Star Sonata

Game will fail
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Author:  General [ Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Game will fail

I have yet to make any bad rage post about c2 and i not going to rage about c2. I will rage about changes being made and you admins cant even be honest and tell us when you make a change instead you just ignore us and don't comment. Multiple people have noticed rof beefs in a few different ubers and now Andaman drones damage seems to have been nerfed.Sure they were overpowered before but now they just fucking suck.

When you cant even be honest with your customers you have set sail to fail.You lie and sneak shit in all the time i cant remember all of it off the top of my head maybe others can remember shit they changed without notice

Author:  goett [ Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Game will fail

admins have been doing a great job on bugs in general.

The pr has sucked and has always sucked tbh. Its 'little community' attitude is annoying at times and limiting. Also part of the reason it stays a little community.

Author:  General [ Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Game will fail

And will stay little and atm its dwindling

Author:  JeffL [ Tue Nov 29, 2011 9:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Game will fail

The only thing we've done to possibly increase the RoF of ubers is overall performance improvements to the server.

Author:  Cygnus [ Tue Nov 29, 2011 9:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Game will fail

Just like you've not changed suns at all, yet they all are doing 10 times the damage?

Something MUST be bugged, Jeff. Emp's ROF should not have changed from simple server optimization, unless for some reason you increased the clock speed on SS or something, but that should universally increase ROF. Therefore, we're telling you, there is a bug.

Boss ROF is bugged. Suns are bugged. If you can't see how it's happening, then it either means something is wrong now, or something WAS wrong in C1 that you fixed...but it was balanced around C1, and it worked just fine that way, so you need to break it again.

It's a bug, please fix it.

Author:  goett [ Tue Nov 29, 2011 10:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Game will fail

andaman drones are acting nerfed, bases are acting nerfed also, might have something to do.

(also dg drop tables suck.. something is off there)

Author:  General [ Tue Nov 29, 2011 10:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Game will fail

Jeff its not just about this you are loosing customers you know it.Example of the lies and doing stuff without notice is the RC requiring piloting levels i was online when it got changed and the admins/devs never said a single thing about it till a week later.Who wants to play a game that things are constantly changed without notice.I know people who had spent hours gathering and seting up slaves to level alts just to be set back by a unannounced change.Also suns are doing insane amounts of damage now compared to c1 if you dont belive me jeff turn on a c1 test server and try the stuff in c1 and in c2

Sorry to say it but SS fails and wont grow any bigger then there is change and the change that needs to take place is not geting rid of the old players who know how the system once was like some people say it is.The change needs to be from within your little circle jeff.

Also goett is right bases dps seems utter shit now i have a attached ada t20 kit with 3 achiles damage 2 firing 1 range with a achiles laser z it used to 1/2 shot picks now it sucks ass. Also 3 andaman drones used to own Bg's and pick's again now they suck ass.Players notice this stuff because we play and use them the issue here is the people incharge dont want to hear there shit aint working and is broken

Author:  Cygnus [ Tue Nov 29, 2011 10:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Game will fail

What exactly does telling him this achieve? I'm pretty sure he already knows exactly what his sub numbers are, he doesn't need you to tell him that. If you don't like it, then say EXACTLY what you don't like, and maybe he can fix it. If you can't do that, just stop playing, that gets your point across far better than whining on the forums. If necessary, post your goodbye thread with the reasons you're leaving.

I, for example, am not playing at the moment because A(minor): I have a job, and B(Major): The capital laser graphic doesn't look right! (Or mad thorax).

Those are my numero uno fixes i want!

Author:  General [ Tue Nov 29, 2011 11:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Game will fail

I know he can do a easy check to see how many subs he has but that's not 100% right. The average person owns 2+ accs i would bet SS does not have more then at most 300 different people.

Also i am not whining i am stating the facts.I will not leave i like the game but when bugs and ignorance makes the game no longer fun well then i might have to leave. On another note take your own advise if you don's like what people have to say make your goodbye post and stay off the forums

Cygnus I believe you are right and stop subs does get the point across but Voom has stated he does not care If I stop subs for my 9 accs. Don't remember his exact words but pretty much told me my 9 accs don't matter and he is right my 9 accounts don't but when 5 people like me with 6+ accs quit well it matters.Its just a matter of a month or 2 and income being down before someone does something.

Alot of people came back just to see c2 and will leave again because they dislike it.You asked "What exactly does telling him this achieve" Well i telling him this to try to get it fixed so i don't have to make a goodbye post and leave

Author:  Cygnus [ Tue Nov 29, 2011 11:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Game will fail

But you haven't even complained about anything concrete! They're just people, and it's a lot harder to change a person than change a game!

Complain about what bugs you in the GAME, and it's likely to get fixed, and that's all that really matters, isn't it? So make a well written(sorry, but your posts make my inner grammar nazi groan in pain) post, and then just log on once a day and bump the damn thing until you get a response and they get fixed, and then you can come back, and everything will be well with the world, and all living things.

Author:  Visorak [ Tue Nov 29, 2011 11:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Game will fail

Cygnus wrote:
Boss ROF is bugged. Suns are bugged. If you can't see how it's happening, then it either means something is wrong now, or something WAS wrong in C1 that you fixed...
I think this is the best summary of my thoughts.

Author:  Javatech [ Wed Nov 30, 2011 4:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Game will fail

Holy shit, I thought you guys knew better than getting me started on those fucking suns. The admins and Devs just quote they made no changes to them yet won't actually go out and field test this shit themselves and witness what everyone else has been telling them.

Author:  playerboy345 [ Wed Nov 30, 2011 4:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Game will fail

Javatech wrote:
Holy shit, I thought you guys knew better than getting me started on those fucking suns. The admins and Devs just quote they made no changes to them yet won't actually go out and field test this shit themselves and witness what everyone else has been telling them.

The SS admin/dev team has been like this since the beginning of time, nothing new.

Author:  General [ Thu Dec 01, 2011 2:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Game will fail

Another unannounced change and another pissed off customer

Author:  syberian [ Thu Dec 01, 2011 2:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Game will fail

General wrote:
Another unannounced change and another pissed off customer

Lies, voomy never had sense of humor

I find c2 much less addicting, in fact its not addicting at all, I cba to log on more than once a day.

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