Star Sonata

New test client for the test server
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Author:  yugioh124 [ Fri Nov 06, 2009 6:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New test client for the test server

Newbies have it easy today anyway. When I started, we had a halfassed preload galaxy and no nexus. After leaving preload, you just appeared in Sol to find your own way. F2Ps spent most of their time killing all the other F2Ps, and they built adonis bases to help. The people that made it through that, however, turned into the good players. F2P used to be quite a unique experience, all about skill and originality, due to the limited SP. Today, I don't know a single truely skilled F2P (well, maybe Nabaco, but he's been around for ages).

Author:  cgcgames3 [ Fri Nov 06, 2009 7:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New test client for the test server

I like the idea lol..mkaes moving a BS a lot more simple lol XD.....But i do have to agree with Yug F2p's have it really first account i ever creadted was about 4 years ago now and it was really hard to figure out and must of taken a good 2 months before i even knew what i was doing.

but now a days most new comers figure it out in about 5 days or so. Also i agree with long, this game defo needs some better tutorials and it should have a nice storyline....i think thats why i liked eve so much at the start was becuase i already knew why i was there and what i could do becuase it was mostly said in a nice cool video at the start. SS has really missed that and the thing is there not that hard to make i can think of lots of ideas and i could probs put them togeather in a nice short film thats can fit right in before you start your first character.

so the using the excuess it helps new people is crap. it wont help new people at all. in any case it would piss them off like many games i play that do this the there probs wont be many people pressing S inless there in a ship thats has crappy turning in that case it makes more sence using "reverse thrust"( make it so you can fly backwards at a slower rate you can fly forwards becuase in the real world plans can reverse using engines and so can the space crafts today when there in orbit they generaly use thrusters all around the ship to control it, so it makes more sence to be able to reverse at a slightly slower speed then normal flying.) to control your speed.

to conclude. i think it is a good idea becuase it gives people more control over ships and also means it makes it easyer for a Zerker to kite his target.

Author:  thebattler35 [ Fri Nov 06, 2009 1:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New test client for the test server

Maybe have a sort of "cutscene" feature ingame? It could go along with missions, tutorials etc. and add new possibilities in.

I think a lot of new players would stay around longer or pay for they game if they had the chance to see some high-end PvB, BvB and PvP soon after they started up.

Maybe add a mission for some form of "Crystal Orb" which when used brings up a menu (like x) which will play pre-recorded sequences on your SS client.

These could show newbies the higher end part of the game. As well as allowing them to be shown graphically how to dock, fight and trade with visual examples and cues.

It'd also strengthen the depth of missions. Could be expanded to giving players control of a ship in a "flashback" type experience where you become part of the cutscene rather than an observer and change events to go along with a mission?

Also the fact that in SS your "just a ship" stops people from engaging with their ingame character immediately, as happens in other popular MMOs, at the start of SS you have no identity, you make your own. It makes the game more diverse, you don't NEED to play the hero as in 90% of other MMOs. I think we're forgetting the original selling point, that in SS you have the chance to be anything you want. With SS it's a good point that the SS remains in the backround, unimposing.

Author:  Tregish [ Fri Nov 06, 2009 1:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New test client for the test server

I definitely agree that there should be cutscenes, and using those, have better missions in preload. but i definitely disagree that this should be added into game. most of the gameplay is based on the fact that you have to turn around to slow down.

Author:  Kyrle [ Fri Nov 06, 2009 5:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New test client for the test server

For the longest time, I remember seeing admins say "A feature like this will NEVER be implemented". Then, as I played longer, I realized why a feature like this was so rejected. Now the admins want to add it in to make the game easier for newcomers? We don't have this now, and my 5 year old nephew can play just fine, and I don't mean just shooting asteroids and killin zebus. He plays a mid-high end monk and often heals for us on uber runs, and plays a mid level zerker killing BGs and Picks on his own. The entire time he's been playing, he MAY have lost 2-3 GG, if that (over 6+ months). The game is not too difficult, it just needs some proper explanation to the new people, as opposed to the "See the rat? Shoot the rat..." tutorials we have now.

I'm not saying I'm against the idea, or for it for that matter, I'm indifferent on the subject really. However, if the general concept is to make it more attractive for the newbies, I say its pretty pointless, and other steps should be taken to connect new players with the SS 'world', as has been suggested already.

Author:  Visorak [ Sat Nov 07, 2009 5:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New test client for the test server

When I first started I barely noticed not having reverse thrust. I lived without it.

Sawtooths are entirely useless now, you only need to wait until they get behind you, and stop. If you don't want to get rid of it, then make engine grems also affect the brakes.

Author:  yugioh124 [ Sat Nov 07, 2009 7:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New test client for the test server

Kyrle wrote:
For the longest time, I remember seeing admins say "A feature like this will NEVER be implemented". Then, as I played longer, I realized why a feature like this was so rejected. Now the admins want to add it in to make the game easier for newcomers? We don't have this now, and my 5 year old nephew can play just fine, and I don't mean just shooting asteroids and killin zebus. He plays a mid-high end monk and often heals for us on uber runs, and plays a mid level zerker killing BGs and Picks on his own. The entire time he's been playing, he MAY have lost 2-3 GG, if that (over 6+ months). The game is not too difficult, it just needs some proper explanation to the new people, as opposed to the "See the rat? Shoot the rat..." tutorials we have now.

