Star Sonata

For next uni
Page 12 of 14

Author:  saran [ Wed Feb 10, 2010 3:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: For next uni

MS in a DG in Lunacy with a lockout. and the Assault (+) behe needs serious help too.

Author:  Comandor_J [ Wed Feb 10, 2010 5:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: For next uni

Add in a new wildspace gallaxy named "Seacow" please.... Thanks.

Author:  villiroth [ Wed Feb 10, 2010 8:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: For next uni

Comandor_J wrote:
Add in a new wildspace gallaxy named "SeaJai" please.... Thanks.


...oh, tweak crates too.

Author:  Bluejayek [ Thu Feb 11, 2010 7:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: For next uni

villiroth wrote:
Comandor_J wrote:
Add in a new wildspace gallaxy named "BlueJai" please.... Thanks.


...oh, tweak crates too.

tweak crates really need to go in..

I really would like if MS was in a dg off of lunacy as well.

Author:  thecrazygamemaster [ Sun Feb 14, 2010 6:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: For next uni

Idk if this has been brought up, but Drops. Too many, in too low DF

make it like a max of ten in p space at any time, and make them only go in df390+.

oh yeah and in uz, lower the spawn times except for ubers a ton. 30 mins waiting for lions to spawn is torture.

Author:  floflo02 [ Sun Feb 14, 2010 5:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: For next uni

Bluejayek wrote:
villiroth wrote:
Comandor_J wrote:
Add in a new wildspace gallaxy named "Flobluejai" please.... Thanks.


...oh, tweak crates too.

tweak crates really need to go in..

I really would like if MS was in a dg off of lunacy as well.


need more ubers for special gear and not ships

Author:  Tarik [ Mon Feb 15, 2010 4:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: For next uni

The Voomy One wrote:
We have started collecting information and making excel sheets for things that we need to sort out before we start next uni. This is currently mainly galaxies, uber AIs and normal AIs.

Is there anything concerning any of this that you feel should be changed. *Galaxy locations
*Galaxies owned/protected or not
*Uber Ai location
*Minor changes needed on any ubers
*Spawntime and lockout on ubers
*Location of normal AIs, too high or too low DF
*Too many or too few of some AIs

It would also help if you could post information on all current ubers such as their spawn point/which DG they are in, spawntime, lockout time. If you dont wish to share certain information with other players (such as spawnpoint, spawntime etc.) you can send me a PM instead.

Hi mate, could you please confirm one way or another if one of these "minor" changes to ubers includes a change in their Radiation resists from 0-60% to a standard 80% across the board, in effect making it so FCs can not solo any uber content?


Author:  villiroth [ Mon Feb 15, 2010 2:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: For next uni

Tarik wrote:
The Voomy One wrote:
We have started collecting information and making excel sheets for things that we need to sort out before we start next uni. This is currently mainly galaxies, uber AIs and normal AIs.

Is there anything concerning any of this that you feel should be changed. *Galaxy locations
*Galaxies owned/protected or not
*Uber Ai location
*Minor changes needed on any ubers
*Spawntime and lockout on ubers
*Location of normal AIs, too high or too low DF
*Too many or too few of some AIs

It would also help if you could post information on all current ubers such as their spawn point/which DG they are in, spawntime, lockout time. If you dont wish to share certain information with other players (such as spawnpoint, spawntime etc.) you can send me a PM instead.

Hi mate, could you please confirm one way or another if one of these "minor" changes to ubers includes a change in their Radiation resists from 0-60% to a standard 80% across the board, in effect making it so FCs can not solo any uber content?


Why? Some class's are meant to be better then others at different things. Not to mention none of the ubers were designed to hold up against the amount of fire power players bring now. Just wait until the new bana UZ for ai that are liable to negate FC's rad damage.

Just a year or so ago it took a decent sized squad to kill bana, now it can be 3 manned(ive heard 2 manned but never seen it). People need to stop yelling for beefs to ai and start yelling for new content(and a lvl cap).

Author:  Q4 [ Tue Feb 16, 2010 12:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: For next uni

There is a list of AI that I'm compiling that will have their rad resists tweaked to be in line with other resist. Before anyone whines consider that back when the AIs were made the rad weapons sucked so much that the 200% from radX made them sort of semi-usable.

Now that the weapons have been rebalanced and slaves get half the bonus of the master it's pretty damn broken. Being one of the oldest slave users in the game I have to say that FC is currently extremely broken.

The AI will be tweaked so that rad damage is still viable for all classes, but not instant win on FC. I'd also have the radX skill rebalanced but I don't know if Jeff wants to do that.

Author:  Demiser of D [ Tue Feb 16, 2010 12:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: For next uni

Will the Abscunditis be going in next universe?

Author:  The Voomy One [ Tue Feb 16, 2010 5:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: For next uni


I will try to get it added one way or another.

Author:  yugioh124 [ Tue Feb 16, 2010 5:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: For next uni

Q4 wrote:
There is a list of AI that I'm compiling that will have their rad resists tweaked to be in line with other resist. Before anyone whines consider that back when the AIs were made the rad weapons sucked so much that the 200% from radX made them sort of semi-usable.

Now that the weapons have been rebalanced and slaves get half the bonus of the master it's pretty damn broken. Being one of the oldest slave users in the game I have to say that FC is currently extremely broken.

The AI will be tweaked so that rad damage is still viable for all classes, but not instant win on FC. I'd also have the radX skill rebalanced but I don't know if Jeff wants to do that.

Rad weapons in general aren't broken, it's just the giga neutronia that is. Almost every other one has terrible DPS, which is why noone uses any others (besides emp ray, and rad cone when combined with lagrange skills).

Author:  Q4 [ Tue Feb 16, 2010 5:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: For next uni

yugioh124 wrote:
Q4 wrote:
There is a list of AI that I'm compiling that will have their rad resists tweaked to be in line with other resist. Before anyone whines consider that back when the AIs were made the rad weapons sucked so much that the 200% from radX made them sort of semi-usable.

Now that the weapons have been rebalanced and slaves get half the bonus of the master it's pretty damn broken. Being one of the oldest slave users in the game I have to say that FC is currently extremely broken.

The AI will be tweaked so that rad damage is still viable for all classes, but not instant win on FC. I'd also have the radX skill rebalanced but I don't know if Jeff wants to do that.

Rad weapons in general aren't broken, it's just the giga neutronia that is. Almost every other one has terrible DPS, which is why noone uses any others (besides emp ray, and rad cone when combined with lagrange skills).

Yes they are, because AI have no resists, shooting a giga neut for example will do the same mount of dps to a frog as an MD. With radX that's 2 MDs on a slave, and usually they are MFed. So it's actually 4. And other weapons are no better.

Author:  thecrazygamemaster [ Tue Feb 16, 2010 8:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: For next uni

only endgame setups have what you speak of, and as endgame setups, they are SUPPOSED to have endgame damage. stop whining about endgame fcs, and start about endgame gunners. or just dont whine at all.

Author:  longname [ Wed Feb 17, 2010 10:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: For next uni

thecrazygamemaster wrote:
only endgame setups have what you speak of, and as endgame setups, they are SUPPOSED to have endgame damage. stop whining about endgame fcs, and start about endgame gunners. or just dont whine at all.

I've seen a FC solo prince with goldenboy coin slaves, don't tell me that's an endgame setup?

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