Star Sonata

decision made
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Author:  lonedragon09 [ Wed Nov 16, 2011 2:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: decision made

(sorry to see a EF member quiting ss till ferther notic :( )I have read through this entire post very persistantly looking from all sides. Yes sagesting new fixes to current problems would help more. But nether the less. the game is still removing graghics to increase FPS. I have played games with more FPS requirments and it runs fine. The C2 fps fix is actually creating more problems than it is fixes. and there is a point in both 2d being well made and 3D presenting a rather... eye avoiding look. i am to personally waiting on sub to run out because i cant run c2 well enough to play it worth anything on any of the several computers ive tryd. and as a member who has played from the start (on many diferent acc's) i am trully unhappy to have to do such a thing. I will keep an eye on this game but untill something changes there isnt anything i can ferther in this post or my personal progretion. (am twords c1 comming back) but i will accept c2 if it can run better.

Author:  deathwolf359 [ Wed Nov 16, 2011 9:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: decision made

Graphics look good, when they work.
Gameplay feels good, when it works.
but..... When it works!!!
ATM C2 doesnt work. it needs alot of fixing.
So much that the playerbase will walk away in droves.
I have unsubbed 8 accounts this week, i really dislike the forced beta test.
There was a fake beta test that saw craploads of issues that werent addressed before this rollout.
StarSonata is an awesome game that got killed.... Not too late to start CPR....
Bring Back C1... implement your changes... fix C2 and make it awesome before you release it.
I understand the need to attract new customers, but when you do it at the expense of your current ones.... your loyal ones.... you may wind up having to work on your resume.

Author:  Camsy [ Wed Nov 16, 2011 9:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: decision made

It is too late to start CPR, after this period of time if SS1 recovered will have suffered too much brain damage and will be living as a vegetable for the rest of his life.

Author:  deathwolf359 [ Wed Nov 16, 2011 9:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: decision made

it is all about the cryogenics Pret..... :)

Author:  lonedragon09 [ Tue Feb 07, 2012 12:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: decision made

I have been second eyeing starsonata for a while now and although the 3D thing isnt exactly at its best yet i have seen some improvements. i may actually repay my acc if things continue to increase with future fixes. As for the raging facter that is mentioned above. there is a point in making sugestions to what you want to happen. i hope to see SS prosper though.

Author:  Cygnus [ Tue Feb 07, 2012 1:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: decision made

Yeah, SS has gotten a huge bit more stable and playable, and the graphics have already improved immensely. I won't say it's up to par with C1 yet, but it's definitely on its way.

Author:  syberian [ Tue Feb 07, 2012 1:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: decision made

Cygnus wrote:
Yeah, SS has gotten a huge bit more stable and playable, and the graphics have already improved immensely. I won't say it's up to par with C1 yet, but it's definitely on its way.

I tried to make c2 graphics a bit more similar to c1 or at least more visible but so far its working only in a few gals ;/

Game won't be so shady when I finish it ( if I will manage to ofc)

Author:  Chaosking3 [ Tue Feb 07, 2012 2:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: decision made

If you manage to get a working C1 set-up I'll love you forever. No matter how hard I try C2 graphics are

Author:  Asmodeaan [ Tue Feb 07, 2012 8:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: decision made

C2 has cool effects that weren't possible in C1 however it lacks a ton of the detail C1 had. I didnt really notice it as much but it becomes more apparent each day.

Author:  Griffin [ Tue Feb 07, 2012 8:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: decision made

I laugh at the people who say that C2 "obviously" sucks even though it made the front page of Reddit.


Author:  Bacchus [ Tue Feb 07, 2012 8:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: decision made

Griffin wrote:
I laugh at the people who say that C2 "obviously" sucks even though it made the front page of Reddit.


I also bet that C1 would make it to the frontpage with the same timing and context.

