Star Sonata

Game will fail
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Author:  Battlecruiser23 [ Fri Dec 02, 2011 7:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Game will fail

Hooghthegreat wrote:
It's no surprise that nobody is logging on. The game sucks, and nobody wants to waste time or money on it anymore. Sorry screwed up.

Right now, most if not all of the teams have circulated the problem that theres server crashes recently, so people are giving it a few days to a week to be fixed.

Author:  Cygnus [ Fri Dec 02, 2011 7:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Game will fail

Yep, that just helps loads, THS. Thanks so much for your constructive comment.

Don't you GET IT? C1 is NEVER coming back. Never as in Ever. E.V.E.R. It was a dinosaur, a remnant of a forgotten age, a chance mutant that worked well while it lasted but was destined for extinction.

If you would actually log on, find some things that you don't like, and POST THEM, then they MIGHT JUST GET FIXED.

Whining on the forums gets you nowhere, so either get on and find legitimate things to whine about, or gtfo!


Also, I find that the new font makes the game much more accessible. That's awesome. Thanks, devs!

Projectiles still look like crap; catas probably shouldn't just be balls, they should be a bit streamlined like they were in C1, and they should also be darker, and not reflect light as much. The darker your projectiles are(As long as they're still visible, of course)(except for ones that are supposed to be hard to see(Stygian fist, veneration cylinder, etc))the lower quality the bullets themselves can be. We can't complain about what we can't see, savvy?

The light in SS seems very Hard. It would be nice if there was some softening thrown in.

Author:  Visorak [ Fri Dec 02, 2011 7:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Game will fail

Tone it down with the sun damage will you? And non-damaging suns are a must.

Author:  Hooghthegreat [ Fri Dec 02, 2011 8:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Game will fail

I know C1 is never coming back, which is why I won't likely be either.

Author:  Cygnus [ Fri Dec 02, 2011 8:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Game will fail

Cool, then what's the point in just sitting around and whining? >.<

Personally, the new font has made a huge difference. I won't say it's perfect yet, but it's much better with the combo of that and the ambient lighting.

Author:  Hooghthegreat [ Fri Dec 02, 2011 9:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Game will fail

not whining...bitching...there is a difference. Whining would be begging for changes to be made.

Author:  biggee531 [ Sat Dec 03, 2011 12:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Game will fail

Hooghthegreat wrote:
not whining...bitching...there is a difference. Whining would be begging for changes to be made.

So you'd be satisfied with a perma forum ban for relentless trolling? Cool, let's make it happen.

Author:  Hooghthegreat [ Sat Dec 03, 2011 1:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Game will fail

Biggee...Can you smell the shit on your nose or has it already dried?

Author:  Cygnus [ Sat Dec 03, 2011 2:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Game will fail

Seriously, you're spamming. Stop it or go away.

I mean, I like you as a player, but this is pretty infantile to say the least. If you're not going to be mature about it, then Go Away.

Author:  biggee531 [ Sat Dec 03, 2011 5:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Game will fail

Hooghthegreat wrote:
Biggee...Can you smell the shit on your nose or has it already dried?

And your bug reports are where? Your complaints for specific issues are where? Your suggestions for improving anything are where? Oh, you haven't done any of that? Fuck off and l2troll.

Author:  AgentZer0 [ Sun Dec 04, 2011 2:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Game will fail

What i think would improve the game is:

    To be much more brighter. Really with it turned up its a strain to see anything so i just log back off.
    Need more gunner/doner content. Would like to see cheaper and more effective drones in the game and more viable endgame gunner class.
    Removal of the Nickolodian style graphics. Just weird.
    Have the drone charging system optional. If you like it use it .
    Banking system. Because you can't get any money from players anyway might as well have a bank and allow them to store their money.
    Better trading market. That says it all.
    Maybe professions something else to do to make money other than colonies. Maybe making modded gear.

That is pretty much my problems. I have more but these are just the main ones.

Author:  Guinness [ Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Game will fail

What I would like to see... '2d' graphics. Maybe an option for 'cardboard-style' (top-down render of the model pasted onto a horizontal plane) graphics. It shouldn't be too hard to implement, other games do it already, and it would reduce memory usage.

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