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China buying up rare earth materials
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Author:  Griffin [ Sun Feb 12, 2012 9:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: China buying up rare earth materials

How could any of this possibly be unrelated to the topic? Glenn Beck is a complete bigot. And how the fuck could it possibly be appropriate to ask a fucking senator is he's a spy for Muslims! What the fuck. That's like if a Jew was elected senator, him asking if he was a spy for Israel. Religion does not mean that a person is a part of radical organization. He's a fucking dick.

And how could any of this be "out of context"? He's absolutely rude to anyone who is not a white conservative Christian, he truly is a representation of unprogressive, biggoted, conservative bullshit.

Not only that, but you think that donating to people who are the heads of corporations with CEO's giving themselves million dollar holiday bonuses is alright? So basically what he's saying is that the people who are already unemployed simply are not giving back to those CEO's what they "derserve".

And do I really think I'm fooling anyone? No. I have provided quotes, videos of him insulting a man based on religion, and him trying to be an anti-Robin Hood.

Author:  landswimmer [ Sun Feb 12, 2012 10:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: China buying up rare earth materials

Belliaum wrote:
EU is worse then the USA we just aren't as aware of it. The ACTA is in full force now in many countries and that means all our rights have been stripped away in the name of copyright. Freedom fighters are spinning in their graves all over Europe. We defeated Hitler but not his ideas.

hitler was only the puppet, a slave to his ideological creations.

you know how in skyrim, they say reading an elder scroll sends you insane?

glenn beck is kinda like that. (and i mean the analogy holds on every level. skyrim resembles reality because humans are unimaginative, everything in the game is just recycled "real world" stuff, things the developers knew, that has been modified by their brains, just enough to make the symbolism not-obvious)

the things he says are built on assumptions and logical eventualities which the vast majority do not have, things they cannot understand because they have not "seen the scroll", which comprises all information in the known universe (PROTIP: its the universe itself. every lie contains a truth)

rather than following his ideas, follow his method. things are not as they are due to coincidence, they are analogous. reflections. every part of the universe has something to say about another part of it

because there is no guarantee whatsoever that glenn beck is correct about anything. all you can know for sure, is that the fact he exists, tells you something about the universe.

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