Star Sonata

C2 issues/ suggestions
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Author:  goett [ Sat Nov 12, 2011 8:05 pm ]
Post subject:  C2 issues/ suggestions

I like c2 so far. This isn't intended to be a whine post. See some true potential.

-no ass behe+ image
-vis bar? I like having a number as different gals with different suns etc, I know what value I need to keep that under.
-mission list was borked for me. Totally borked.
-ds wattage bs all crazy dark, hard to see
-i miss x feature
-is map redone?
-for display options would be nice to have the option to locate alternately trade or combat slaves
-make target box more noticeable
-I have to click physically to minimize map, p won't always close it.
-make a button to close all nonessential menus at once?
-wattage was noticeably slower than HM+.
-reduce ship wobble on turning. It looks a bit silly.
-bst Img was borked
-safety lock feature is e? Is same as wep switching button.
-autoing is not good atm.

I mainly stayed in protected space so far. Most of these are inconveniences I don't expect to get solved too fast but lot of them are just annoying.

Congrats to jey and the dev teams. I honestly agree when they described c1 as a polished turd and c2 as a diamond in the rough.

Author:  General [ Sat Nov 12, 2011 8:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: C2 issues/ suggestions

Can you say suck up?

Author:  goett [ Sat Nov 12, 2011 8:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: C2 issues/ suggestions

Nah, it's buggy. I'll give them some time. If this was a uni reset I'd say cya in 3 but they're making strides in my eyes.

Tbh I think temp uni should be extended one extra week so people don't really ragequit. Atm 'temp' is a good thing.

Author:  General [ Sat Nov 12, 2011 8:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: C2 issues/ suggestions

Your looking at it from only your point goett sure you got lucky and were able to get on and patch up quick atm there tons of people who have to wait a hour and a half to play because the patchbot wont run faster then 40 kbs

Author:  goett [ Sat Nov 12, 2011 8:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: C2 issues/ suggestions

Tbh dont see what that has to do with a suggestion list or commending the devs on what work they've they put in.

Don't be a child.

Author:  SimonV2 [ Sat Nov 12, 2011 9:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: C2 issues/ suggestions

the x menu appears underneath the target box in the upper right. x toggles it on or off. So if you select an ai and hit x the options will come up, and if you select another ai the options will still be up until you hit x again. if thats what yer talking about by x feature.

Author:  goett [ Sat Nov 12, 2011 10:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: C2 issues/ suggestions

thx simon :)

Author:  assasinat3r [ Sun Nov 13, 2011 5:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: C2 issues/ suggestions

Uhh, there's a C2 forum! "Star Sonata 2" also includes sections for bugs and feedback.

While on that topic, I shall contribute:

No Pax Levitas graphic.

Author:  Grunt [ Sun Nov 13, 2011 7:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: C2 issues/ suggestions

If you're using a seer/sniper/low vis char and really want a vis bar that gives you the number like c1, I've made a quick adjustment that removes the vertical one you see now and instead adds a bar after the speed box.

Just replace the action_bar.xml file at

C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Sonata 2\Content\Default\UI\XML\Dialogs

with the one here:

Author:  Javatech [ Sun Nov 13, 2011 10:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: C2 issues/ suggestions

You really shouldn't remove things in Default, you should make a separate folder for your changes.

Author:  paxiprime [ Sun Nov 13, 2011 3:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: C2 issues/ suggestions

- Rhino Cannons don't collide with the warp gate in Lake. This makes it very difficult to auto heal, esp when your shm flys away and spawns GSA.

-PLEASE, and PLEASE allow a double click feature so we can double click on large ships (or any ship for that matter) and target things under them. As of right now, if a dread, or even a lion or zebra is on top of a warp gate, its almost impossible to target the warp gate without referring to the radar map. So now, small ships can hide under large ships and never be targeted except through, q, or radar map.

-Please make "t" talk again.

