Bulding whit you own hands !
WEll ive thinked about a grea idea about to be able to build things like inreal life .... from houses to items to weaps to anything ....
Like this ....
U land on your planet from there u your little land or big land or bigger land and so on ...and u start building like ive thinked about a extremly more EVOLVED minecraft like stuff .....
Just think about how great this should be.....
Even whitin asteroids u can build your home or mine or make a shop from it....
for me its like a dream
requests alot of time to merge (extremly more EVOLVEDminecraft) into SS2 but ohman ...id like to build my city slowly even like in the Sim City 4 game (if not minecraft) and have my colony there slowly building itself !
lets say this way a team can have a earth like planet and like in Simcity ppl can select theyr own regions and build and connect whit other people share theyr water / food / etc stocks maaaan just think about this how grate will be !
onyl whitin this idea this game will gow 10 X better and ppl will have what to do all time....
sorry for my english i hope my dream come true even if in 1 or more years !