Star Sonata

Pantalones - Strawberry Pancakes .... the begining of a war
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Author:  Tomzta09 [ Wed Jun 01, 2011 11:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pantalones - Strawberry Pancakes .... the begining of a war

Churchill, did i ever mention to you how much you remind me of wormtail from harry potter?

First off, i am not a pirate. its not my fault if you pathetically square out to me or make me look like an idiot when i am unsubbed. im sorry but if someone starts making u look like a dickhead what are u gonna do? so i responded to you offering me out. When i started shooting one of ur slaves. you ran away like a fucking baby.

Dont you fucking DARE accuse me of being a pirate you two faced spasticated Pedophile. the best part was the fact that you said my absconditus was shit, yet your running away from one!? Next time your going to offer me out. At least have the courage to stand there and fight me, not just run away and start spreading shit about me, because i simply wont stand for it.

P.S: I Do not tick off anyone. everybody (or atleast most people do) know that i like to make people laugh or try to entertain them, do you have any idea how boring all chat can be sometimes without a bit of comedy and entertainment? if i offend anyone, i may not seem like it but i do have a heart, not just a piece of flint, they can PM me and ill happily apologise.


Author:  cej1120con [ Wed Jun 01, 2011 12:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pantalones - Strawberry Pancakes .... the begining of a war

Combustion, where did Churchill call you a pirate? Because I read his posts and he did not. He simply claimed you like to piss people off. WHICH YOU DO! You blatantly lied in your third paragraph about not pissing people off too.
I also always remember you as a player who talked shit more than he actually played the game.

And I am still very offended they would let a shitty annoying player such as yourself on.


Author:  Tomzta09 [ Wed Jun 01, 2011 12:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pantalones - Strawberry Pancakes .... the begining of a war

cej1120con wrote:
Combustion, where did Churchill call you a pirate? Because I read his posts and he did not. He simply claimed you like to piss people off. WHICH YOU DO! You blatantly lied in your third paragraph about not pissing people off too.
I also always remember you as a player who talked shit more than he actually played the game.

And I am still very offended they would let a shitty annoying player such as yourself on.


You can shut up aswell. stop sucking up to churchill, john everyone knows that you are possibly one of the most annoying people in SS.

I Don't annoy people. if i have, name 5 people who i have annoyed.

Author:  cej1120con [ Wed Jun 01, 2011 1:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pantalones - Strawberry Pancakes .... the begining of a war

Tomzta09 wrote:
cej1120con wrote:
Combustion, where did Churchill call you a pirate? Because I read his posts and he did not. He simply claimed you like to piss people off. WHICH YOU DO! You blatantly lied in your third paragraph about not pissing people off too.
I also always remember you as a player who talked shit more than he actually played the game.

And I am still very offended they would let a shitty annoying player such as yourself on.


You can shut up aswell. stop sucking up to churchill, john everyone knows that you are possibly one of the most annoying people in SS.

I Don't annoy people. if i have, name 5 people who i have annoyed.

You are a complete idiot... no wait, that's not descriptive enough. You are a dumb fuck. I am not sucking up to Churchill and your extrapolation to such conclusion is completely unsupported, I am simply pointing out that he did not call you a pirate. I am certainly not one of the most annoying people in SS, I'm probably just one of the most annoying people to you, because I speak the truth about who and what you really are, and you can't stand that.

As for 5 people, does most of RE suffice?

Now, do you care to make another response that blatantly displays your clear ignorance?

Author:  Tomzta09 [ Wed Jun 01, 2011 1:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pantalones - Strawberry Pancakes .... the begining of a war

cej1120con wrote:
Tomzta09 wrote:
cej1120con wrote:
Combustion, where did Churchill call you a pirate? Because I read his posts and he did not. He simply claimed you like to piss people off. WHICH YOU DO! You blatantly lied in your third paragraph about not pissing people off too.
I also always remember you as a player who talked shit more than he actually played the game.

And I am still very offended they would let a shitty annoying player such as yourself on.


You can shut up aswell. stop sucking up to churchill, john everyone knows that you are possibly one of the most annoying people in SS.

I Don't annoy people. if i have, name 5 people who i have annoyed.

You are a complete idiot... no wait, that's not descriptive enough. You are a dumb fuck. I am not sucking up to Churchill and your extrapolation to such conclusion is completely unsupported, I am simply pointing out that he did not call you a pirate. I am certainly not one of the most annoying people in SS, I'm probably just one of the most annoying people to you, because I speak the truth about who and what you really are, and you can't stand that.

As for 5 people, does most of RE suffice?

Now, do you care to make another response that blatantly displays your clear ignorance?

Stop trying to be smart. and for the record from what i heard he has been calling me a pirate. if u got something to say to me dont be shy, come and say it to my face.

oh and RE dont find me annoying, thats just you. your extremely lucky to be on RE after what happend wit u losing ur base shit to LC

Author:  thecrazygamemaster [ Wed Jun 01, 2011 1:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pantalones - Strawberry Pancakes .... the begining of a war

cej1120con wrote:
Now, do you care to make another response that blatantly displays your clear ignorance?

Troll Wars FTW!

Author:  thebattler35 [ Wed Jun 01, 2011 1:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pantalones - Strawberry Pancakes .... the begining of a war

cej1120con wrote:
You are a complete idiot... no wait, that's not descriptive enough. You are a dumb fuck. I am not sucking up to Churchill and your extrapolation to such conclusion is completely unsupported, I am simply pointing out that he did not call you a pirate. I am certainly not one of the most annoying people in SS, I'm probably just one of the most annoying people to you, because I speak the truth about who and what you really are, and you can't stand that.

