Star Sonata

HAL's January Update
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Author:  yugioh124 [ Sun Jan 11, 2009 1:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: HAL's January Update

Ok, EEW. You have already assraped my dreadnought with this rebalance, cutting my shields in HALF! Now, I will be taking far more damage than i usuaully do, and have a fraction of the shields I used to, in an already underused class. This is not to mention the severe hit that cap ship lasers took.........

Author:  Tregish [ Sun Jan 11, 2009 1:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: HAL's January Update

I'd love to test this out for myself instead of just reading the idea... but now the test server client doesn't match this server, so all i can do is dread the change.
Droners can't really sit on top of all 4 or 5 of their BFDs, so if they happen to be in a DG with MF picks, there's even MORE of a chance of 2-3 BFDs blowing up before they have a chance to turn around; though that is still a problem for me if I'm DGing with other people.

Author:  wdn68 [ Sun Jan 11, 2009 1:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: HAL's January Update

you say gal ownership is coming in next update i ask is next update in this uni or when uni resets, IE will it affect gal ownership of this uni.

Author:  btrbrian [ Sun Jan 11, 2009 2:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: HAL's January Update

I onley don't like the Droners part cus what purpose does the Charge drone has + also that aug nerf droners would be worthless ingame unless you boost the regen time alot higher. Think better about it before putting that in..

Author:  trevor54 [ Sun Jan 11, 2009 2:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: HAL's January Update

After testing again hal, it seems it does stack, Something must of happened before for me to get the reasoning they didnt stack, O well.

Author:  pip8786 [ Sun Jan 11, 2009 2:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: HAL's January Update

yugioh124 wrote:
Ok, EEW. You have already assraped my dreadnought with this rebalance, cutting my shields in HALF! Now, I will be taking far more damage than i usuaully do, and have a fraction of the shields I used to, in an already underused class. This is not to mention the severe hit that cap ship lasers took.........

What the hell are you on about? There is nothing finalized, its because of people like you making inflammatory posts like this that there is so much anger on the forums. People will read your post and assume that its the truth. Why don't you wait til things are set before you make such statements.

Gal ownership system will only start next uni since its so different then the current one.

Author:  LoneWolf [ Sun Jan 11, 2009 3:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: HAL's January Update

Seems to be alright but when exactly will this update be patched in?

And does this "drone update" include the ship tech must be => drone tech addition?

Author:  bank1 [ Sun Jan 11, 2009 3:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: HAL's January Update

pip8786 wrote:

Stooch, I really think you should give this update a chance. The number of new tactics available to the players will really enhance the gameplay in my opinion. Right now the gameplay is getting very stale since most players can just sit in one spot and shoot/watch their drones. With this there will be advantages to actually moving around a lot more. And for the Bana thing, something will definitely have to be figured out.

new tactics just cost alot of money, current tactics will be worse so everyone needs to spend lots of money again,

For someone like me i wont have anywhere near enough money for a new setup and so thats why i have canceled my sub,

if admins dont take something like that seriosly, think like a politition for every 1 complaint you get you should think that at least 10+ other people think the same way

Author:  The Voomy One [ Sun Jan 11, 2009 3:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: HAL's January Update

Im playing using a capital ship myself. I know how they perform and how they are in battle. I dont see how I will be taking anymore damage from this at all.
And Yugioh, go read all the information about the rebalance cause apparently you are one of those who havent understood a damn thing about it. You cant focus on numbers like you are doing. Yes you will have less shields but you will also take less damage.

new tactics just cost alot of money, current tactics will be worse so everyone needs to spend lots of money again,

In this case you will be able to use a lot of new tactics without changing your setup at all, and current tactics will not be effected. So your argument is totally flawed.

Seems to be alright but when exactly will this update be patched in?

With the rebalance next uni.

Author:  Battlecruiser23 [ Sun Jan 11, 2009 3:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: HAL's January Update

have you played my type of setup yet, voomy, and not Larry's tanker setup?

Author:  Uth Matar [ Sun Jan 11, 2009 5:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: HAL's January Update

IM actually suprised how good are admins explaining this news and how strongly they stand behind it . ofc voomy as always is short tempered but Congrats Admins even do i didnt understand half of what you said this is first time that you actually fill me with confidence .This will be a good thing im sure of it!

Wing4+ graphic!!!!

Author:  Max235 [ Sun Jan 11, 2009 5:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: HAL's January Update

We just need to be sure our scoutship won't be overflowing and that we'll still be able to fit achilles gear in our DF that kind of things.
I hope we'll be able to test.

As for the tactical update.
I think it have to be tested too. We can't say wether it's nice or not atm. but i imagine myself in a rosemary DG with a Vmag, with no way to focus one of them... not to mention how Catapults/excomms will be impossible to use...

Another question :
You promised us Special commods for colonies. what about that ? we only saw the useless space oats hydro BP and the usefull orbital habitats and the misterious Xiistation

Author:  lordranman [ Sun Jan 11, 2009 7:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: HAL's January Update

And this will really promote SD's more than there is. They are small can dodge and if they use say a Jiji there wont be a difference at all. But this is gunna make it almost impossible 2 lvl for low lvls especially DM's cuz the only way 2 heal ur drones up fast atm is scooping them except for the LvL 1k+'s that use Charge drones. From what i see the new updates are kinda cool, but they are really goingto make it alot harder for Low lvls 2 make money and LvL. For the Ubers who are alrdy uber not much will happen.

O and one question say u have 5 Titans you deploy 4 scoop one cuz it almost dies and redeploy one which one will you deploy the one you never deployed or the one you just saved?

Author:  Death-Warrant [ Sun Jan 11, 2009 8:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: HAL's January Update

lordranman wrote:
O and one question say u have 5 Titans you deploy 4 scoop one cuz it almost dies and redeploy one which one will you deploy the one you never deployed or the one you just saved?

Whichever drone has the greatest health will be deployed.

- DW

Author:  Raiyushi [ Sun Jan 11, 2009 8:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: HAL's January Update

HAL wrote:
There will be lots of new goodies for the next big patch.

Combat Mechanics
Weapon projectiles and laser beams will now hit any hostile target in their path. This will open up a whole new realm of combat possibilities, such as using a tanked capital ship to protect team mates in light fighters.

ROF, Pulse Gun Base!
ROF, Pulse Gun Base!
ROF, Pulse Gun Base!
ROF, Pulse Gun Base!
ROF, Pulse Gun Base!

That and I'd love to see how Seers will survive in wars now... Forget actually trying to find them, it's all about Spray n Pray!

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