Star Sonata

Trigger Happy
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Author:  xzume [ Fri Aug 21, 2009 12:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Trigger Happy

Ok im man enough to admit when im wrong and it appears I have been, so I appologise to any one I may have offended I never set out to do that.

Author:  supersoccer [ Fri Aug 21, 2009 12:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Trigger Happy

-gives reaper a gold star- Good man!

P.S. - your siggy contradicts what you said! had to point it out sorry! XD

Author:  wdn68 [ Fri Aug 21, 2009 12:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Trigger Happy

Statements about PVP by TH are over rated fact (will use no names they know who they are) a QR member was in Lyceum and had to leave comp for a RL situ left ship with drones and 5 GG20 on his return GG was gone and all his gear lost to be told later that a TH member towed his ship onto ghost and repeat podded him till GG ran out.

Now im not against PVP but i ask is that PVP in any means i say NO!, TH have no honour or repsect for SS.
the said QR member hasnt logged much since this i know he should of docked but never thought his ship would be tractored onto hi spirt again and again.


Author:  NattoKillas [ Sat Aug 22, 2009 7:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Trigger Happy

wdn68 wrote:
Statements about PVP by TH are over rated fact (will use no names they know who they are) a QR member was in Lyceum and had to leave comp for a RL situ left ship with drones and 5 GG20 on his return GG was gone and all his gear lost to be told later that a TH member towed his ship onto ghost and repeat podded him till GG ran out.

Now im not against PVP but i ask is that PVP in any means i say NO!, TH have no honour or repsect for SS.
the said QR member hasnt logged much since this i know he should of docked but never thought his ship would be tractored onto hi spirt again and again.


he shoulda of just logged.

Author:  biggee531 [ Sat Aug 22, 2009 9:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Trigger Happy

Stupidity usually comes with a price. Whatever price that might be depends on... the level of stupidity.

Author:  villiroth [ Sat Aug 22, 2009 10:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Trigger Happy

wdn68 wrote:
Statements about PVP by TH are over rated fact (will use no names they know who they are) a QR member was in Lyceum and had to leave comp for a RL situ left ship with drones and 5 GG20 on his return GG was gone and all his gear lost to be told later that a TH member towed his ship onto ghost and repeat podded him till GG ran out.

Now im not against PVP but i ask is that PVP in any means i say NO!, TH have no honour or repsect for SS.
the said QR member hasnt logged much since this i know he should of docked but never thought his ship would be tractored onto hi spirt again and again.


A certain member of TH challenged my alt to pvp, said alt was far from ready for any half serious pvp so I declined and offered to PM him when I was geared more appropriately. The TH member didnt stalk me and kill me when he felt it was a good time he simply told me that he would be waiting on my PM.

To that TH member, my alt still isnt quite ready but Im not too far off. :twisted:

Author:  wdn68 [ Sun Aug 23, 2009 6:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Trigger Happy

NattoKillas wrote:
wdn68 wrote:
Statements about PVP by TH are over rated fact (will use no names they know who they are) a QR member was in Lyceum and had to leave comp for a RL situ left ship with drones and 5 GG20 on his return GG was gone and all his gear lost to be told later that a TH member towed his ship onto ghost and repeat podded him till GG ran out.

Now im not against PVP but i ask is that PVP in any means i say NO!, TH have no honour or repsect for SS.
the said QR member hasnt logged much since this i know he should of docked but never thought his ship would be tractored onto hi spirt again and again.


he shoulda of just logged.

so draging a ship over a spirt or pod is now allowed including griefing.

Author:  longname [ Sun Aug 23, 2009 9:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Trigger Happy

wdn68 wrote:
so draging a ship over a spirt or pod is now allowed including griefing.

It used to be forbidden because spirits were slower than tractored ships. Now that spirits are faster, it's not possible to grief someone UNLESS he's afk for whatever reason. You shouldn't go afk in a place where you can be killed anyways.

Author:  ClinicallyInsane [ Sun Aug 23, 2009 6:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Trigger Happy

I have honour and respect,but the nun stole my pumpkin! :shock:

Author:  wdn68 [ Mon Aug 24, 2009 8:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Trigger Happy

I would also like to add still pvping in lyceum some how spirits are gremed and cant jump to sol while TH drags ship to gremed spirit we've lost 1 more player who now isnt renewing subs due to this crap.

the said player when on last GG logged of to find his ship was dragged to spirit that couldn't escape Lyceum and logged to find all gear dropped and lost.

TH war teams only to open up PVP level so they can grief lower level players TH PVP is really Bullshit Vs Paying customer IE BSvPC.

Author:  xzume [ Mon Aug 24, 2009 3:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Trigger Happy

In any event pulling a ship over a spirit is a bannable offence as ive understood it.

And stargeneral my sigi has nothing to do with that post. its my opinion and attitude to life...shit happens get over it.

Author:  SerjicalStrike [ Mon Aug 24, 2009 4:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Trigger Happy

xzume wrote:
In any event pulling a ship over a spirit is a bannable offence as ive understood it.

It USED to be, until they made spirits faster than towed ships.

Author:  The Voomy One [ Tue Aug 25, 2009 6:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Trigger Happy

I would also like to add still pvping in lyceum some how spirits are gremed and cant jump to sol while TH drags ship to gremed spirit

From what I have seen this hasnt been reported in any ticket, which is interesting. If this is possible it's a bug, which means using it is exploiting a bug.

Author:  trevor54 [ Tue Aug 25, 2009 7:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Trigger Happy

If you dont report a bug using a support ticket how do you expect the admins to know about it? In any event i havent see it and i have had quite a few run ins with TH

Author:  455R41D3R [ Tue Aug 25, 2009 8:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Trigger Happy

yaya i like to PvP. kill all who shoot at me =P.

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