Star Sonata

Star Sonata testimonials
Page 5 of 7

Author:  andezrhode2a [ Tue Nov 09, 2010 7:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Sonata testimonials

Aurora Ex Machina wrote:
Demiser of D wrote:
The primary problem with built items is that they cant be modded. Many people have items with mods that are simply crucial to their setups.

I'm still waiting on a solution to this problem, from years ago, actually :?

Capacitors are the least worst choice, if that makes sense. Plus, you still get a +shield bonus and they are easily swappable. i.e. One hotkey tap 1 second before a boss dies.. and *poof* less knock-back. Or #1 hotkey new -concussion capacitor, #2 hotkey lion maul tweak -> kill AI -> #1 other capacitor back when tweak ends.

See? If anyone actually thought about this, rather than /ragequitting, they'd see that we think about these things. MC'd ShMs - equip, forget. Active chars - hotkey, switch in/out as combat progressed.

We're not idiots, or at least only 50% idiots.

[edited to include Lion Maul tweak example in case no-one remembered it but me]

Actually, I suggested a better fix.
Inertia Dampners. Built dampners...

Author:  Bonecrusher [ Tue Nov 09, 2010 7:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Sonata testimonials

Aurora Ex Machina wrote:
Capacitors are the least worst choice

Because JeffL doesn't want to give the players a real choice. No effect by upgrading the Nav Comp is the only choice that makes sense. No extra weight, no extra space used, NO FUCKING AROUND WITH KEYS IN BATTLE that you shouldn't have to worry about.

Just a big pole up the user's arse. Thanks for fucking over a good game.

Author:  ELITE [ Tue Nov 09, 2010 7:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Sonata testimonials





Author:  RoflWaffle [ Tue Nov 09, 2010 7:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Sonata testimonials

Bonecrusher wrote:
Aurora Ex Machina wrote:
Capacitors are the least worst choice

Because JeffL doesn't want to give the players a real choice. No effect by upgrading the Nav Comp is the only choice that makes sense. No extra weight, no extra space used, NO FUCKING AROUND WITH KEYS IN BATTLE that you shouldn't have to worry about.

Just a big pole up the user's arse. Thanks for fucking over a good game.

ELITE wrote:




Author:  andezrhode2a [ Tue Nov 09, 2010 7:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Sonata testimonials

Bonecrusher wrote:
Aurora Ex Machina wrote:
Capacitors are the least worst choice

Because JeffL doesn't want to give the players a real choice. No effect by upgrading the Nav Comp is the only choice that makes sense. No extra weight, no extra space used, NO FUCKING AROUND WITH KEYS IN BATTLE that you shouldn't have to worry about.

Just a big pole up the user's arse. Thanks for fucking over a good game.

In all fairness, even though theres max. 10 girls playing SS, im sure more then just them in community would enjoy the pole.

Author:  Aurora Ex Machina [ Tue Nov 09, 2010 7:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Sonata testimonials

Bonecrusher wrote:
Aurora Ex Machina wrote:
Capacitors are the least worst choice

Because JeffL doesn't want to give the players a real choice. No effect by upgrading the Nav Comp is the only choice that makes sense. No extra weight, no extra space used, NO FUCKING AROUND WITH KEYS IN BATTLE that you shouldn't have to worry about.

Just a big pole up the user's arse. Thanks for fucking over a good game.

You do realise that this isn't actually possible..right?

You do realise that "the Nav Comp" isn't actually a coded entity..right?

You do realise that "your map" isn't actually a coded entity..right?

You do realise that all items that effect your character in game have to be coded..right?

You do realise that even coding a skill to reduce concussions would be a massive change in code...right?

You do realise that HAL made a whole new code for this and made it so that inertia is directly affected...right?

Oh. Please.

Seriously - use the 80% item once you've built it, or please stop trolling. Or do us all a favour and stop commenting on things you've no cognitive space to grasp how they work.

+Inertia (<DAMPNER>) was placed on the best item it could be - without massive amounts of work / re-coding there wasn't anywhere else to put it. Sorry, but we don't have a budget of $757 million dollars a year to pander to your every whim.

Then again.. try getting this level of response and immediate action out of Blizzard.... <TROLOLOLOLOLOL>

Author:  andezrhode2a [ Tue Nov 09, 2010 7:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Sonata testimonials

Aurora Ex Machina wrote:
Bonecrusher wrote:
Aurora Ex Machina wrote:
Capacitors are the least worst choice

Because JeffL doesn't want to give the players a real choice. No effect by upgrading the Nav Comp is the only choice that makes sense. No extra weight, no extra space used, NO FUCKING AROUND WITH KEYS IN BATTLE that you shouldn't have to worry about.

