Star Sonata

Issues with torpedoes
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Author:  franke456 [ Mon Aug 29, 2011 3:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Issues with torpedoes

shawn_mccall wrote:
My problem is not PvAI Jeff, AI are stupid and run straight in to be easily dispatched. My problem is that the only drones decently cheap enough to use in real PvP are now useless for it since people can abuse the burn to make them niss until they are essentially sitting directly on top of you at which point you lose all your BFDs. The alternative to that is instead of losing my crappy 2b set of drones I now have to risk 20b or more on every engagement, tell me what other class has to lay that much on the line to protect a GG.
Chaosking3 wrote:
As far as I am concerned there was not really wrong with Torps/Thoraxe. The way they were was the way they had been since being implemented and it was fine.

Now we have an issue where aug set-ups, gear and style of play has become outdated or simply much less useful then it was before on a change that was hardly nessecary. I understand the urge to correct what you see as a falty coding but that this point it is pretty much the standard in game. There is not much to be gained from changing a major weapon mechanic without a real solid reason related to in game inbalance.

My two cents.


Author:  shawn_mccall [ Mon Aug 29, 2011 3:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Issues with torpedoes

Only solution I can see short of reworking BFDs or implementing a PvP drone with whichwe can actually protect our selves, is to make drones only die in PvAI and not PvP so that if someone kills me I lose 100m just like every other class ingame. I could live with it how it was because I enjoy Eng PvP enough to drop 2b on a potential death, but now you want me to drop 10x that which is where I draw the line.

There is no reason I should have ever have to risk 2b much less 20b on protecting something that costs 100m, and there is also no reason I should have to wait patiently while someone kills me. Yet these are the only to options you give me.

Author:  Neba [ Mon Aug 29, 2011 4:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Issues with torpedoes

You have the potential to drop what... 6 charge (healer) drones?
that is better then any shmonk
engineers should never die

Author:  shawn_mccall [ Mon Aug 29, 2011 4:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Issues with torpedoes

Neba wrote:
You have the potential to drop what... 6 charge (healer) drones?
that is better then any shmonk
engineers should never die

Neba, you have never played the class, don't pretend you know how to. Armada Charges have fuck all regen I can break the collective shield regen of 6 Charges using an AI Base Magcannon below Titan.

Author:  Neba [ Mon Aug 29, 2011 4:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Issues with torpedoes

throw a bubble shield in there and you are in a fort of un penetrable badassery

Author:  shawn_mccall [ Mon Aug 29, 2011 5:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Issues with torpedoes

Neba wrote:
throw a bubble shield in there and you are in a fort of un penetrable badassery

Neba do I have to spell out for you that Charges have total crap regen even further. I can stack A sup Prot Drone and Bubble and the collective regen of all those drones together is still easily overcome. Yet again, politely keep out until you know what you're talking about, you're making yourself look like a butt hurt seer who is bitching for nerfs because something can kill him. It's really not pretty.

Author:  The Lost One [ Mon Aug 29, 2011 5:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Issues with torpedoes

You can make your drones work as healer, but only if you are the person being attacked. I have 80-85% resists to all damage types, if I put down 4 Armada Charge Drones, 1 Bubble Drone and 1 Sup Protection Drone, with Sup Shield Controller, and use a Poseidon Shield Transference to heal one of the charges, then you need a lot of DPS to break the healing they put out. Enough of that for now.

BFDs are something I use as indicators mainly for spotting low vis ships, or ships hiding far away. There is no real DPS in BFDs. And there will never be.

The only time I use BFDs as DPS drones, is when I do James Watt, or fight ships that have 0% resists to energy, which is starting to get more and more seldom these days, due to T21 ships.

So I think BFDs are fine having their torpedoes nerfed. If you want me to point out a thing, I can point at when I fought 3 Panther Speed Demons at once, back in my Rhino. Due to having 1 Charge, 4 BFDs and 1 Grembox, they wouldn't dare to come close, and I would win, because BFDs had the same tracking as a MagCannon on a 4 Hera+ auged LF, maybe even better. They would hit a target at any range, unless it moved at 700 speed with insane agility and a PWI. If you think that was perfectly fine, then maybe you should start to learn how to force people into flying in the line of your new, changed BFDs. It is possible, just takes some skill and knowledge.

Author:  Neba [ Mon Aug 29, 2011 5:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Issues with torpedoes

shawn_mccall wrote:
Neba wrote:
throw a bubble shield in there and you are in a fort of un penetrable badassery

you're making yourself look like a butt hurt seer who is bitching for nerfs because something can kill him. It's really not pretty.

I figured everyone saw through my facade of not knowing wtf Im talking about (:
I barely play enough to complain, you ought to know that!

Author:  mitchell.haigh [ Mon Aug 29, 2011 5:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Issues with torpedoes

My BFDs can kill MF Reavers and other AI, please beef them.

Author:  franke456 [ Mon Aug 29, 2011 11:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Issues with torpedoes

mitchell.haigh wrote:
My BFDs can kill MF Reavers and other AI, please beef them.


Author:  yugioh124 [ Mon Aug 29, 2011 11:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Issues with torpedoes

Since when is being able to kill meavers a decent measure of anything? I can make a level 500 character that can kill them for under 2b, they're piss weak.

Anyway, what I would like to see is a speed increase on the third stage of torpedo movement. If, after the torpedo finished the aiming phase, it could quickly (in a fraction of a second) speed up to maybe 2x the travel speed during aiming phase, it would be much more useful. Also, certain weapons such as Delayed Blast Hunleyite and Lion V2 should really have their own category, they're quite useless with the new code.

Author:  JeffL [ Mon Aug 29, 2011 1:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Issues with torpedoes

Yeah, I was thinking of just increasing the burn time a bit on all torpedoes which will give them a bit more aiming, but more importantly, a higher top speed.

Author:  Gaffateip [ Mon Aug 29, 2011 3:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Issues with torpedoes

barely noticed change on my chars except now i cant afk on facebook when in oly because ai might start running over my thoraxes.

Author:  Tomzta09 [ Tue Aug 30, 2011 4:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Issues with torpedoes

yugioh124 wrote:
Since when is being able to kill meavers a decent measure of anything? I can make a level 500 character that can kill them for under 2b, they're piss weak.

Anyway, what I would like to see is a speed increase on the third stage of torpedo movement. If, after the torpedo finished the aiming phase, it could quickly (in a fraction of a second) speed up to maybe 2x the travel speed during aiming phase, it would be much more useful. Also, certain weapons such as Delayed Blast Hunleyite and Lion V2 should really have their own category, they're quite useless with the new code.


Author:  Demiser of D [ Tue Sep 06, 2011 2:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Issues with torpedoes

Agreed on the V2 rocket; the way it works makes it prohibitive to work any other way.

As for other torpedos...I actually like them better this way, kinda. Sure, it's a nerf, but its honestly a lot cooler this way.

As for engineers...Omg, you cant do full DPS at obscene range and with undodgable tracking anymore! Terror! :roll:

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