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Changes to Psionic Wave Amplifiers
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Author:  JeffL [ Tue Feb 02, 2010 2:19 am ]
Post subject:  Changes to Psionic Wave Amplifiers

Any Seer's object to me changing the Psionic Wave Amplifier line of weapons from 360 degrees to 20 degree firing arc (making them way smaller) and changing their recoil to be 4-6 seconds (making their damage/shot way higher)?

I'm adding several other new Seer weapons as well and giving Seer's +20% damage with ethereal weapons.

Author:  villiroth [ Tue Feb 02, 2010 3:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Changes to Psionic Wave Amplifiers

The change with the PWA's sounds great, those things are too damn big anyway and seer's dont need all that tracking imo and anything to make them solo combat useful ("way higher" damage per shot) would be great.

The +20% to ethereal weapons sounds good in theory but unless these new seer only weapons are ethereal it wont be taken advantage of.

Author:  Tarik [ Tue Feb 02, 2010 3:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Changes to Psionic Wave Amplifiers

I think that changing PWAs is a great start and your plans seem to be good to me.

What other weapons do you have in mind? IMO we need more variation in our short range / High damage weapons... ie at present its pretty much the MD and PPF (Energy & Surgical)... I think we need a Radiation, Physical and Mining high damage short range weapon... similar in nature to the PPF rather than the MD.

Author:  JeffL [ Tue Feb 02, 2010 3:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Changes to Psionic Wave Amplifiers

So far I'm adding high damage, high recoil, shortish range, and ethereal fire and mining lasers.

The reason you want short range is just so they are smaller and more powerful, right? There's not any other reason, is there?

Author:  villiroth [ Tue Feb 02, 2010 3:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Changes to Psionic Wave Amplifiers

Pay no mind to the man with the insatiable love for the obnoxious range on the pfang.

Author:  yugioh124 [ Tue Feb 02, 2010 6:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Changes to Psionic Wave Amplifiers

Um, the point of PWA weapons is to debuff your enemy, not to do damage. When they were added, they did no damage, someone just decided it should during the rebalance. Decreasing size is great, but increasing recoil just means you can't debuff as often, and that's what the weapon is really for.

Author:  basebot [ Tue Feb 02, 2010 6:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Changes to Psionic Wave Amplifiers

Honestly, I'd leave them as they are, but decrease their size by a lot.

It's not about the damage, not at all. It's about the debuff that you give to your enemy, and without any tracking on it you'd have to focus on hitting it properly... I think it's supposed to be like... you fire a type of the PSA, then fire a couple of hits from your normal weapon, then PSA again. for a continuous debuff to your enemy. Removing the 360 degree tracking would screw them up.

So yes, I object to this PSA change.

Author:  thebattler35 [ Tue Feb 02, 2010 6:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Changes to Psionic Wave Amplifiers

The PSAs aren't really a damage based weapon as dia explained.

I agree with the tracking change for reducing the size. But disagree with the increased recoil for more damage, unless you can make the damage actually useful (i.e. not much less than a pfang) but if you cant do that then any damage increase is useless since they are really just debufff weps.

But nice to see these things being looked into.

Author:  tiemie [ Tue Feb 02, 2010 7:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Changes to Psionic Wave Amplifiers

theyre debuff weapons, why the hell would you want damage on them anyway?

i'd say remove all the damage, leave the tracking, range, and recoil as it is, and decrease the size by lots

Author:  Utumno [ Tue Feb 02, 2010 6:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Changes to Psionic Wave Amplifiers

The changes sounds promising;

JeffL wrote:
So far I'm adding high damage, high recoil, shortish range, and ethereal fire and mining lasers.

They should be beam type weapons, not bullet and in no case multi-bullet weapons. The rest sounds great.

JeffL wrote:
The reason you want short range is just so they are smaller and more powerful, right? There's not any other reason, is there?

Short range is mainly to max dam per shot (balance sheet) but also to keep Seer interesting - if you use a Seer with 400+ range (and tracking) it gets easily boring.

PWAB and PWAG (nobody will ever use PWAA) need a decrease in size;
Unfortunately that won't help really those weapons to get used more often (I've tried them several times in the past on runs and compared it to what happens if I bring any other type of alt along).
So actually give it a try - if it works out the better - if not we'll be about the same we are now.

Author:  basebot [ Wed Feb 03, 2010 12:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Changes to Psionic Wave Amplifiers

I use them.

And I will use them on my Seer when I can fit one.

Author:  Tarik [ Wed Feb 03, 2010 3:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Changes to Psionic Wave Amplifiers

Nope, I think that they require huge reduction in size, prolongation of the secondary effect and I think they need to do some damage, but again, only if you ambush, otherwise they should do very little damage.

Author:  bobbyj [ Wed Feb 03, 2010 9:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Changes to Psionic Wave Amplifiers

JeffL wrote:
So far I'm adding high damage, high recoil, shortish range, and ethereal fire and mining lasers.

1shoting DM pax's wooot??

also u my want 2 think about changing Htorax and swanmaker ^^

Author:  basebot [ Wed Feb 03, 2010 11:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Changes to Psionic Wave Amplifiers

We're already able to 1shot DM paxes :p

Author:  IonicRain [ Wed Feb 03, 2010 4:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Changes to Psionic Wave Amplifiers

I agree that PWA weapons would be most useful for seers if they were small, caused a debuff and did no damage. When I did use them they were mainly used as pot-shots at ai while i was re-positioning for an ambush with a v-jack or some such.
I would compare the PWAs with other parasite weaps, tactically useful but not a weapon for dps and therefore should be small.

I absolutly love the idea for more short range, high damage, high recoil weapons of different damage types, would make the seer able to level off of things other than reavers.

Any weap designed for seer should be beam in nature as pulse and multi-shot weapons are much harder to hit with and dont always get the ambush bonus to each shot.

And please keep in mind that the higher the rof of the weapon the more vulnerable the seer is to the enemy, ATL is a fun weapon but unless you dont care about stealth it's rate of fire is not helpful.

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