Just a big pole up the user's arse. Thanks for fucking over a good game.

You do realise that this isn't actually possible..right?

You do realise that "the Nav Comp" isn't actually a coded entity..right?

You do realise that "your map" isn't actually a coded entity..right?

You do realise that all items that effect your character in game have to be coded..right?

You do realise that even coding a skill to reduce concussions would be a massive change in code...right?

You do realise that HAL made a whole new code for this and made it so that inertia is directly affected...right?

Oh. Please.

Seriously - use the 80% item once you've built it, or please stop trolling. Or do us all a favour and stop commenting on things you've no cognitive space to grasp how they work.

+Inertia (<DAMPNER>) was placed on the best item it could be - without massive amounts of work / re-coding there wasn't anywhere else to put it. Sorry, but we don't have a budget of $757 million dollars a year to pander to your every whim.

Then again.. try getting this level of response and immediate action out of Blizzard.... <TROLOLOLOLOLOL>

I hope that was directed at bonecrusher, because we already discussed this ingame and I understood the impossibility :mrgreen:

Author:  vampire2948 [ Tue Nov 09, 2010 7:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Sonata testimonials

Can you guys stop derailing this topic? It's meant to help Jeff do something, not be filled with Bonecrusher's complaining.

Back to discussing why people play StarSonata


Author:  JeffL [ Tue Nov 09, 2010 8:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Sonata testimonials

OK, anyway. This thread has really gotten off target.

Thanks for everyone who responded. I'm going to use some of them in a new landing page and see how it goes. I'll link the new landing page I make after I actually make it.

(locking for now)

Author:  JeffL [ Thu Dec 09, 2010 3:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Sonata testimonials

OK, it took me a while, but I finally finished the new landing page I've been working on with all your testimonials. Check it out here:

(The old one is at, but it's currently set to A/B test with the new one, so if you follow that link, you might not actually get to see the old one.)

Author:  thecrazygamemaster [ Thu Dec 09, 2010 3:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Sonata testimonials

Mine's not on there :(

Also: the link on google goes to, not this welcome page.

Author:  jeff mc beth [ Thu Dec 09, 2010 6:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Sonata testimonials

Remove this from the CSS:
#actioni  a{
float: left;
background: url('img/Down.png') 0 0 no-repeat;
width: 400px;
height: 129px;
/*margin-right: 15px;*/

#actioni  a:hover{      /*background image swap on hover*/
background-image: url('img/DownH.png');
/*background-position: 0 -151px; */

#action {
   font-size: 75%;

And remove:
<!-- Download Button -->
      <div id="action"><span id="actioni"><a href="ss_download.html"></a></span>
          <a href="ss_download.html">Click here to download installer</a> - 0.3 MB<br />

<!-- Bottom Download Button -->
  <div style='margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 50%;'>
    <div id="action">
      <span id="actioni"><a href="ss_download.html"></a></span>

Then place this in the header:
loadImage1 = new Image();
loadImage1.src = "img/DownH.png.png";
staticImage1 = new Image();
staticImage1.src = "/img/Down.png";

And put this in place of <!-- Download Button --> and <!-- Bottom Download Button -->:
<a href="" onmouseover="image1.src=loadImage1.src;" onmouseout="image1.src=staticImage1.src;">
<img name="image1" src="images/buttons/home1.png" border=0></a>

This code I've given you preloads the second image, instead of loading it when the mouse rolls over. This means that if someone with a slow/computer internet rolls over it, it changes instantly instead of there being a pause while the computer is getting the picture from the server. (This actually happened to me the first time, I had half of the second image for a bit because it hadn't preloaded).

Also, replace some of the older screenshots. Like the horde of players going into bana, as you don't need that many players anymore. Imo, any with the old background should go.

Author:  JeffL [ Thu Dec 09, 2010 2:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Sonata testimonials

Thanks for the help.

The problem is that some versions of IE (the one on my computer for example) disable javascript by default. The CSS rollover will still work with javascript disabled.

I was already pre-loading it with javascript, but in comparing my code to yours, I just found the bug that was making it not work. Was doing this:
function LoadImage(name)
preloaded[preloadCount] = new Image();
preloaded[preloadCount++] = name;
instead of:
function LoadImage(name)
preloaded[preloadCount] = new Image();
preloaded[preloadCount++].src = name;

Oops. =)

Author:  mellodude2011 [ Thu Dec 09, 2010 3:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Sonata testimonials

i enjoy playing Star Sonata because it provides a unique experience of game play that I've been unable to find in any other game. It provides a close community that helps each other succeed in advancing through the game.

Author:  jeff mc beth [ Thu Dec 09, 2010 5:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Sonata testimonials

JeffL wrote:
Thanks for the help.

Np. :P

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