I'm not saying I'm against the idea, or for it for that matter, I'm indifferent on the subject really. However, if the general concept is to make it more attractive for the newbies, I say its pretty pointless, and other steps should be taken to connect new players with the SS 'world', as has been suggested already.

5 year olds on SS, that explains a lot. :lol:

Seriously, though, isn't All chat a bit.......obscene for little kids?

Author:  crackaman [ Sat Nov 07, 2009 7:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New test client for the test server

yugioh124 wrote:
Seriously, though, isn't All chat a bit.......obscene for little kids?

I think little kids are a bit obscene for all chat.

Author:  Demiser of D [ Sat Nov 07, 2009 9:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New test client for the test server

Lol, yeah, seems like all chat gets less and less obscene the older the people on it are...

oh no! Theres an 18 year old saying "Shit" in all chat!

And at the same time, there is a 12 year old saying he's going to #@$# your $#%#@#'s %$^# if you dont #%&@ the $#%* up.


As for the topic of the topic, It seems like this could be a good feature...but not a player controlled one. All it takes to teach people how to use SS is a few good cutscenes, like various people said.

Where this WOULD be cool, would be places like dense nebulae and special gals. Currently, the only way to slow someone down in a nebula is to give them a 50% speed aura or something, which really just slows down the game rather than giving the impression of density. This could be ramped up inside a nebula, so you'd have to thrust constantly to get close to maximum speed. Which i think could be really cool for a new uber zone area.

Author:  saran [ Sun Nov 08, 2009 1:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New test client for the test server

i have to agree with many of the players here. i do not see a huge difference this will make, i would rather see a very in-depth tutorial with story so people understand whats to be done.

as far as all chat being obscene, ill talk to voom.

Author:  Market Forces [ Mon Nov 09, 2009 2:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New test client for the test server

Why not have an ap that doesn't back you into the next galaxy? One that actually steers
the ship. Think about it. This could make that possible.
Ap using a bit of braking action to slow you for the jump. A minor steering correction on the
other side and off you go instead of the idiotic full stop and go we currently have.
Remember, you can always NOT use the feature if you don't like it.
Got subspace anchors? Same thing really. Just easier to use.
I like the idea and will download test just so I can try it out.


Author:  LethalLoki [ Mon Nov 09, 2009 2:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New test client for the test server

I dont like the idea of space brakes... maybe reverse thrusters. Then again every time I hear brake I have flashbacks of being molested by sawtooths 100k out and still only down to half shields... I dont really care whether its put into the game or not, but a space brake? come on, add a little more creativity... Space anchor that grabs onto the fabric of of space/time? Much better :) I like that.

Author:  wzaerreazw [ Mon Nov 09, 2009 3:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New test client for the test server

Demiser of D wrote:
Where this WOULD be cool, would be places like dense nebulae and special gals. Currently, the only way to slow someone down in a nebula is to give them a 50% speed aura or something, which really just slows down the game rather than giving the impression of density. This could be ramped up inside a nebula, so you'd have to thrust constantly to get close to maximum speed. Which i think could be really cool for a new uber zone area.

Very nice lateral thinking, I like that idea.

I won't say yes, and I won't say no, because I haven't tested it. But I will say that a good explanation in the beginning would be better than any space anchor could ever be.

The game might be complicated, sure; but so is chess. Anybody can play chess if they know how the pieces work.

Author:  Bluejayek [ Tue Nov 10, 2009 5:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New test client for the test server

Demiser of D wrote:
Where this WOULD be cool, would be places like dense nebulae and special gals. Currently, the only way to slow someone down in a nebula is to give them a 50% speed aura or something, which really just slows down the game rather than giving the impression of density. This could be ramped up inside a nebula, so you'd have to thrust constantly to get close to maximum speed. Which i think could be really cool for a new uber zone area.

This is a cool idea... Could have a small effect for all of the cloud looking things. Would make the game more realiztic and make you have to pay attention a bit more. Please, Please, Please make the AP know about these and noit screw up every time u go thru nebula tho

Author:  thebattler35 [ Wed Nov 11, 2009 11:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New test client for the test server

Bluejayek wrote:
Demiser of D wrote:
Where this WOULD be cool, would be places like dense nebulae and special gals. Currently, the only way to slow someone down in a nebula is to give them a 50% speed aura or something, which really just slows down the game rather than giving the impression of density. This could be ramped up inside a nebula, so you'd have to thrust constantly to get close to maximum speed. Which i think could be really cool for a new uber zone area.

This is a cool idea... Could have a small effect for all of the cloud looking things. Would make the game more realiztic and make you have to pay attention a bit more. Please, Please, Please make the AP know about these and noit screw up every time u go thru nebula tho[/quote]

give us a dynamic AP that doesn't have to 0 your speed to make course adjustments, shouldn't be too hard to adjust heading and thrust on the fly

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