Star Sonata

March 23rd 2009 - Dev Update 8
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Author:  Outcast [ Wed Mar 25, 2009 3:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: March 23rd 2009 - Dev Update 8

Currently there are like 15 teams able to do Bana.. Over pricing and camping won't happen. Simply because it can't, too many competitors for sales and the lockout system makes camping impossible. Too many people already have skills they shouldn't, noobs who contribute nothing to teams and the run itself, back when missions didn't exsist the skills where EARNED, now it has nothing to do with it, its just simply turn up, thats not right.

It won't be impossible for lower players to gain skills, so they my have to pay some cash to get a skill which unlocks the best gear in game, SO FUCKING WHAT? They should HAVE to do this, either that or alliegn themselves with a bigger team, or even try and kill Bana themselves.. Is possible and can be done, after all thats how bana was killed in the first place.

Author:  Demiser of D [ Wed Mar 25, 2009 6:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: March 23rd 2009 - Dev Update 8

Having to do a certain amount of damage to the uber doesn't work, because ubers are made for zerkers or engineers to tackle. SD's take on the spawn, Seers take on the spawn, Snipers die a lot... :roll:

Really, just going back to the old commod system seems like a reasonable solution to me.

Author:  tzenda [ Wed Mar 25, 2009 8:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: March 23rd 2009 - Dev Update 8

i think all T20 skills should be chain missions like the engines 20. Make it a lill tougher to get and over all funner. I actually really enjoyed the engines 20 mission even tho it pissed me off in the process.

Author:  Nuromishi [ Wed Mar 25, 2009 9:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: March 23rd 2009 - Dev Update 8

tzenda wrote:
i think all T20 skills should be chain missions like the engines 20. Make it a lill tougher to get and over all funner. I actually really enjoyed the engines 20 mission even tho it pissed me off in the process.

The Engine 20 mission is honestly WAY too easy. The course is too easy in itself, as well as is short, and the times are way too easy to make it in.

Author:  tzenda [ Wed Mar 25, 2009 11:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: March 23rd 2009 - Dev Update 8

Nuromishi wrote:
tzenda wrote:
i think all T20 skills should be chain missions like the engines 20. Make it a lill tougher to get and over all funner. I actually really enjoyed the engines 20 mission even tho it pissed me off in the process.

The Engine 20 mission is honestly WAY too easy. The course is too easy in itself, as well as is short, and the times are way too easy to make it in.

yea prolly if your SD, but not for a zerker. The first 8 rounds were pretty easy, only had frustration with the last two actually. So for other clases it prolly is way to easy.

Author:  Russell [ Thu Mar 26, 2009 12:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: March 23rd 2009 - Dev Update 8

The engine 20 skill is damn well impossible for my zerker. The only way it could be done was to change the class to SD. In my book that is unreasonable.

Frankly the mission is a pain in the backside. At my age i lack the manual dexterity to complete the mission in the time frame even using an SD and had to get a team-mate to do it for me.

As for tag alongs, if you are in a newbie team how do you have a difficult time getting into a bana run. In my experience newbies do their best to contribute firing their DWOs and firebeams at anything that moves and dying a lot as they dont get healed much. The "non-contributing" tag alongs are usually alts of higher level players.

The mission system is a logical progression and it works well.

Finally telling people to "shut the fuck up" just undemines your own credibility, I doubt many people read much more of that particular post.

Author:  Jester_Motley [ Thu Mar 26, 2009 8:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: March 23rd 2009 - Dev Update 8

Russell wrote:
The engine 20 skill is damn well impossible for my zerker. The only way it could be done was to change the class to SD. In my book that is unreasonable.

Frankly the mission is a pain in the backside. At my age i lack the manual dexterity to complete the mission in the time frame even using an SD and had to get a team-mate to do it for me.

With all due respect, you need no more manual dexterity to complete the missions than you do to play the rest of the game. And if lack that much dexterity, what are you doing even playing?

Sure, if you're just gonna race through the course straight forward without thought or imagination, then yeah, you need enough dexterity to pilot any speedy agile ship. But if you use some creativity, or communication skills, do some planning, you'll find the missions are easy for any class.

Try having a friend or two help out at certain points. Say, pre scooped keys, or pushing keys to you. And drifting along pre-marking the hard to spot gate, etc. Use tractors. Tweaks. I've done the missions for 4 classes now, and SD wasn't even the easiest.

Russell wrote:
As for tag alongs, if you are in a newbie team how do you have a difficult time getting into a bana run. In my experience newbies do their best to contribute firing their DWOs and firebeams at anything that moves and dying a lot as they dont get healed much. The "non-contributing" tag alongs are usually alts of higher level players.

The mission system is a logical progression and it works well.

The mission system _might_ have made sense with the old spawn rates. However even then, it's simply to easy to have several peeps sit in wing4's (or pods if they screw up) and get free skills. And now with no real waiting, and a saturated market, doing Bana is just another uber farming run, and anyone who want's to tag along for a free skill is welcome... Yeah, the commod system was restrictive, but it also _meant_ something to have weapons 20...

