot and Poseidon Wave
* Gave the wave an extra weapon slot
* Added base reboot module
* Added drone generators for temporary buff drones to RP ShM and engi ship

Please discuss this update here: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=46223

For support, please create a support ticket here and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Tue Jul 19, 2011 11:16 pm
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