Star Sonata

PBFs / Capitals, Redux
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Author:  Chaosking3 [ Tue Apr 17, 2012 4:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PBFs / Capitals, Redux

Said it waaaay long ago in the original ZT thread that is in accepted suggestions but simply give it the "PBF treatment"

Think about it, we have 4 t21 Dread type ships that cater to their specific classes, those both have 2 slots. What the ZT offers us is a Cap ship that is faster with better resists but none of those inbuilt goodies and in fact less shields/energy and hull.

Why would anyone spend 100b+ on a ship like the ZT when RP offers easier to obtain cheaper design specific ships? What the ZT needs is to be different. Why do folks pick the PBF over the Dread for certain situations?

Simply give it a PBF treatment. Nerf some of the stats a bit (not to much as we have already settled it is not amazing), the resists for instance, and give it a third aug slot.

Bang, we now have a line of t21 Dreads and a t21 PBF.

Author:  treygrey1 [ Tue Apr 17, 2012 4:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PBFs / Capitals, Redux

Woah woah. Chill it with the nerf stick.

There are certainly drawbacks to the MZT.

Firstly it has half the shields of a ZT.

Second, the resists are worse than a dread.

Also, it has no inbuilt engine, unlike the EF line and RP line.

Author:  Max235 [ Tue Apr 17, 2012 4:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PBFs / Capitals, Redux


Each type * total number wanted for one.

Ie: If ZT and RPW are 50/50, then have 2 75/25's and 2 25/75's to compensate.

Same treatment to every other class.

Author:  Griffin [ Tue Apr 17, 2012 4:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PBFs / Capitals, Redux

Actually, I'd take some speed, damage, and an aug over hull and resists.

Author:  Cygnus [ Tue Apr 17, 2012 4:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PBFs / Capitals, Redux

Yeah aurora; it's not that the Mulligan's is badly balanced...rather the opposite, in fact. It's just that the ZT sucks. Like people have been trying to tell you for quite some time now. Nobody wants to pay 200b for a ship that's not much different from the 700m version because...why bother? They can do just about the same stuff with the 700m version.

The Mulligan's, on the other hand, is a completely different ship, making it attractive. People like change, because figuring out how to work with something new is a huge part of having fun in a game. Making an awesome ship nobody has made before is fun. Making a ship that does .057% more DPS than the next guy is the ultimate in boring, and why I hate games like runescape and WoW.

Author:  Aurora Ex Machina [ Tue Apr 17, 2012 6:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PBFs / Capitals, Redux

I've done a thorough test with the MZT.

Basically, gunners are going to break it ~ with a missile launcher, it'd be awesomely broken.

And, being honest: I don't think that the hard work put into getting ZT/+ 's, or even RP line should be cheapened for any fool who can run a few colonies splashing out on an AI station ship.

This isn't to say that the ZMT shouldn't be fabulous. It should (and will) sparkle, look amazing and be a bling ship. It's just never going to be a serious combat ship, given that people have spent months farming just to get a ZT print, let alone afford to build one.

Tomorrow we have a meeting:

I like something said in here, where the RP line are the upgraded Dread Tanks, and the ZT is the PBF / <insert some lower tech HF hybrids> line. Makes sense to me ~ we'll have to make a bit more separation of missiles / guns [cough class skills change cough] but it works. Same thing as PvP and PvAI SD builds.

~ Reducing the shield/energy & hull, but adding an aug might be feasible. And for the FCs: you are not as nerf as you pretend to be.

Author:  newman233 [ Tue Apr 17, 2012 6:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PBFs / Capitals, Redux

Aurora Ex Machina wrote:
I've done a thorough test with the MZT.

Basically, gunners are going to break it ~ with a missile launcher, it'd be awesomely broken.

And, being honest: I don't think that the hard work put into getting ZT/+ 's, or even RP line should be cheapened for any fool who can run a few colonies splashing out on an AI station ship.

This isn't to say that the ZMT shouldn't be fabulous. It should (and will) sparkle, look amazing and be a bling ship. It's just never going to be a serious combat ship, given that people have spent months farming just to get a ZT print, let alone afford to build one.

Tomorrow we have a meeting:

I like something said in here, where the RP line are the upgraded Dread Tanks, and the ZT is the PBF / <insert some lower tech HF hybrids> line. Makes sense to me ~ we'll have to make a bit more separation of missiles / guns [cough class skills change cough] but it works. Same thing as PvP and PvAI SD builds.

This sounds brilliant, can't wait for the results of the meeting.


Author:  Griffin [ Tue Apr 17, 2012 6:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PBFs / Capitals, Redux

Oh boy! :mrgreen:

Author:  Cygnus [ Tue Apr 17, 2012 6:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PBFs / Capitals, Redux

I don't think that all the hard work that goes into getting a ZT should be cheapened by getting a crappy ship in the end. ...Might just be me...

Author:  Bacchus [ Tue Apr 17, 2012 6:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PBFs / Capitals, Redux

Why not make a new line of ships instead of having upgrades to everything?

Author:  Griffin [ Tue Apr 17, 2012 6:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PBFs / Capitals, Redux

Bacchus wrote:
Why not make a new line of ships instead of having upgrades to everything?

Griffin wrote:

Author:  Aurora Ex Machina [ Tue Apr 17, 2012 6:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PBFs / Capitals, Redux

Bacchus wrote:
Why not make a new line of ships instead of having upgrades to everything?

Very simple:

1) The ZT is currently no-where near as good as the other Olympian ships especially the easiest to get, the HM ~ 4 augs, +200 elec, yes I made an awesome mistake there

2) The RP line is barely used, for good reasons: this should change. If you want to tank / solo I suspect this line will be nicer in future. The content has been in for X years, and no-one seriously uses it. ((Oh, and thanks everyone for not telling us the first gun instance is broken, it's getting fixed - no more snipers just tanking the damage & it not firing it's super weapons. Seriously - not cool.))

3) The ZMT should never be anywhere equal to ships that take months of team work, dedicated farming and luck to make. It should, however, be the blingest ship on the server, with the people using it as their transport ship going by like the Queen of the Nile. With Unicorns. And Rainbows.

Author:  newman233 [ Tue Apr 17, 2012 6:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PBFs / Capitals, Redux

If you're admitting HM is broken then FIX IT...

Remove the inbuilt elec or something, please!


Author:  Aurora Ex Machina [ Tue Apr 17, 2012 6:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PBFs / Capitals, Redux

newman233 wrote:
If you're admitting HM is broken then FIX IT...

Remove the inbuilt elec or something, please!


Nerfing the HM would cause more tears than Bambi.

Author:  newman233 [ Tue Apr 17, 2012 6:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PBFs / Capitals, Redux

Who cares? It would balance things out, you guys have caused enough tears to fill the bloody oceans of this world 10 times over... These cry babies need to grow up, it's been said before that if it's broken it should be fixed sooner rather than later...


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