If they had just upped the respawn wait, it probably would have worked better, still keeping weapons 20 as meaningful, but more along the lines of Shields 20 use to be... Something you had to have some patience to get, but was immenantly attainable with patience and perserverence.

Author:  The Voomy One [ Thu Mar 26, 2009 9:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: March 23rd 2009 - Dev Update 8

The engine 20 skill is damn well impossible for my zerker. The only way it could be done was to change the class to SD. In my book that is unreasonable.

You couldnt be more wrong. Speed ~250 is all you need to make it. It's easy to make a ship with that speed for any class.

Author:  Outcast [ Thu Mar 26, 2009 10:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: March 23rd 2009 - Dev Update 8

Russell wrote:
The engine 20 skill is damn well impossible for my zerker. The only way it could be done was to change the class to SD. In my book that is unreasonable.

Frankly the mission is a pain in the backside. At my age i lack the manual dexterity to complete the mission in the time frame even using an SD and had to get a team-mate to do it for me.

As for tag alongs, if you are in a newbie team how do you have a difficult time getting into a bana run. In my experience newbies do their best to contribute firing their DWOs and firebeams at anything that moves and dying a lot as they dont get healed much. The "non-contributing" tag alongs are usually alts of higher level players.

The mission system is a logical progression and it works well.

Finally telling people to "shut the fuck up" just undemines your own credibility, I doubt many people read much more of that particular post.

lol, thats just my way of saying shit, no real harm intended. Plus, in all probability it probably entices people more so to read on, considering the amount of people who enjoy watching/being in an argument, especially a heated one.

Author:  Intelligent Design [ Thu Mar 26, 2009 11:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: March 23rd 2009 - Dev Update 8

"# AIs in wild space needs to be non aggro or they will suicide on bases.

* AIs don't suicide on bases unless they think they can beat it."

I too often see t0-6 bases beeing used as suit raisers in df 200+ gals, instead of the CA putting a lasting effort into it. They are obviously kill able by picks and what not so why don't they attack them? Personally I just find that if all you have to do is to drop a perma drone to turn the ai into sheep then it makes it very cheep to build in said df 200+. I would like to think that as you build deeper and deeper it becomes harder and harder to justify the larger abundance of commods, ruins, and tactically secure positions (from other hostile teams).

Author:  RIT_Wolf [ Thu Mar 26, 2009 12:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: March 23rd 2009 - Dev Update 8

Could someone look into the balance of the zebra spitter, it is supposedly the top lvl mining weapon but in reality is worse than the t14 excom, without mining control the stats are almost the same with just a few dps going to the zs however the horrible tracking more than negates that tiny advantage, with mining control the excom is much better than the zs for any use.

If it is in the balance sheets i think its power level needs to be raised.

Author:  MagicSteve [ Thu Mar 26, 2009 9:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: March 23rd 2009 - Dev Update 8

RIT_Wolf wrote:
Could someone look into the balance of the zebra spitter, it is supposedly the top lvl mining weapon but in reality is worse than the t14 excom, without mining control the stats are almost the same with just a few dps going to the zs however the horrible tracking more than negates that tiny advantage, with mining control the excom is much better than the zs for any use.

If it is in the balance sheets i think its power level needs to be raised.

Yes... please. I considered buying Zebra Spitters, then I was told they had been murdered.

Author:  AcidFlame [ Thu Mar 26, 2009 10:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: March 23rd 2009 - Dev Update 8

Add PVP flag for people's ships (You won't be able to attack a person or their combat slaves when the person is not plagged PvP, but you can still attack bases, perm drones, and trading slaves. Attacking any of those things will turn your PvP flag on, as well as attacking someone who is already PvP


What the fuck, so that means I can talk shit and run around ninjaing people or something, and they could not shoot/kill me because I will keep my PvP flag OFF?

Admins please tell me you aren't carebears

Author:  kunta [ Thu Mar 26, 2009 10:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: March 23rd 2009 - Dev Update 8

code it so only 2 people at a time in bana who have the mission open can be in the squad

Author:  trevor54 [ Fri Mar 27, 2009 3:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: March 23rd 2009 - Dev Update 8

Dear Admins, You continue to say that Termites are fine, Well There not, I had a fully augged,for Shield regen and Offensive status. I had a charger, i had it all, This is beyond stupid. There is just about 2 termite mounds in each of my gals. Never before have i ever had such a problem with termites. 15 Termites spwned in less than a 3 day period. Not in one gal no, In couple. I have never seen such a mess. And there damage? just stupid, on a SM char, Full achillies charger etc...Died. Great. So let me get this right, You Admins hate base builders? And you hate the fact we make money off bases, Well im sorry, Take it out of the game if thats such a big problem. So you beef Termites to just under god status, and you make bases just above Shit. See the problem? Keep going like this and ill be gone, You avoid Fixing energies, and now termite mounds. How do you expect paying customers? Really.

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