Star Sonata

Once again open up team limits
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Author:  Bonecrusher [ Wed Feb 22, 2012 7:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Once again open up team limits

I really believe teams should be self limiting.

1. When teams get too large they become hard to manage

2. Some people want to be team gods and will always form their own teams with their friends

3. Teams have players that play very rarely but are still valued assets and friends. (Which can't happen if your team is run oriented and has to make a priority for active members.)

4. Super teams just make sure that players need to reinforce their galaxies or at least the choke points into team space.

5. Allows teams to have lower level new SS players who are interested in SS for the long term. (Can't be done when the team roster is full or over flowing.)

6. Its really a bad practice when a player has to split their alts between teams due to roster restrictions. SBP/BBP Traders/Dark Traders kind of get around this ... but for the most part you just don't know where the team loyalty lies when a player is on multiple teams.

Author:  Bonecrusher [ Sat Mar 31, 2012 1:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Once again open up team limits


Author:  thijs12b [ Sun Apr 01, 2012 4:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Once again open up team limits

thijs12b wrote:
Rounder wrote:
Bonecrusher wrote:
Team limits are a burden on the players who have a LOT of friends.


Anyways, team limits I think should be revisited. Other games have limits, but they are arbitrarily high, the reason most groups don't reach that arbitrarily high limit is due to game-play mechanics, such as not needing more than X-people per guild to do X-task. And very rarely do you go above this natural limiter as it would make logistical tasks for leadership quite a headache.

In SS, I think given the universe reset mechanic, a team loses a certain amount of efficiency and effectiveness by being too large. Given the vastness of the current uni, connecter kits are forced in order to further claim valuable portions of space. Larger space means systemic inefficiencies for builders.

In contrast, more nimble teams could build in a region of space with natural boundaries (empty galaxies, or poorer quality gals in surrounding areas, or bordering another team), and waste less resources. In this sense, a really large team will suffer from logistical problems that would likely limit their recruitment.

Another SS mechanic limiting the team size is the idea of the 10-man squad which implies a soft cap at the number of core players interested in doing Olympus. This soft cap can increase in multiples, but then again, at a certain point, the larger team really cannot claim to be as intimate. Assuming that the average person joins teams for more than just a means of obtaining items & progressing, then the loss of camaraderie is something that naturally limits the team size.

So yeah, no real point in hardcoding team sizes, let the playerbase figure out what team sizes are too much.


THIS, Jeff, you're a libertarian right, show us :P!

Author:  erman [ Sun Apr 01, 2012 8:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Once again open up team limits

oh boy, a topic Traders and SBP agree on.

Everyone get your helmets!

Seriously though, team size limits are dumb in that they make you not able to play with everyone you are friendly with.

Jeff, there is no way that everyone will end up on two big teams.

You guys are savvy, come up with some mechanism where the more players you have the more it hurts the team in some way, team score perhaps. Something like a negative modifier the more players you have over 150 or something.

And make sure you read Rhys's post about efficiency, that is a valid point and you can ask SBP about whether or not thats true. They get upset almost every uni now how many connector kits they have to use.


Author:  thijs12b [ Thu Apr 12, 2012 6:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Once again open up team limits


Author:  Chaosking3 [ Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Once again open up team limits

Forcing players away from enjoying the game with their friends is a bad idea. That is all the team limit does.

Author:  Rounder [ Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Once again open up team limits



Author:  paxiprime [ Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Once again open up team limits

defiantly signed

Author:  thijs12b [ Sat Apr 14, 2012 8:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Once again open up team limits

Admin response okgo

Author:  Bonecrusher [ Sun Apr 15, 2012 6:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Once again open up team limits


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