Star Sonata

Upcoming patch 18/8 -09
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Author:  jsn0X [ Thu Aug 20, 2009 1:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Upcoming patch 18/8 -09

NattoKillas wrote:
The Voomy One wrote:
Trade chat:
Starting next patch there will be a 3 minute timer in trade chat. So instead of one post every six lines you will now get one post every 3 minutes. This will hopefully make things easier for both players and chat mods.



The more hard coded chat rules there are, the better. Trade chat will actually be viewable now, not spammed with fucking PC's.

Author:  saran [ Thu Aug 20, 2009 3:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Upcoming patch 18/8 -09

Yoko_Kurama wrote:
Bluejayek wrote:
The Voomy One wrote:


Tech 20 Light Fighters:
Have been given better mining protection. (Because big targets are weak to mining small targets should be strong against mining)

Yes, lets nerf gunners vs sd's and have no class able to kill them.

Yeah, that didn't make any sense to me either. By combat classification, LFs should have the least "armor" of the ships in game. They're fast, nimble and have high-regen shields. It's hard enough to target and SD, let alone kill them.

SD is the most OP PvP class in the game, so you've made them even more OP? I don't get it.

get enough people bitch and it doesn't matter if their class can drag the moon around on a tractor beam or make Darth Vader look like Frank Sinatra in a skirt singing away mindlessly wile they are out pillaging.

still, my capshit is still somewhat useful against them..though why admins insist on constantly second guessing themselves is beyond me... either make a class to kill another or leave em be... there is a point where too much tweaking is involved. hell, the kinetic missile is almost a waste of time if it didn't keep the SD running has pathetic damage,speed and maneuverability.

now....someone work on the ass behe! costs less to make dreads then it does that ship and its hugely disadvantaged compared to it. switch it to capshit and give it slightly higher boosts to shields/energy.

aside from that. love the change. less work for mods ftw!

Author:  Danger [ Thu Aug 20, 2009 11:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Upcoming patch 18/8 -09


Author:  Mikkel [ Thu Aug 20, 2009 1:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Upcoming patch 18/8 -09

Danger wrote:

Author:  tiemie [ Thu Aug 20, 2009 1:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Upcoming patch 18/8 -09

Yoko_Kurama wrote:
Bluejayek wrote:
The Voomy One wrote:


Tech 20 Light Fighters:
Have been given better mining protection. (Because big targets are weak to mining small targets should be strong against mining)

Yes, lets nerf gunners vs sd's and have no class able to kill them.

Yeah, that didn't make any sense to me either. By combat classification, LFs should have the least "armor" of the ships in game. They're fast, nimble and have high-regen shields. It's hard enough to target and SD, let alone kill them.

SD is the most OP PvP class in the game, so you've made them even more OP? I don't get it.

everyone who is fairly good at its class can kill an sd

Author:  Donger [ Thu Aug 20, 2009 2:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Upcoming patch 18/8 -09

Danger wrote:

Author:  rand4505 [ Thu Aug 20, 2009 3:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Upcoming patch 18/8 -09

Yes When?

Author:  Sybir [ Thu Aug 20, 2009 4:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Upcoming patch 18/8 -09

its completly wrong way to go with sds, lfs kill hfs O_o wth

Author:  Sodomy [ Thu Aug 20, 2009 8:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Upcoming patch 18/8 -09

The Voomy One wrote:
Tech 20 Light Fighters:
Have been given better mining protection. (Because big targets are weak to mining small targets should be strong against mining)

This is a horrible idea... Gunners are one of the few things that can take down a SD, and still have trouble with it. Seriously, theres finally a conventional way to take down SDs ingame, and you have to nerf it nearly instantly? Fucking ridiculous. Yeah, lets give one class the best speed, a hull boost to 4 aug ships, the HIGHEST DPS MOD ingame, and then nerf anything that might be able to kill it... sad.

Author:  Trouser23 [ Thu Aug 20, 2009 10:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Upcoming patch 18/8 -09

Gunners really are the best foil to SDs, I would say leave resist as is or look into a way of implementing this change while not breaking SD vs Gunner combat.

Author:  Mofouler87 [ Fri Aug 21, 2009 3:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Upcoming patch 18/8 -09

or how about nerf SD's? its not like there majorly oped or anything :P

Author:  landswimmer [ Fri Aug 21, 2009 7:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Upcoming patch 18/8 -09

hey, can you also add in a tech 15 wep, that is insta hit, under 55 size, has 400 range and has 360degree tracking, and is not ethereal, and not energy laser or mining type damage?

because other classes REALLY need something to fight back against SDs, and im not sure about other classes, but for zerker, the only option for being able to beat SDs with ANYTHING close to a 50% success rate without a shmonk are jijis, and not everyone can get them because of the droprates, and the price.., or fit them, which really sucks ass because im fucking sick of losing 99% of the time to a SD who has a jiji and a gremcannon.. i have a set of plasmite lasers but they just dont have enough range or tracking

i dont care how you balance it, but there NEEDS TO BE ANOTHER ANTI SD WEP APART FROM JIJI.. everything else is either too big or has too short range/tracking....

Author:  NattoKillas [ Fri Aug 21, 2009 9:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Upcoming patch 18/8 -09

landswimmer wrote:
hey, can you also add in a tech 15 wep, that is insta hit, under 55 size, has 400 range and has 360degree tracking, and is not ethereal, and not energy laser or mining type damage?

because other classes REALLY need something to fight back against SDs, and im not sure about other classes, but for zerker, the only option for being able to beat SDs with ANYTHING close to a 50% success rate without a shmonk are jijis, and not everyone can get them because of the droprates, and the price.., or fit them, which really sucks ass because im fucking sick of losing 99% of the time to a SD who has a jiji and a gremcannon.. i have a set of plasmite lasers but they just dont have enough range or tracking

i dont care how you balance it, but there NEEDS TO BE ANOTHER ANTI SD WEP APART FROM JIJI.. everything else is either too big or has too short range/tracking....

Try Mzungu Mining Weapons.

Oh wait they're beefed Tech 20 LF's mining resists!.


Author:  SimonV2 [ Fri Aug 21, 2009 9:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Upcoming patch 18/8 -09

isnt rhino ray phys?

Author:  landswimmer [ Fri Aug 21, 2009 9:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Upcoming patch 18/8 -09

the mzungu mining weps are too big, the smallest is like 100 size, not enough range, and nowhere near enough damage to be useful.

the point is ther needs to be a weapon that can be used as a secondary and at the same time actually HIT an enemy..

maybe a minaturised version of the gigo laser with stats and buildcost adjusted for balance?

the rhino ray is also freighter only .. also the size and DPS are a little dissapointing....

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