As for 5 people, does most of RE suffice?

Now, do you care to make another response that blatantly displays your clear ignorance?

Battlecruiser23 wrote:
Me too, especially since you guys let Combustion on the team

Sure church backpedals furiously later in the post, but he still says it.

Oh and I hate you more than Comb, bye!

Author:  kilua [ Wed Jun 01, 2011 1:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pantalones - Strawberry Pancakes .... the begining of a war

Release teh kraken!!

Author:  General [ Wed Jun 01, 2011 2:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pantalones - Strawberry Pancakes .... the begining of a war

The leigon has no bussiness even posting here since you a bunch of fucking liars.Your director Goett and counc Artanis made a deal for peace and now because SP wants to war us you dont have to honor shit atleast thats what mowmates says.SP have pushed us for the last 3 months constantly for random reasons.The worst reason was from Trevor i agroed my galaxy because your name offends me.
As for whats going on next uni that depends on EF/SP/TL and anyone else who decides to come along and attack us without just cause but we have no issues with any other teams then SP/TL/EF.I know FD is a ass but its beceuase of whats been going on that has not been made public by SP your team is full of liars and dicks.Not everyone on pants is doing the same next uni some may go to DM who knows.
As for killing us now so your trade slaves are safe bull shit i myself aint shoting anything kill me now and instead of just FD killing slaves you will have alot more.It is apparent why this post was made it is to rally as many people as they can to join there cause i ask anyone not directly involved to please do not help them and there evil.As for any pants going pirate next uni i can assure the uni that if any of them do they wont be after anyone but SP/EF/TL

PS: draco155 has NEVER been on pants

Author:  thebattler35 [ Wed Jun 01, 2011 2:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pantalones - Strawberry Pancakes .... the begining of a war

General wrote:
The leigon has no bussiness even posting here since you a bunch of fucking liars.Your director Goett and counc Artanis made a deal for peace and now because SP wants to war us you dont have to honor shit atleast thats what mowmates says.SP have pushed us for the last 3 months constantly for random reasons.The worst reason was from Trevor i agroed my galaxy because your name offends me.
As for whats going on next uni that depends on EF/SP/TL and anyone else who decides to come along and attack us without just cause but we have no issues with any other teams then SP/TL/EF.I know FD is a ass but its beceuase of whats been going on that has not been made public by SP your team is full of liars and dicks.Not everyone on pants is doing the same next uni some may go to DM who knows.
As for killing us now so your trade slaves are safe bull shit i myself aint shoting anything kill me now and instead of just FD killing slaves you will have alot more.It is apparent why this post was made it is to rally as many people as they can to join there cause i ask anyone not directly involved to please do not help them and there evil.As for any pants going pirate next uni i can assure the uni that if any of them do they wont be after anyone but SP/EF/TL

PS: draco155 has NEVER been on pants

who are you?

Author:  andezrhode2a [ Wed Jun 01, 2011 3:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pantalones - Strawberry Pancakes .... the begining of a war

SinsOfOurFathers. councillor on pants iirc.

Author:  thebattler35 [ Wed Jun 01, 2011 3:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pantalones - Strawberry Pancakes .... the begining of a war

andezrhode2a wrote:
SinsOfOurFathers. councillor on pants iirc.

Ah k.

Author:  Happy_Tree_Friend [ Wed Jun 01, 2011 4:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pantalones - Strawberry Pancakes .... the begining of a war

General wrote:
cause but we have no issues with any other teams then SP/TL/EF.

Then why did you attack RE last night?

Author:  rand4505 [ Wed Jun 01, 2011 4:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pantalones - Strawberry Pancakes .... the begining of a war

Happy_Tree_Friend wrote:
General wrote:
cause but we have no issues with any other teams then SP/TL/EF.

Then why did you attack RE last night?

Author:  goett [ Wed Jun 01, 2011 4:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pantalones - Strawberry Pancakes .... the begining of a war

General wrote:
The leigon has no bussiness even posting here since you a bunch of fucking liars.Your director Goett and counc Artanis made a deal for peace and now because SP wants to war us you dont have to honor shit atleast thats what mowmates says.SP have pushed us for the last 3 months constantly for random reasons.The worst reason was from Trevor i agroed my galaxy because your name offends me.
As for whats going on next uni that depends on EF/SP/TL and anyone else who decides to come along and attack us without just cause but we have no issues with any other teams then SP/TL/EF.I know FD is a ass but its beceuase of whats been going on that has not been made public by SP your team is full of liars and dicks.Not everyone on pants is doing the same next uni some may go to DM who knows.
As for killing us now so your trade slaves are safe bull shit i myself aint shoting anything kill me now and instead of just FD killing slaves you will have alot more.It is apparent why this post was made it is to rally as many people as they can to join there cause i ask anyone not directly involved to please do not help them and there evil.As for any pants going pirate next uni i can assure the uni that if any of them do they wont be after anyone but SP/EF/TL

PS: draco155 has NEVER been on pants

If fuck all then fuck it be. We've honored our peace so far despite my personal reasons against flaming demon going back to umbrella corp when he faked our team name and flag to try to get us warred after we booted him for scamming. so fuck on? why not.

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