Star Sonata

Going Through The Nexus Again? Post Suggestions Here! Maybe?
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Author:  Cygnus [ Tue Apr 17, 2012 7:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Going Through The Nexus Again? Post Suggestions Here! Maybe?

So since everyone got their sixth character slots recently, I kinda figured that a lot of people would be going through the nexus again, and would have lots of critique or whatever on it! And I thought that a lot of that might go unheard because, why make a topic about a noob zone, right?

So hey, why not just post those little things here instead! That way it's all condensed into one topic and we can find it easily and compare notes or sizes or something.


Three things;


Is there any chance the level 6 ones could be changed to, perhaps, a Retrofitted Paximinus, or something like that? I ask because their inbuilt is so powerful that if you can kill one of them, you probably wont have any trouble killing their big brothers either, making level differences between the two somewhat moot.


Neutralized Jellies' Blood
This is a great tweak, but is unfortunately limited by how hard it is to get. It's really never worth trying to get because of the time requirements involved. So my suggestion; have the mission give a crate of Neutralized Jellies Blood(instead of 1 N Jelly blood right now), which has 10 or so of the stuff. It's not that powerful of a tweak, so I can't see it really hurting.


Jelly Acid Shooter

This weapon is pretty much sub-par because of its limits. It does 150 damage over 10 seconds, pretty bad no matter how you look at it. Could it;A. Be changed to a parasite weapon(giving noobs a low level experience with parasite weapons) or B. be changed to an equippable secondary? Since it's so weak as it is, I can't see it really hurting, and could be quite cool as well, though ultimately mostly useless.


That's all I've got. I took the volcom side, so some experience from the other side would be cool as well.

Author:  Bastamental [ Tue Apr 17, 2012 7:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Going Through The Nexus Again? Post Suggestions Here! Maybe?

I could be wrong, but I remember pax ships being so hard to kill, they weren't worth it.

Author:  Aurora Ex Machina [ Tue Apr 17, 2012 7:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Going Through The Nexus Again? Post Suggestions Here! Maybe?

You're right about the mini Paxes ~ although there was a thread recently about how hard-core the UrQa were, it failed to notice just how tanky / regen capable Paximinis are.

I'll put it to the meeting for a tweekin.

Author:  Cygnus [ Tue Apr 17, 2012 8:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Going Through The Nexus Again? Post Suggestions Here! Maybe?

Another thing; Mission dialogue for the first Aug Tweak mission chain is no longer relevant. (It says that augs cannot be removed).

Author:  Zekk [ Tue Apr 17, 2012 8:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Going Through The Nexus Again? Post Suggestions Here! Maybe?

Whiskey Outpost missions: buggy as hell? Sometimes the commander never spawns... had to re-trigger the whole encounter again. Also, if anyone on the opposing side is in the galaxy, you're both screwed. the AI wont fight each other, only go after the player. Just instance the damn thing?

Author:  Cygnus [ Tue Apr 17, 2012 8:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Going Through The Nexus Again? Post Suggestions Here! Maybe?

There seems to be a bug with the "Twin Pillars Run" chain of missions. I went to accept it, but when I did it said something along the lines of "Requirements not met", and failed to start the mission and also made my translator droid disappear. I think it eloped with the Targ.

I only had 10 spare hull space at the time; that might have had something to do with it.

Author:  Cygnus [ Tue Apr 17, 2012 8:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Going Through The Nexus Again? Post Suggestions Here! Maybe?

I feel as if there isn't enough content behind the urqa zone. It's a super cool place, but considering how hard it is, it could drop a lot better stuff...maybe a few urqa specific tweaks, and maybe a tech 5 heat weapon from the boss?

Perhaps a low tech bana aug, as well.

Also, is it right that pirates cant do the paxian missions? Never getting a zobitan beam or introduced to the Urqa is a pretty steep price to pay.

Author:  Bipolar_Juice [ Tue Apr 17, 2012 9:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Going Through The Nexus Again? Post Suggestions Here! Maybe?

Cygnus wrote:
I feel as if there isn't enough content behind the urqa zone. It's a super cool place, but considering how hard it is, it could drop a lot better stuff...maybe a few urqa specific tweaks, and maybe a tech 5 heat weapon from the boss?

Perhaps a low tech bana aug, as well. you mean like that stupid t3 piece of shit which is like an augmenter plug but can't be removed and provides NO BONUSES WHAT-SO-EVER? :P might have been removed or stopped dropping, I don't know or care hahah

Also, is it right that pirates cant do the paxian missions? Never getting a zobitan beam or introduced to the Urqa is a pretty steep price to pay.

Likewise, Earthforce bros can't do the Contracosta missions, not that their missing out on much, but some of that gear is pretty useful for the noobs and the Contracosta was my favourite nexus zone from c1.

A few more missions in the Nexus are probably needed too. Apart from Rattie Moe and the Deep Space missions there is no other missions to do in the Nexus. Bring back some of the ubers too, all you got these days is Zobitan and that UrQa thing which I'm not going to even bother try spelling. (My fondest c1 F2P memories was killing all those ubers).

And while you're add it you might want to introduce the noobs to Remote Control and Drone Deployment in there too, considering they're such massive parts of the game.

Author:  Cygnus [ Tue Apr 17, 2012 9:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Going Through The Nexus Again? Post Suggestions Here! Maybe?

Speaking of drone deployment, could we have a countdown timer to drone despawn? It's probably useful at all levels, really, but especially at low levels with 3 minute drones, it would be extremely nice.

Author:  Camsy [ Wed Apr 18, 2012 4:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Going Through The Nexus Again? Post Suggestions Here! Maybe?

All I have to say is get easter out of nexus. I enjoy watching noobs poke things and die as much as anyone else but this is a bit on the sad side.

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