Star Sonata

Changes to Cloaks/visibility
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Author:  Utumno [ Fri Jan 22, 2010 7:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Changes to Cloaks/visibility

Seer's Blinder:

low tech (T10) Seer only parasite weapon; obtainable in Glass Matrix.

The parasite Seer's Blindy Sauce has a half life of 30 secs and does -50% to radar;

Just try it on MF Reavers (do the same with a Parasitic Flare gun).

Author:  basebot [ Fri Jan 22, 2010 8:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Changes to Cloaks/visibility

To be honest.

I'd rather have the Psionic Wave Amplifiers fixed so they are 5,10 and 20 size to make a very good secondary wep *points at his support ticket which was answered 2months ago by "This will be fixed for next patch"*

Author:  Tarik [ Fri Jan 22, 2010 8:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Changes to Cloaks/visibility

I admit I have not really looked very closely at the Psionic Wave Amplifiers.

It appeared to me at first glance that even the Gamma is a terrible weapon with very little damage from the single shot you get...

Is there a secondary damage / effect given from this weapon that I don't know about?

Author:  Utumno [ Fri Jan 22, 2010 8:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Changes to Cloaks/visibility

The PWAx weaponry has their special grem.

I tried alll those out - the PWAG especially also in a couple of uber runs.

All in all all those weapons are a great design, with their range, tracking and ethrealness - for a Speed Demon.
Make a RoF Seer and you'll see that I mean.

For a Seer they're ... without a use in PvAI;
the PWAG was a nice idea when introduced .. but with the changes in the past its much better to bring any other type of alt along on an uber run and the effect in any DG is like 0 as the AIs anyway die too fast.

Author:  Tarik [ Fri Jan 22, 2010 9:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Changes to Cloaks/visibility

Exactly... a weapon designed for use by Seers is once again... better suited to SDs!

Seriously... SD's are just everywhere... same panthers, same augs, same weapons, same speed, same stealth same damage and ROF... Other classes just don't get a look in.

I think SD's are well overdue a nerfing ballance!!!


*Awaits the screams of terror from SDs!!! hehe :D

I went Sniper after they nerfed my Stealth DM Juju... but it was sadly broken... so I went the way of SD... and just felt like a sheep following the herd... so now I have gone Seer and I love it... but there just isn't anywhere near the correct range ow weapons across damage types...

We need 25 - 80 range high damage weapons across all energy types, not just Surg and NRG and longer range special effect weapons with 15 - 500 range across all damage types...

What do Admins think of this?

Author:  JeffL [ Fri Jan 22, 2010 2:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Changes to Cloaks/visibility

Yes, we do need to help Seer's a bit. I've talked to a couple high level Seer's already about their suggestions, but that is a slightly different topic.

Author:  Unideny [ Fri Jan 22, 2010 2:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Changes to Cloaks/visibility

As much as I hate admitting it. SD's can cloak pretty darn easily and wtf pwn a lot of crap if you aug them decently enough. Killing the stealthyness of SD's will kill the Speed Demon + Seer idea...Or we can make Drone Master + Fleet Controller ...That'll knock the socks off of folks.

Author:  bobbyj [ Fri Jan 22, 2010 6:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Changes to Cloaks/visibility

Unideny wrote:
As much as I hate admitting it. SD's can cloak pretty darn easily and wtf pwn a lot of crap if you aug them decently enough. Killing the stealthyness of SD's will kill the Speed Demon + Seer idea...Or we can make Drone Master + Fleet Controller ...That'll knock the socks off of folks.

stealthy SD are hell for me only 2 ways i can get a SD of my back is grem him or use a disruptor drone. i think stealthy sd r borken becouse as a sniper i cant c them from a distance and if i use the ping bug the V2 dosnt track at all -.-

but saying that if u try and do somthing with cloaks that could muck up speedy seers what use hera augs on thr ships thr normal speed is 200-250

Author:  Demiser of D [ Sat Jan 23, 2010 12:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Changes to Cloaks/visibility

The elec on the juju cloak is still a major problem. In essence, i can no longer fire and cloak at the same time.

Prior, the juju inbuilt elec was just enough to compensate for the cloak, now it's more than 3x that inbuilt elec...

Other than that, can we patch this in bloody soon? In collo today, i was seen from over 300 distance by pinging and switching in my super low vis juju. Broken, much?

Author:  saran [ Sat Jan 23, 2010 2:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Changes to Cloaks/visibility

Demiser of D wrote:
The elec on the juju cloak is still a major problem. In essence, i can no longer fire and cloak at the same time.

Prior, the juju inbuilt elec was just enough to compensate for the cloak, now it's more than 3x that inbuilt elec...

Other than that, can we patch this in bloody soon? In collo today, i was seen from over 300 distance by pinging and switching in my super low vis juju. Broken, much?

really old bug, not fixed yet...probably C2. Soon(TM)

i really think that is way too much elec on the cloak for the juju.. its tripled.. and i highly doubt its effectiveness is worth the cost.. why was that done to juju? is sniper getting less energy per shot or something i dont know about?

apparently they will power their cloak and thats about it. lol :lol:

Author:  Demiser of D [ Sat Jan 23, 2010 11:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Changes to Cloaks/visibility


Also, the ping and switch bug? Fixed for next patch. Yay! :D

Author:  Demiser of D [ Sat Jan 23, 2010 4:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Changes to Cloaks/visibility

One problem i've noticed is that the seige cata and stygian fist, despite the BP's taking sniper 19/20, STILL dont require Sniper 19/20 to use. So the seige cata is rather underpowered in relation to other similar tech catas.

Author:  Tarik [ Mon Jan 25, 2010 4:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Changes to Cloaks/visibility

Demiser of D wrote:
One problem i've noticed is that the seige cata and stygian fist, despite the BP's taking sniper 19/20, STILL dont require Sniper 19/20 to use. So the seige cata is rather underpowered in relation to other similar tech catas.

What does this have to do with cloak / stealth changes...?

Send a support ticket.

Author:  Demiser of D [ Mon Jan 25, 2010 12:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Changes to Cloaks/visibility

Voom merged the sniper topic and this one.

Author:  IonicRain [ Wed Jan 27, 2010 12:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Changes to Cloaks/visibility

As a seer using the equipment available I have to get close to my target to do any real damage, and have to be behind them. Once I shoot I have no real way to run away, tank the shots while my vis is high, grem my target so they cant turn and kill me, so being invisible is very important especially since -other than SD's- there is no class I will be 1-shooting. So after the vis spike when I take my 1 shot I need to be able to disapear to regen and setup the next shot. This is just about impossible with the current cloaks and vis system. In my mind a cloak needs to be able to limit the range of the vis spike so not everyone in the system can see me and take a pot shot at me, ever had 4 MF Reavers turn and kill you in 1.5 secconds of vis spike?

If you want to reduce the effectiveness of cloaks and invisibility (which are seer's main defensive system as well as their offensive system -getting in close-) then give them more speed so they can do hit and run a little.

just my thoughts...

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