Star Sonata

decision made
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Author:  biggee531 [ Tue Nov 15, 2011 1:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: decision made

Hooghthegreat wrote:'s the rage you seem to want....Biggee....go fuck yourself. Your attitude here makes me wonder which admin is plugging your hole. How's that for rage?

Lol, my attitude? My bad, sorry if I call out an ungrateful asshole when I see one. Have fun playing your WoW clones!

Author:  Hooghthegreat [ Tue Nov 15, 2011 3:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: decision made

What's to be grateful for? They took away a game I liked and replaced it with one I don't. I should be happy for that? I think not.

Author:  Camsy [ Tue Nov 15, 2011 3:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: decision made

The graphics from c1 were outdated and it was falling behind in attracting new members.
We need new members and so far c2 has done that.
With the new f2p limit i have no doubt c2 will skyrocket onto lists like:
attracting new members, bringing in more revenue, which in turn lets the admins hire more people to make the game look better.

Author:  thecrazygamemaster [ Tue Nov 15, 2011 4:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: decision made

I honestly adore C2. The environmental graphics look like they came straight out of EVE. But... The ships... :shock: :evil:

Author:  Markoz [ Tue Nov 15, 2011 6:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: decision made

The people vote with there feet, that simple.

Author:  goett [ Tue Nov 15, 2011 7:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: decision made

you serious?

who played c1 for graphics... if you did ur a moron. C1 was like playing chess with shitty looking half carved wooden pieces. c2 is ebony with nice board inlays that just needs a week til pickup. that being said c2 is atm checkers also but it'll get back to chess soon.

who thinks with jeff's 'it looks cool' attitude c2 won't look awesome given time?

personally... give me a giant square that has text "Heph machine plus" in it and if it works like a HM+ should i'll pay a year in advance.

c2 is the future prom queen that has to take off her glasses and sweats then put on something sexy.

Author:  Markoz [ Tue Nov 15, 2011 7:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: decision made

Look I am helping: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=48607&st=0&sk=t&sd=a

I just disliked the way Biggie was being a dick nom nuts and trying to attempt sparking a flame war and using T.H.S. Nemesis II as an escape [s]goett[/s] goat. :P

Author:  cej1120con [ Tue Nov 15, 2011 9:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: decision made

goett wrote:
c2 is the future prom queen that has to take off her glasses :shock: and sweats then put on something sexy.

I think sweat pants and a t-shirt are sexy on a girl tbh

Author:  gundamrules2003 [ Tue Nov 15, 2011 9:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: decision made

If some one wants to write their dislike of C2, or if they want to quit or express their dislike that is entirely their right. You dont have to like it and hey you dont have to even read it. But it is their to state how ever and their opinion to express on here.

Author:  Dorin Nube [ Wed Nov 16, 2011 1:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: decision made

Hooghthegreat wrote:
due to the horrible/terrible/downright shitty graphics and all the other issues with gameplay and all the other problems the game currently has, I am cancelling my sub. As of this time, only one thing could possibly change my mind on this subject. Dump C2 and bring back C1. Since this is not going to happen, the devs can chalk up 1 lost customer to this huge failure of a game. Maybe we as a playerbase could boycott, and force them to change back, but i wouldn't count on that happening either.

Since I will be leaving the game, I would like to thank all the members of EF for the wonderfully fun times I have had previously. I also would like to say goodbye to all the friends and even the enemies I have made. It was great knowing all of you.



Got any spare ACALs?

What size boots did you wear?

Author:  zhuang281 [ Wed Nov 16, 2011 2:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: decision made

To the first few posters in this thread: I have a present for you:


Feel free to use this to shovel the sand out of your vagina.

Author:  paxiprime [ Wed Nov 16, 2011 2:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: decision made

goett wrote:
you serious?

who played c1 for graphics... if you did ur a moron. C1 was like playing chess with shitty looking half carved wooden pieces. c2 is ebony with nice board inlays that just needs a week til pickup. that being said c2 is atm checkers also but it'll get back to chess soon.

who thinks with jeff's 'it looks cool' attitude c2 won't look awesome given time?

personally... give me a giant square that has text "Heph machine plus" in it and if it works like a HM+ should i'll pay a year in advance.

c2 is the future prom queen that has to take off her glasses and sweats then put on something sexy.

Haha goett you crack me up :)

True though!

- Paxx

Author:  biggee531 [ Wed Nov 16, 2011 3:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: decision made

Markoz wrote:
Look I am helping: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=48607&st=0&sk=t&sd=a

I just disliked the way Biggie was being a dick nom nuts and trying to attempt sparking a flame war and using T.H.S. Nemesis II as an escape [s]goett[/s] goat. :P

So he has the right to bitch and moan, but i don't have the right to put him in his place. Thanks for clearing that up.

But I do applaud your contribution to ship models. Like I said, picking out particular things you don't like is infinitely more productive :)

Author:  Xonok2 [ Wed Nov 16, 2011 10:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: decision made

People really say weird things. Who the hell cares about graphics when the game is good? I dont know anyone who played C1 for it's graphics, yet i see most whining about that same thing that they dont play for. The only thing that makes C2 annoying to me is that it crashes almost every time i open it, before playing, this is not what i am paying for. Fix those damn crashes and i am happy lol.

Author:  Visorak [ Wed Nov 16, 2011 12:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: decision made

Xonok2 wrote:
People really say weird things. Who the hell cares about graphics when the game is good? I dont know anyone who played C1 for it's graphics, yet i see most whining about that same thing that they dont play for. The only thing that makes C2 annoying to me is that it crashes almost every time i open it, before playing, this is not what i am paying for. Fix those damn crashes and i am happy lol.
There is beauty in every style of graphics. Why do you think some people still play 8-bit games?

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