Star Sonata

May 27th, 2009 - Dev update 15
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Author:  rand4505 [ Sat May 30, 2009 8:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: May 27th, 2009 - Dev update 15

Trouser23 wrote:
i guess the billions spent on the gear dont count...

really a limit on the number of combat slaves makes so much more sense.

and besides that what do you consider a swarm? obviously zebu+ ships come to mind, but what about vazaha prototypes? are people going to be limited to the style of FC that has cap ship slaves that launch fighters?

Speed demons and zerkers use end game gear so now FCs that don't want 2 or 4 slaves are going to be limited to noob gear?

*suggestion for actual fix. Give the bonuses to slaves a law of diminishing returns. So that if you have a low number of combat slaves they receive full bonuses, but as you increase the number of slaves each slave will receive less of a bonus. So just for kicks say 4 slaves get +50% damage each where 18 slaves only get +25% damage each. It still makes swarms a viable option but gets rid of the brokeness.

This is a much better solution than what the devs are proposing.

P.S. I am really getting pissed with the way the nerfing merry-go-round is happening in this game

Author:  PaperTiger [ Sat May 30, 2009 8:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: May 27th, 2009 - Dev update 15

I would like to point out that every single idea that was brought up here, has been thought of and discussed by us during the Monday meeting. In the end we decided to start off with a combat slave cap of RC/2 and see if that works.

Author:  rand4505 [ Sun May 31, 2009 10:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: May 27th, 2009 - Dev update 15

If you do these changes you need to make the auras affect cap ship slaves again.

Author:  bubba [ Mon Jun 01, 2009 12:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: May 27th, 2009 - Dev update 15

Hey pip, are you going to buy a Chevy now ???

I have to agree with my fellow posters, the attemps to balance the game have been far from optimal so far...and trying to fix one end will continue to open two more things that "need fixing" each time...

in the end you will need to fix the record for your player count in your DB...

Author:  pip8786 [ Mon Jun 01, 2009 1:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: May 27th, 2009 - Dev update 15

bubba wrote:
Hey pip, are you going to buy a Chevy now ???

I have to agree with my fellow posters, the attemps to balance the game have been far from optimal so far...and trying to fix one end will continue to open two more things that "need fixing" each time...

in the end you will need to fix the record for your player count in your DB...

First off, what are you talking about? Secondly, as I've never seen a constructive post from you with well thought out sentences, how do I know I should listen to you? Third, our number of players is going up constantly, especially since the rebalance.

Author:  gunner2476 [ Mon Jun 01, 2009 1:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: May 27th, 2009 - Dev update 15

pip8786 wrote:
[Players were asking if demolishing your HQ, then laying it next to your enemy and using the ownership system to lay siege bases in your enemy territory is considered to be an exploit.] - For this we came up with a new system for war and BvB, which will be made public in a separate post as soon as the details are ironed out. The above will be considered an exploit until those changes are made. Thanks for your understanding.

Do we have an ETA for this information Pip?

Author:  pip8786 [ Mon Jun 01, 2009 1:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: May 27th, 2009 - Dev update 15

gunner2476 wrote:
pip8786 wrote:
[Players were asking if demolishing your HQ, then laying it next to your enemy and using the ownership system to lay siege bases in your enemy territory is considered to be an exploit.] - For this we came up with a new system for war and BvB, which will be made public in a separate post as soon as the details are ironed out. The above will be considered an exploit until those changes are made. Thanks for your understanding.

Do we have an ETA for this information Pip?

Today after the meeting it should be settled.

Author:  Kamikaze [ Tue Jun 02, 2009 8:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: May 27th, 2009 - Dev update 15

Edit (misunderstood the nerf).... FC POWA!

Author:  rand4505 [ Tue Jun 02, 2009 8:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: May 27th, 2009 - Dev update 15

Kamikaze wrote:
You cannot be seriouse? RC/2? Thats the best the dev team could come up with?

Dev Meeting:

'Hey fellas its nerfing time, this weeks victim is FC, any ideas?'
'i know why dont we divide RC by 2?'
'Sounds simple enough, and not much work :D , that's settled then'
''see you next week, oh and fyi next week's nerf victim is SD, maybe we gotta do sumt about those gunners too'...

