Star Sonata

Low level base kits
Page 8 of 13

Author:  JeffL [ Wed Oct 27, 2010 6:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Low level base kits

OK, we had a meeting and the following is what we are going to be implementing and patching into this uni when it's done (think a week to a month away at least):

- Add 2 base slots per gal for a team for every owned galaxy they have bordering
- For owned galaxies, limit the number of bases for other teams based on the number of bordering owned galaxies. (That means that even if the owning team only has 10 bases there, the attackers only get the slots they get from bordering and no more. There is zero incentive to fill the slots.)
- Add a check for transferring and capping bases for the galaxy slots. (If attackers want to cap a base, they have to have room in their own slots for that base.)
- When a player is trying to join a team, check to make sure the number of team bases in any galaxy wouldn't exceed the limit.
- Make any bases that exceed the gal limit and are no longer allowed to be there because there aren't any neighboring owned galaxies become abandoned. As long as there's at least one bordering owned gal, that team can keep their bases there. (If you start laying bases for BvB, the defenders can go and take out your bordering gal, thus cutting off and destroying your offensive bases.)
- Add the number of slots that a kit takes to the base kit item description
- Add a message when you deploy a base to tell you how many slots you have
- Add a /baseslots command to tell you how many slots you have

So, one thing to note is that the bordering bases only applies in layers where you can own galaxies. In w0, you can't do this, so potentially teams can fill up a w0 gal with 25 bases and leave no slots. But I feel that because destroyed bases no longer take slots, it's OK, because attackers can kill one base, then lay a base of their own. Makes BvB in w0 quite different, but still doable.

Edit: Removed the thing about tech 0 and tech 3 bases.

Author:  Markoz [ Wed Oct 27, 2010 6:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Low level base kits

I would be happy to pay extra for more base slots account wide, than make a whole new other account just for that purpose...

edit: aww nvm, posting before meh! :wink:

- Add a /baseslots command to tell you how many slots you have

That's brilliant I can check now how many base slots now, been wanting this for ages! great work dev team :D

Can't wait for this to be done!

Author:  Uth Matar [ Wed Oct 27, 2010 6:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Low level base kits

And w0 has real good connectivity so even do it is really annoying to do you can always go around . I like it ! Thx Jeff!

Author:  Dorin Nube [ Wed Oct 27, 2010 8:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Low level base kits

JeffL wrote:
- Add a /baseslots command to tell you how many slots you have

This is sweet. I made an excel calculator for this and it works pretty well, but I never figured out exactly whether you round up, down, or to the nearest whole number on some things, so it had potential errors when you got down to only having a couple slots left. Please don't forget to make it show account slots remaining as well as character slots.
JeffL wrote:
- make tech 0 and 3 kits take the same slots as a tech 6 kit

What is the reasoning for this? As you said, the other changes leave no incentive for spamming base kits.

Author:  trevor54 [ Wed Oct 27, 2010 8:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Low level base kits

There is zero incentive to fill the slots.)

make tech 0 and 3 kits take the same slots as a tech 6 kit


Sometimes I just don't get it. Anyone care to explain?

And no, I do not use any kits but tech 12 and higher so I am not complaining because I use them, I am complaining because there is not a single logical thing about this.

Either remove them or give us more slots, this is getting out of hand. Guess next uni we will be looking at another 50% reduction on our base slots.

Well hooch, looks like were going to A) Need more accounts or B) Cancel subs...

And I will not get anymore accounts.

Author:  Dorin Nube [ Wed Oct 27, 2010 9:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Low level base kits

By the way, Mr. L, I still really like the idea of those drones that let you PvB the gal with 24 hours notice.

The new slots rule will still allow "sneak attacks" through BvB, but can we have the PvB drones as well?

Author:  wdn68 [ Wed Oct 27, 2010 9:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Low level base kits

Like to see a situ where you don't need a math degree to work out how many base slots you have

why not make it bordering team can deploy a STM base in a gal even if gal cap has been reached said base is instant aggro and deployed maybe under war conditions only....

Author:  Ricoh [ Wed Oct 27, 2010 9:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Low level base kits

OK, we had a meeting and the following is what we are going to be implementing and patching into this uni when it's done (think a week to a month away at least):

- Add 2 base slots per gal for a team for every owned galaxy they have bordering
- For owned galaxies, limit the number of bases for other teams based on the number of bordering owned galaxies. (That means that even if the owning team only has 10 bases there, the attackers only get the slots they get from bordering and no more. There is zero incentive to fill the slots.)
- Add a check for transferring and capping bases for the galaxy slots. (If attackers want to cap a base, they have to have room in their own slots for that base.)
- When a player is trying to join a team, check to make sure the number of team bases in any galaxy wouldn't exceed the limit.
- Make any bases that exceed the gal limit and are no longer allowed to be there because there aren't any neighboring owned galaxies become abandoned. As long as there's at least one bordering owned gal, that team can keep their bases there. (If you start laying bases for BvB, the defenders can go and take out your bordering gal, thus cutting off and destroying your offensive bases.)
- Add the number of slots that a kit takes to the base kit item description
- Add a message when you deploy a base to tell you how many slots you have
- Add a /baseslots command to tell you how many slots you have
- make tech 0 and 3 kits take the same slots as a tech 6 kit

So, one thing to note is that the bordering bases only applies in layers where you can own galaxies. In w0, you can't do this, so potentially teams can fill up a w0 gal with 25 bases and leave no slots. But I feel that because destroyed bases no longer take slots, it's OK, because attackers can kill one base, then lay a base of their own. Makes BvB in w0 quite different, but still doable.

No idea who ur having ur meetings with.....but u all go no idea bout bvb :-P

P.S.: PM me for proper bvb input....

Author:  rand4505 [ Wed Oct 27, 2010 9:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Low level base kits

Clearly the sarcasm of my earlier post was not picked up on. Because I don't want to believe the other choice.

Author:  trevor54 [ Wed Oct 27, 2010 9:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Low level base kits

why not make it bordering team can deploy a STM base in a gal even if gal cap has been reached said base is instant aggro and deployed maybe under war conditions only....

When Jeff implements his post, this will be possible. Each boarding team gets +2 slots on the gal. Probably have to be at war to get these..

Author:  Ricoh [ Wed Oct 27, 2010 10:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Low level base kits

When Jeff implements his post, this will be possible. Each boarding team gets +2 slots on the gal. Probably have to be at war to get these..

and have EF / SP bvb more n00b teams? thats not the way SS should b heading

besides....takes ~100m to build a gal that u cant take without at least 1 ada t20

Author:  trevor54 [ Wed Oct 27, 2010 10:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Low level base kits

Ricoh wrote:
When Jeff implements his post, this will be possible. Each boarding team gets +2 slots on the gal. Probably have to be at war to get these..

and have EF / SP bvb more n00b teams? thats not the way SS should b heading

besides....takes ~100m to build a gal that u cant take without at least 1 ada t20

Glad to have your helpful input on this topic...oh wait...

Author:  rand4505 [ Wed Oct 27, 2010 10:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Low level base kits

LN stop posting while drunk, no one can understand you.

Author:  Ricoh [ Wed Oct 27, 2010 10:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Low level base kits

Glad to have your input on this topic...oh wait...

corrected that 4 u aswell....

Author:  Ricoh [ Wed Oct 27, 2010 10:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Low level base kits

LN stop posting while drunk, no one can understand you.

im not naturally english speaking-but my grammar aint that bad?
just....these suggestions are a joke in my opinion :-P

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