Star Sonata

Star Sonata testimonials
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Author:  mejunkie [ Tue Nov 09, 2010 9:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Sonata testimonials

I troll the forums cause im waiting for Client 2 to come out...

Author:  Bonecrusher [ Tue Nov 09, 2010 3:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Sonata testimonials

Asmodeaan wrote:
This topic needs a testimonial from BoneCrusher.

I PLAYED it because I LIKED it and have several very good friends playing SS. However I have just informed JeffL to cancel my subscription and refund my payment. The addition of Concussions is just too aggravating and life is just too short.

Author:  Aurora Ex Machina [ Tue Nov 09, 2010 4:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Sonata testimonials

Bonecrusher wrote:

I PLAYED it because I LIKED it and have several very good friends playing SS. However I have just informed JeffL to cancel my subscription and refund my payment. The addition of Concussions is just too aggravating and life is just too short.

Aurora Ex Machina wrote:
Four buildable capacitors will be present post-patch.

HAL has added a new feature which directly reduces concussion effects - the items reduce it from 20 - 80%.

Option #1:

PM Jeff asking to test said items with new tags to see effects

Option #2:


I guess life is too short for drama.

Author:  jeff mc beth [ Tue Nov 09, 2010 4:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Sonata testimonials

Bonecrusher wrote:
Asmodeaan wrote:
This topic needs a testimonial from BoneCrusher.

I PLAYED it because I LIKED it and have several very good friends playing SS. However I have just informed JeffL to cancel my subscription and refund my payment. The addition of Concussions is just too aggravating and life is just too short.

See what I said earlier....

Just shut the fuck up already.

Author:  Bonecrusher [ Tue Nov 09, 2010 4:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Sonata testimonials

Aurora Ex Machina wrote:
Bonecrusher wrote:

I PLAYED it because I LIKED it and have several very good friends playing SS. However I have just informed JeffL to cancel my subscription and refund my payment. The addition of Concussions is just too aggravating and life is just too short.

Aurora Ex Machina wrote:
Four buildable capacitors will be present post-patch.

HAL has added a new feature which directly reduces concussion effects - the items reduce it from 20 - 80%.

Just 4 pieces of crappy gear that still fucks over the players. Either have a useful Cap equipped or a piece of shit to mitigate a fucked effect.

Take your caps and shove them where the sun don't shine!

Author:  Aurora Ex Machina [ Tue Nov 09, 2010 4:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Sonata testimonials

Bonecrusher wrote:
Just 4 pieces of crappy gear that still fucks over the players. Either have a useful Cap equipped or a piece of shit to mitigate a fucked effect.

Take your caps and shove them where the sun don't shine!


<MISC class="capacitor">
         <NAME>Strange Planck Skein Attractor</NAME>
         <DESCRIPTION>Attaches you to the Planck layer reducing gravity disturbances</DESCRIPTION>


   <MISC class="capacitor">
         <NAME>Liberty Shield Capacitor VI</NAME>
         <DESCRIPTION>A bit more wiggle room</DESCRIPTION>

So glad I spent tonight making these... :roll:

Author:  Demiser of D [ Tue Nov 09, 2010 4:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Sonata testimonials

I'm finding it more and more difficult to believe you're actually 65+ :|

All the people that age that I know of wouldn't be doing stuff like this...

Author:  Julian [ Tue Nov 09, 2010 4:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Sonata testimonials

if a gust of wind knocks you over in real life are you going to rage quit that to?

Author:  jeff mc beth [ Tue Nov 09, 2010 4:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Sonata testimonials

What does the <DAMPENING> tag do? D:

Author:  Aurora Ex Machina [ Tue Nov 09, 2010 4:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Sonata testimonials

jeff mc beth wrote:
What does the <DAMPENING> tag do? D:

That's the new code: reduces concussions by 80% (1.0 = 100%). It also helps snipers with knock-back as well, so I can be talked into reducing the +vis angle. I hope that we can all see that a loss of (*gasp*) 850 shields for 80% reduction in concussion effect was rather generous (I thought) - and yes, they're being added (or the BPs to build are) post-this-patch-when-Jey-finds-bugs-causing-mayhem.

Anyhow /derail over.

Author:  jeff mc beth [ Tue Nov 09, 2010 4:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Sonata testimonials

Aurora Ex Machina wrote:
jeff mc beth wrote:
What does the <DAMPENING> tag do? D:

That's the new code: reduces concussions by 80% (1.0 = 100%). It also helps snipers with knock-back as well, so I can be talked into reducing the +vis angle. I hope that we can all see that a loss of (*gasp*) 850 shields for 80% reduction in concussion effect was rather generous (I thought) - and yes, they're being added (or the BPs to build are) post-this-patch-when-Jey-finds-bugs-causing-mayhem.

Anyhow /derail over.

Ah, awesome. XD

Author:  andezrhode2a [ Tue Nov 09, 2010 4:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Sonata testimonials

Forget Boney, hes just a tool.
I was arguing as much as him, and this has really satisfied me.
I wont be using any of the items other then maybe on my Shm, but its still great to have options.

Author:  Demiser of D [ Tue Nov 09, 2010 6:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Sonata testimonials

The primary problem with built items is that they cant be modded. Many people have items with mods that are simply crucial to their setups.

I'm still waiting on a solution to this problem, from years ago, actually :?

Author:  Aurora Ex Machina [ Tue Nov 09, 2010 6:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Sonata testimonials

Demiser of D wrote:
The primary problem with built items is that they cant be modded. Many people have items with mods that are simply crucial to their setups.

I'm still waiting on a solution to this problem, from years ago, actually :?

Capacitors are the least worst choice, if that makes sense. Plus, you still get a +shield bonus and they are easily swappable. i.e. One hotkey tap 1 second before a boss dies.. and *poof* less knock-back. Or #1 hotkey new -concussion capacitor, #2 hotkey lion maul tweak -> kill AI -> #1 other capacitor back when tweak ends.

See? If anyone actually thought about this, rather than /ragequitting, they'd see that we think about these things. MC'd ShMs - equip, forget. Active chars - hotkey, switch in/out as combat progressed.

We're not idiots, or at least only 50% idiots.

[edited to include Lion Maul tweak example in case no-one remembered it but me]

Author:  Demiser of D [ Tue Nov 09, 2010 6:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Sonata testimonials

mmm, good point. Of course, that entails carrying around a good amount of extra hull space that could just be used for a single space anchor for the boss exploding :P

I think people would want to use these things more for everyday use, and then deal with the knockback in exchange for increased performance in ubers.

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