Star Sonata

May 27th, 2009 - Dev update 15
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Author:  TheKC [ Thu Jun 11, 2009 7:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: May 27th, 2009 - Dev update 15

i never got the point why you didnt say:
"t0 to t2 ship now also use 2 slots instead of 1" ??

woudl ahve been too easy ?

ok for those who dindt get it yet. Making a RC/2 slave amount restriction obviosly doesnt affect slaves that use more then 2 slots. For slaves using 2 slots that doest change a shit. and for slaves only using 1 slot it turns out as if theyd use 2 slots..

oo and for all you smart ass who now are eager to reply at this point with.. "bla bla.. you can still use with RC16 7 Herlgas (7 slots) and 1 T16Cap ship (8 slots) resulting in a 15 of 16 slots used cap and in 8 of 8 ships used.." my simple reply woudl be.

Dont forget we talk about lowby peeps using swarms.. and fue to the cap you took into consideration we talk about t0 -t2 slaves.

So by sticking to the original problem here a question.. is it really that much harder for lowbies to build working t3-t4 slave setups ? well since i played most of the setups.. BST & cruiser.. no its not and they still decently pwn forgones lol

Author:  TheKC [ Thu Jun 11, 2009 7:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: May 27th, 2009 - Dev update 15

sometimes i wonder what takes so long to come up with so crapy solutions lol ..

Author:  Voomy [ Thu Jun 11, 2009 7:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: May 27th, 2009 - Dev update 15

Yeah cause if you where a admin it would all get done within a hour :roll:

Author:  TheKC [ Thu Jun 11, 2009 12:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: May 27th, 2009 - Dev update 15

my statement was defintly triggering the solution not the time it took to implement it .. anyways.. well i for mysefl personally like having the option to use 23 Trade and Combat slaves.. and im defintly not lvl 100 or 300 anymore.. and i cant expect ur solution has a backdoor for the lvl 1k+ players so our slots increase to its full capacity again , can I ?

And to that comment of Voomy .. emoving the tractor from a BS took 2 hours.. fixing Energizing beam and Energizing beem prototype is still at a.. 9 months state now iirc lol

Author:  floflo02 [ Sun Jun 14, 2009 3:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: May 27th, 2009 - Dev update 15

how to fix swarming on slaves less than tech 10: tech x 2 = max tech of equipable items (up to max t10, so if you have tech 8 and 9 slaves you cannot equip tech 16 and 18 gear etc)

Author:  Visorak [ Sun Jun 14, 2009 10:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: May 27th, 2009 - Dev update 15

floflo02 wrote:
how to fix swarming on slaves less than tech 10: tech x 2 = max tech of equipable items (up to max t10, so if you have tech 8 and 9 slaves you cannot equip tech 16 and 18 gear etc)

This is barely different from the original idea the admins came up with. RC/2 = max number of combat slaves is STILL a better idea.

Author:  Market Forces [ Wed Jun 17, 2009 6:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: May 27th, 2009 - Dev update 15

About the slave equipment debate.

Lets apply this same equipment level to bases.
Imagine T6 bases with T16 weps, shields, power and tweaks.
Broken, right? So this is, in my opinion, a good move.
Yeah, making an uber t0 ship is a challenge. More so now.
I have no doubt someone will stumble upon a new setup and it will be business as usual. That is, after all, what this player base is best at.
I haven't tried to build speedy slaves for a long haul route yet. I can see how some changes will have to be made to some setups. The augs used currently won't be affected, just the gear. I would imagine that after a few days of tweaking the speed slaves will be up and running. I also think that sleek modded gear will be at a premium price level.

About the slave slot limitation. As long as it isn't applied to trade slaves it should be ok. Swarms will exist, just smaller. After reading all this I'm wishing I'd gone the swarm route instead of with sustained firepower. I don't pwn forgys. The gear I'm using is the major factor in that. But maybe i'll try some swarms in the coming week. Should be fun.

I've read the whole thread and I have come to the conclusion that the only players that will see much impact are the swarmers. Overall, I think this is a fairly decent compromise. My style of play will see no impact at all as long as the trade slave slots remain untouched. I think that will hold true for the majority of players.

Lets keep our fingers crossed and hope that this works as intended.

Now, a question. Will these changes go into effect with the June 27th reset or will this be in c2?


Author:  Dorin Nube [ Sat Jun 27, 2009 7:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: May 27th, 2009 - Dev update 15

Market Forces wrote:
About the slave equipment debate.

Lets apply this same equipment level to bases.
Imagine T6 bases with T16 weps, shields, power and tweaks.
Broken, right?

That's just silly. Low tech ships have other limitations, like hullspace, speed, resists, and all the rest of it. The only difference between a T0 base and a T20 base is the kind of gear you can put on it, besides the fact that high tech bases are actually much more vulneralbe to low tech ones. So, no, finding a way to cram high tech gear into a low tech slave is definitely not the same as putting high tech gear on a low tech base.

Author:  The Creator [ Sat Jun 27, 2009 7:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: May 27th, 2009 - Dev update 15

I've got a question..
Sorry, but i'm german and i dont understand "hard cap".. what's that? Please explain it to me (or tell in german). Thanks

Author:  longname [ Sat Jun 27, 2009 8:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: May 27th, 2009 - Dev update 15

The Creator wrote:
I've got a question..
Sorry, but i'm german and i dont understand "hard cap".. what's that? Please explain it to me (or tell in german). Thanks

Es heißt, dass du nicht mehr haben kannst, obwohl es eigentlich möglich sein könnte

Author:  The Creator [ Sat Jun 27, 2009 8:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: May 27th, 2009 - Dev update 15

Thanks, I understand now.

Author:  monster543210 [ Sat Jun 27, 2009 12:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: May 27th, 2009 - Dev update 15

Remove black screen of death when minimizing

Allow adjustable graphic settings

Allow slave commands to be "Macroed" and saved so when capping infernos i dont have to set it up all again if i relog.

Do these three things and i will be happy :P

Author:  Visorak [ Sat Jun 27, 2009 12:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: May 27th, 2009 - Dev update 15

monster543210 wrote:
Fix black screen of death when minimizing

Allow adjustable graphic settings

Allow slave commands to be "Macroed" and saved so when capping infernos i dont have to set it up all again if i relog.

Do these three things and i will be happy :P

Yes, we'll just remove that black screen of death, no problem! No problem at all!


I'm 94.3421% sure all 3 of those will be done in c2.

Author:  yugioh124 [ Sun Jun 28, 2009 9:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: May 27th, 2009 - Dev update 15

What the FUCK? Admins clearly said that there would be no gear tech limit added, since everyone realized how stupid it was. Now, there is a gear tech limit in-game. Why the hell was this put in after it was decided against?

Author:  Visorak [ Sun Jun 28, 2009 9:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: May 27th, 2009 - Dev update 15

yugioh124 wrote:
What the FUCK? Admins clearly said that there would be no gear tech limit added, since everyone realized how stupid it was. Now, there is a gear tech limit in-game. Why the hell was this put in after it was decided against?

What? Really? And I though someone also said the RC/2 limit was not put in like was agreed upon... Whats going on here?

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