Star Sonata

How to position Star Sonata?
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Author:  Rounder [ Fri Jul 22, 2011 8:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How to position Star Sonata?

Hrmm, not sure more thoughts on this are needed but anyways. To speak a little on the matter as I've played a few MMO RPGs to the top/high tier in the years I was away from SS, below is a positioning I thought up.

Please Note: Marketing objectives, environmental/competitive analysis, and other precursors wasn't set or done so I'm just going off the top of my head. As for slogans, couldn't think of any non-cheesey non-lame ones that highlight the positioning and strengths of SS.

"Star Sonata 2 is a new Sci-Fi MMO RPG developed by the tight-knit player-developer community of Star Sonata 1. For many years Star Sonata 1 has captured the attention of Sci-Fi fans by offering an incredibly extensive and intriguing universe to play in, and through meticulous development, Star Sonata 2 is all that and more. Unlike other space MMOs, Star Sonata 2's unique fast-paced combat system offers the thrill akin to an arcade shooter while also delivering exceptional game content."

Benefits of this Position:
Meets the specific market demand for a Sci-Fi game like EVE but more dynamic in terms of fast-paced PvAI PvP combat. And as far as I know there aren't any other MMO game that quite does this and are currently alive and running and could potentially create some 'buzz' in the gamer community.

Additional Stuff:
Given that in your post Jeff that you mentioned positioning against WoW and other fantasy based MMOs, I feel that given my interactions with the WoW playerbase and that there's not much in common between the two games the WoW players would be on a vast majority disinterested in SS. Also, positioning against fantasy based MMOs doesn't highlight the true strength of SS, that is the fast paced combat that WoW already has.

For specific advertising tactics, I think finding out where EVE-online advertises and adopt similar banner formats and broadcast hours should put our game to a higher assumed repute (much like the Pepsi to Coke incident to fame and how Macs position vs. PCs).

Overall I think this game has a lot of room to expand in the future given the promised and successful launch of C2. Our game after all is quite addicting and has survived for quite a few years and C2 makes the graphics bearable for the rest of the community holding out.

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