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Post Server migration 06/09/2011 1h00 PM Us-East time
As you probably noticed. Our current servers are getting more lag than ever, and it doesn't seem like its simply going to go away ! :P.

That's part of the issues with being hosted in a cloud, non-dedicated hardware can not give reliable performance, while it did serve us great over the past years, atlas time has come to change. so here we go

The new machines are as ready as they can be before the actual migration, so Tuesday September 06 2011 at 1h00 PM (Us-East), the servers will be down for a prolonged period of time, estimated at 5 hours. During that time, the forum/website game will be inaccessible (website should be back not too long after, just need to transfer the whole db while ensuring noone post on the old one).

As they say, an image is worth a thousand words so, heres a quick comparison of the server using one of the best way for a player to visually measure lag.

The rof on the 2 lion's was the same (max rof), their tracking / range was not, so the images arent completly identical, but the lag differences are easily visible heh.

Those screenshots were taken at the worse part of the save in both cases. Although current live instability often caused multiseconds worth of lag in a spike, i skipped those since they kinda didnt show any bullet stream >_> heh.

In a nutshell, what that mean, is that on the new server, if all goes according to plan, most lags you will feel should be either on your client or on the connection between you and the server (off course, if you think they arent, as usual, ill gladly take notes of them and try to track them down).

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Mon Sep 05, 2011 3:27 am
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Post Re: Server migration 06/09/2011 1h00 PM Us-East time
The server is back up and open. Come enjoy the new hardware. =)

For support, please create a support ticket here and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Tue Sep 06, 2011 7:39 pm
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