Author:  syberian [ Thu Feb 09, 2012 3:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: decision made

Chaosking3 wrote:
If you manage to get a working C1 set-up I'll love you forever. No matter how hard I try C2 graphics are

Well its not exactly c1 setup, but it made ships as detailed as they were in c1 ;)
Im a step from finishing it, just got to make it work in sunless gals, I hope Jey will help me with that :idea:

Author:  yugioh124 [ Fri Feb 10, 2012 1:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: decision made

My $0.02:

C1 was good because it worked for this kind of game. Yes, the graphics were simplistic and cartoony. They were not, however, bad. It gave the game a unique feel, and made everything very clean and streamlined, allowing you to easily tell what was going on. C2, on the other hand, is a clusterfuck of flashy particle effects and as many pointless graphical extras as the admins could squeeze in.

Most indie games use unique, simple graphics because it makes for an enjoyable game experience without requiring a ton of manpower. SS does not have a big enough dev team to make a game with conventionally high-end graphics to compete with other major games, yet they tried to do so anyway, and the result is a mess. Many things still look low-quality, but so much of the effects are garish and overdone that it ends up with roughly the same effect as a hooker wearing a half-inch of makeup.

It's impossible to tell what's going on in large-scale fights, and there's graphical errors everywhere. Even ignoring all the obvious bugs, many things were just rushed or badly converted. Lots of ships are still basically two-dimensional, with an impossibly thin depth. Instead of starting from scratch, admins tried to convert 2D images to 3D models, and there are many places where it obviously just didn't work.

I'm sure that after a year or two of bugfixing and polishing, the game will get a bit bitter, but it's not the old SS that the playerbase loved. Noone had a problem with the old graphics, noone asked to have our fun small-time MMO try to force itself into competition with giants such as EvE. It's not good enough to stand against games like that, and it's lost what originally made it enjoyable: the unique look and feel that, while not as shiny as modern graphics, worked perfectly for the game itself.

Author:  Bonecrusher [ Fri Feb 10, 2012 10:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: decision made

The real problem is that some of the admins are treating C2 as a sacred cow.

C2 needs to visit the slaughterhouse. This carcass needs to be stripped to the bones. Have all of the artsy crap removed. Shit can all of the flashy fat.

In other words shit can C2 and either go to a full 3D platform and back to a 2D platform. The so called 2.5D is totally worthless as a design platform.

I know there have been a lot of kids working on the graphics and they've put out a lot of work... unfortunately they had very poor leadership and very bad decisions have been made that allowed the game to be trashed to the extent that its unplayable.

C1 got away with having the stars in the playing field to some extent because they were not the light sources of the galaxies. C2 is trying to use the stars as THE light source and the effect is pure cow droppings. You simply can't have the light source in the same plane as the objects you are lighting and expect to see anything except half a$$ed shadows. The light source needs to be behind the observer as any first year art student knows unless you are going for a shadow effect and a shadow effect for a game like SS just won't and doesn't fly.

Then some bright jack ass decided to add speed bumps around the stellar objects. Nice graphics 101 project but has no place in a game like SS. The same for the moronic concussion effect when an AI ship blows.

Adding in tons of useless objects in a galaxy just because you can just proves that the person in charge has no real grasp of what makes for a good game and hasn't a clue to the makings of a great game.

Then there are the basic game playing mechanics. JeffL has been mucking about and just about f&*ked everything over to no real end except to keep a few people from power leveling. These same game mechanics worked just fine for years. Its really time for JeffL to step aside and let someone who understands how a game like SS should work set the design framework. And hopefully the old player base will come back and new PAYING players will join.

Author:  anilv [ Fri Feb 10, 2012 10:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: decision made

Bonecrusher wrote:
C1 got away with having the stars in the playing field to some extent because they were not the light sources of the galaxies. C2 is trying to use the stars as THE light source and the effect is pure cow droppings. You simply can't have the light source in the same plane as the objects you are lighting and expect to see anything except half a$$ed shadows. The light source needs to be behind the observer as any first year art student knows unless you are going for a shadow effect and a shadow effect for a game like SS just won't and doesn't fly.

I agree with this paragraph.

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