I am getting sick and tired quite frankly of these knee-jerk reactions each time a class seems to be getting too powerful or popular. The problem with FC is not the fact that we have too many combat save slots, it was the swarms and the effectiveness of rad waepons, especially against UZ ai which have O rad resists. Couldn't you see that the common denomintor with all the powerful FC's was the effectiveness of rad weapons?! Deadbead, SOD and also the non swarmers (like myself) all use rad for dps. I cant believe the admins even considered this idea as a viable option.

Did you even consider that billions spent on gearing ships and the insane time and money spent on slave research would now become almost obsolete? My BC's have a 15b ish setup each and now your telling me i gotta leave one parked all the time? A maximum cap on the number of slaves ie 10, and a reduction in rad damage bonus would have been a much better solution (5% instead of 10% per radex level for example).

Every time players put time and effort in becoming stronger, rather than being rewarded for their commitment we get the nerf stick. IMO the devs feel there are balancing issues each time players seem to progress too quickly, and the fact is that in SS it has become way too easy to progress. It may have been harder in the past but things have changed, powerful items considered rare in the past are readily available, the ability and methods of making money quickly have become too well known and widespread, the accumalation of knowledge and development of many powerful teams have all had the effect of increasing the rate of player progression.

I guess what i am trying to say is that, i agree things need to become more diffucult, but dont punish players in such a drastic manner each time we try and become the best we can be. Its like spending months revising for math and then having to sit a science paper, and i for one am sick of seeing my hard work go down the drain. Yes there are times where adjusments and balances need to be implemented, but it should be conducted in a manner that gives the least disruption to us the paying customer.

/agreed the radx reduction would work best imo

Author:  pip8786 [ Tue Jun 02, 2009 8:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: May 27th, 2009 - Dev update 15

Kamikaze wrote:
You cannot be seriouse? RC/2? Thats the best the dev team could come up with? ...

We brought in a player to discuss changes (Sodomy, the one who broke the swarms the worse) and found a solution that he thought would work without harming the rest of the class. Not a knee jerk reaction at all.

Author:  Kamikaze [ Tue Jun 02, 2009 8:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: May 27th, 2009 - Dev update 15

Ok now i'm confused, ive just been on all chat with deadbeat and some others and apparently after the nerf i can still use two EFBC slaves? It will just limit the swarmers to max ships = RC/2 ? Please Confirm Pip, thanks.

Author:  longname [ Tue Jun 02, 2009 8:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: May 27th, 2009 - Dev update 15

Kamikaze wrote:
Ok now i'm confused, ive just been on all chat with deadbeat and some others and apparently after the nerf i can still use two EFBC slaves? It will just limit the swarmers to max ships = RC/2 ? Please Confirm Pip, thanks.

I very much doubt that 2 slaves is considered a swarm

Author:  theblaster [ Tue Jun 02, 2009 8:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: May 27th, 2009 - Dev update 15

longname wrote:
Kamikaze wrote:
Ok now i'm confused, ive just been on all chat with deadbeat and some others and apparently after the nerf i can still use two EFBC slaves? It will just limit the swarmers to max ships = RC/2 ? Please Confirm Pip, thanks.

I very much doubt that 2 slaves is considered a swarm

Yeh you completely misread that... the RC/2 determines the number of combat slaves you can have out fighting. If you have RC 18 then RC18/2 allows you to have a max of 9 combat slaves. In other words people will have 9 helgas, volcoms or w/e, intstead of 18.

Author:  Kamikaze [ Tue Jun 02, 2009 8:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: May 27th, 2009 - Dev update 15

Ok my bad, thanks for clarifying.

Author:  TheKC [ Thu Jun 11, 2009 7:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: May 27th, 2009 - Dev update 15

wow DM got nerfed and player adjusted to the next best option to lvl easyly. so be it then! what will ya nerf next ? i hope Zerker they also engdgame overpowered. and after it.. dunno.. how about speed demons.. most of the Ais cant hit them! just imagine that. and yeah ive seen a lvl 150 SP with a stupid infernal aug setup on a Hot Mage also kill forgones! no wait that was me ;D

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