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Support/PR Administrator
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Team: None
Main: Ananke
Level: 0
Class: None

Joined: Sat Mar 14, 2009 11:34 pm
Location: Boulder, CO
Post Chat Rules
General Chat Rules
Unless otherwise stated general chat rules apply to all chats

* Comments that discriminate against gender, sexuality, race, or religion will not be tolerated. Harassment and real life threats will not be tolerated. If a person asks you to stop, you stop.

* Circumventing the swear filter via repeated misspelling is not allowed.

* Abusive or sexually explicit language is not allowed.

* Using an inappropriate character name is not allowed.

* Languages other than English in public chats are not allowed.

* Discussion about hacking the game or cheating is not allowed.

* Impersonating an Admin or a Moderator is not allowed.

* Posting links to Pornographic, or inappropriate websites is not allowed. Please note that Star Sonata is not responsible for the content of the website our players link to, and as such cannot be held liable if a link posted by a player has malicious content.

* Spamming or Instigating Spam is not allowed. This includes flooding the chat with two or more lines of nonsensical text, text that is for no purpose other than annoying the playerbase, repeated usage of all caps, or 5+ lines of one person talking.

* Conversations or Trade Chat posts about buying/selling accounts/credits/subscriptions are not allowed in the public chats. This also applies to any other way of publicly advertising it, such as the bulletin board and in base descriptions.

* Mutes and bans are not to be discussed on the public chats; if you have a problem with a warning, mute, or ban please create a support ticket at The same goes for complaints about chat & forum moderators; if you have an issue please create a ticket.

* If a chat moderator warns you to stop a conversation before it gets out of hand then stop.

* Do not advertise trades in all chat. Trades belong in trade chat. Using all chat to point to trade chat is not allowed. Price checks however, are allowed in any chat, including all chat.

* Consistent breaking of chat rules will result in extended mutes and even permanent mutes.

Trade Chat:

* You may use trade chat for buying items, selling items, or requesting a price check on an item. Using trade chat for anything other than what was previously described is against the rules. Questions about another person’s trade post can be directed to them in private message.

* Circumventing the three minute trade chat timer by alting to another character or account is not allowed. Posting for another individual who has also posted in that same three minute window is not allowed.

* Adding extra messages to your trade post that do not pertain to your post is not allowed. An example: “So-and-so is a noob. Buying a Blue Whisper!” However, clever advertising is allowed, such as “Don’t get caught hungry, stock up on rations at this epic base today!”

Help Chat:

* Help Chat is restricted to new players only for levels 0-100. It can be used for new players to ask questions and to meet & discuss with fellow new players.

* Moderators & Greeters are not allowed to use help chat for any other purpose than to assist other players.

Game rules were updated on April 27, 2012 at 1308 EST

For support please submit a ticket to
Or you can send me a forum PM and I'll point you in the right direction.

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Tue Apr 24, 2012 1:58 am
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