Star Sonata

StarSonata.... Game Reset
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Author:  Bluejayek [ Thu Oct 12, 2006 3:21 am ]
Post subject: 

Voom you dont understand. The point of the game reset is not to allow ubers to make new chars, they could easily do that themselves. The point is that some people got stuff when it was easier to get. Example are piloting skill, or t20 ships (when the ubers were base killable). Also, some ships are still out there that still have augs that arent allowed on them; preaug rule ships. The game reset would fully adress all of these problems.
Once the game reaches a stable state (which it really hasn't yet) I believe it should be reset. it puts everyone on equal footing and means that everyone must get the skills the same way everyone else did. No more things like half the people getting astral travel for free, the other half having to pay 2+mil a lvl past lvl 30. Bad example, but you get the point.

Author:  Demiser of D [ Thu Oct 12, 2006 5:52 am ]
Post subject: 

i think thaqt EVERYONE should gang up on pantalones, and make the next big superpower fall =P

also, i have a good idea to ressurect fighting, if not majorly pvp... galactic civil war. there would be LOADS of new missions possible, fighting every day, iq-bana blasting away at earth central....noobs accidentally shooting at roabing iq'bana gaurds... :P

Author:  The Voomy One [ Thu Oct 12, 2006 11:30 am ]
Post subject: 

Bluejayek, I fully understand. Pre auged ships are pretty much non existant. The very few that still exists are to my knowledge not very uber at all and doesnt give anyone any unfair advantage.
The fact that some players got some things in a bit easier way a long time ago isnt something that matters, they would have the skill at this point in any case. Some things where harder to get in the past, should the old players be compensated for this then? This situation will correct itself with time when the older players stop playing but it really isnt a problem. Does it really matter that some people got electrical engineering 20 in a easier way in the past for example? The answer is, no it really doesnt.

Your arguments arent working and fact still remains that if the game is resets in say 2 weeks then all the players who have started playing during those 2 weeks will lose everything they have worked for which would be 100% unfair to them. Someone who started the day before the reset of even the same day will find himself back at level 0 with no money or items....I'd say the odds are pretty good that a lot of new players would quit the game, aswell as very many old players.

Again, reseting the game isnt even a option.

Author:  The Insane [ Thu Oct 12, 2006 12:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

I just think they should bring in Capital ships to the game and a new skill in Capital Ship Piloting that means you can only get the best Capital ships with CSP20...

All Capital ships can carry one or more team 'normal' ship in it, but the bigger the capital ship[, the more team mates can dopck inside him for safe passage in to battle / deep W3.

Basically the capita ship has FUCK loads of shields but no weapons and is quite slow... but the trisk is it has NO radars... So it cant be used to scout out galaxies full of bases that cant touch it... because it cant see them....

See where I'm going with this...?



Author:  The Voomy One [ Thu Oct 12, 2006 1:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

The basic idea with capital ships is already done I think. I doubt docking with normal ships will happen and they will most likely have both weapons and radars....What this has to do with this topic I fail to see though :roll:

Author:  SerjicalStrike [ Thu Oct 12, 2006 6:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

The Voomy One wrote:
This situation will correct itself with time when the older players stop playing

Unfortunately, with account selling, most older players will never die.

I think a reset is a terrible idea.

Author:  kunta [ Thu Oct 12, 2006 8:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

how about everyone joining up and healing me while i kill all of plasmite's teams bases or even helping me out

Author:  Rocket Slugg [ Fri Oct 13, 2006 6:45 am ]
Post subject: 

this is because you havent put HOURS into this game like many other peoiple have, if I was lvl 150 and below I would say yes to this, but since im lvl 685 im saying "NO!"

where do you get that idea? honestly.... ive been playing since many level 800's were in zebucarts on preload. infact, you dont even KNOW what level i am.

Author:  Retyu [ Fri Oct 13, 2006 3:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

SerjicalStrike wrote:
The Voomy One wrote:
This situation will correct itself with time when the older players stop playing

I will never sell and never die.

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