-please allow us to press s and space bar and then "t" to auto break and auto shoot. This whole S, space bar, alt-tab, is a bitch, and makes MCing stupid.

Other than the non-obvious bugs, like increase rof for MFers you guys should be fine.

Also, please allow us to turn off some of the background graphics. i was on like 5 fps when i jumped into lake. The background killed my computer and i have like 4 gb of ram on 64 bit. -.-

- Paxx

Author:  red395 [ Sun Nov 13, 2011 4:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: C2 issues/ suggestions

paxiprime wrote:
- Rhino Cannons don't collide with the warp gate in Lake. This makes it very difficult to auto heal, esp when your shm flys away and spawns GSA.

-PLEASE, and PLEASE allow a double click feature so we can double click on large ships (or any ship for that matter) and target things under them. As of right now, if a dread, or even a lion or zebra is on top of a warp gate, its almost impossible to target the warp gate without referring to the radar map. So now, small ships can hide under large ships and never be targeted except through, q, or radar map.

-Please make "t" talk again.
You can change that to T in the options

-please allow us to press s and space bar and then "t" to auto break and auto shoot. This whole S, space bar, alt-tab, is a bitch, and makes MCing stupid.
Alt+Space to auto fire, Alt+S to auto brake
Other than the non-obvious bugs, like increase rof for MFers you guys should be fine.

Also, please allow us to turn off some of the background graphics. i was on like 5 fps when i jumped into lake. The background killed my computer and i have like 4 gb of ram on 64 bit. -.-

- Paxx

Author:  Chaosking3 [ Sun Nov 13, 2011 11:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: C2 issues/ suggestions

The current map is not very userfriendly. Lots of unessecary pop ups involved with it. If it could be dumbed down a bit and made more like the C1 map that would be nice. I really dislike having to always force it to pop up, having it on my screen was real nice.

Author:  goett [ Sun Nov 13, 2011 11:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: C2 issues/ suggestions

assasinat3r wrote:
Uhh, there's a C2 forum! "Star Sonata 2" also includes sections for bugs and feedback.

While on that topic, I shall contribute:

No Pax Levitas graphic.

i thought my post could go either way tbh

new ones:
-when you change keys in settings>keys (btw pax you can make enter into t there) they don't save, you have to redo it everytime.

-been brought up in subtopics by mow but the clicking target doesn't auto through selections under it so ie an efdread blocks you clocking anything beneath it. << that's a major functionality issue.

- more of a bug... neg wt augging has no effect and enk tested tempering but appears so far to both of us tempering is borked.

-i can't click gal to auto in map at 2x mode, only smaller modes.

Author:  goett [ Sun Nov 13, 2011 11:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: C2 issues/ suggestions

about the autofire autobrake lock mechanism.... i'm not satisfied with it for couple reasons. have some ez suggestions but ill explain why i feel the need to ask for a change.

-should include autothrust and autoturn.

autothrust.... for ie cyclops in olympus, i can auto thrust and switch clients and not worry about tractors from ai etc for one, also another situation is tractoring. i can put a ul on a drone and autothrust to move it 3k one way or the other.

autoturn... people may laugh but it's awesome for one damn good reason- If i auto brake and ALSO auto turn, if it's turning, i can be that much more assured the brake is locked. an alternative that would satisfy is maybe an icon for autobrake that lights up. it can be the difference at times of coming back 20k out or of dying in oly to ares if you mess this simple thing up. In the old system you had to press 't' and chat client would open as an indicator which was actually very convenient. atm there is no indicator to guarantee you locked orders correctly all the time.

-alt sucks for a button for locking the orders in. at least for me it involves taking my hand off the mouse and holding alt for a couple seconds or doing a really uncomfortable movement with my left hand since i AWSD control my ship. EZ fix.. make it togglable in settings>keys so i could even make it the old 't' button etc.

autofire autobrake is crucial for mcing to exist. if it goes mcing is pointless imo. this is an important feature for many who get much joy from mcing.

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