Star Sonata

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Author:  Hooghthegreat [ Sun Nov 13, 2011 12:33 am ]
Post subject:  Why??

After spending the downtime reading many of these posts, I have come to one conclusion. The game was obviously not ready for release. I have read posts from devs stating they want to add this or change that or tweak this and that.

My question is simple.

If there is so much that needs to be added or changed, why was the game released?

Author:  DrNAught [ Sun Nov 13, 2011 1:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why??

I shall second this notion. I understand wanting a temp uni to stress tests your 'tweaks' but when it's caused this much downtime, honestly was it worth it?

Author:  Macedonn3 [ Sun Nov 13, 2011 1:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why??

You read my mind. It’s been an hour since the patching and it seems the game is too fragmented for any release. Nobody is rushing them for the release and I would prefer them to take some more time on it. This game is not ready obviously and needs more work.

I understand that testing the game with the community is a good idea but this is not getting far if the game is incomplete. The Devs will be rushing now to fix the problems and might miss a few important glitches because people are waiting. This will lead to more server patching and more angry people.

I think they should make a recall and try again later.

Author:  Bonecrusher [ Sun Nov 13, 2011 1:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why??

At some point SALES has to SHOOT the engineers and sell the product as it is.

There is ALWAYS something that needs to be done or added or changed... luckily the program isn't cast in cement.

Just enjoy what they've released and consider yourself a part of the dev's tester team.

Author:  Hooghthegreat [ Sun Nov 13, 2011 2:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why??

Bonecrusher wrote:
At some point SALES has to SHOOT the engineers and sell the product as it is.

There is ALWAYS something that needs to be done or added or changed... luckily the program isn't cast in cement.

Just enjoy what they've released and consider yourself a part of the dev's tester team.

But paying to be a "tester" seems a bit backwards to me. In most, if not all cases, the testers get paid, not pay to be a tester.

Author:  swingarm [ Sun Nov 13, 2011 3:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why??

I'm kinda 50/50 on this, something with so much bugs in it makes me laugh when they say this was a pvp uni. On the other hand you can only do so much testing/fixing/adding before you do have to put a product out there.

Author:  fruits [ Sun Nov 13, 2011 5:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why??

Hooghthegreat wrote:
After spending the downtime reading many of these posts, I have come to one conclusion. The game was obviously not ready for release. I have read posts from devs stating they want to add this or change that or tweak this and that.

My question is simple.

If there is so much that needs to be added or changed, why was the game released?

Admins don't realise that C1ˇwas one of a kind now it looks like another shitfuck.

Author:  Visorak [ Sun Nov 13, 2011 9:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why??

Yea, I wish they would have ironed out all of the visible bugs before they even tried to release. The temp uni should have been for testing a major server load and finding not-so-obvious bugs.

fruits wrote:
Admins don't realise that C1ˇwas one of a kind now it looks like another shitfuck.
Point. C1 was a unique game. I have never seen anything like it. Starport is our closest comparison, and it suffers from having a lot of polish but not much underneath that.

Author:  Markoz [ Mon Nov 14, 2011 5:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why??

Hooghthegreat wrote:
If there is so much that needs to be added or changed, why was the game released?

Cause they didn't listen to the advice of the beta players.

Author:  deathwolf359 [ Wed Nov 16, 2011 8:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why??

i agree 100%...
A real beta test was never run. A real beta test would have had real characters ported over to really stress test the gameplay. Playing with a level +/- 100 will not test anything. and all these changes made to general gameplay should have been implemented on C1 if they had to be implemented so players coulf get used to them instead of throwing ALL of the customers into the fray with a sink or swim attitude. No company that does that can survive.
It isnt like you have alot of products out there. you have one. if you break it to the point of, well... this point.... your customers are gonna walk away. I have already cancelled 8 subs in anticipation of the issues not being resolved.
Work on it, fix it, test it, fix it, test it, fix it, test it some more, fix it some more, then when you are 99% sure it is ready..... roll it out...
Dont tell your bread and butter that they have to take it or leave it.
C2 looks great and has the potential to be a great game, C1 is already a great game. C2 is decidedly broke. look at the logs, see how many unique users have logged recently (and stayed), then do some math.

Author:  paxiprime [ Wed Nov 16, 2011 9:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why??

I'm sorry to disagree. The only viable way to test this product was to release it early. No matter what tests were done before the release, there were gonna be bugs either way. Stop bitching, and stop disrespecting the development team. They did an awesome job with updating the bugs so far, and user base content will get implemented soon enough.

- Paxx



Author:  deathwolf359 [ Wed Nov 16, 2011 9:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why??

I will not stop bitching... i like so many other are paying customers...
If you went to a restraunt and were enoying a meal, halfway through your meal your food was taken away and you were given a plate of crap that you couldnt eat, but the cook came to your table trying to fix your food for you. would you complain, and ask for the meal that you already had and liked back, or just sit there and take it? if forced to just sit and take it.... wouldnt you just walk out?
I am a paying CUSTOMER, and have been given something i cant use.
To continue the metaphore, i like this restraunt, and see all these other customers walking away. i dont want it to close down. it is comfortable and fun. but the owners of the establishment dont seem to care.
They tried this food thing before on a trial basis, and EVERYONE complained, but they decided to make it the only way they did business.
I am not disrespecting anyone. i WANT this fixed and working. it will be great when it is fixed. To fix it there needs to be a real beta test, not that fake bullshit they ran.
And a temp uni making EVERYONE do the beta is not the way to run a business...
Make no mistake, this IS a business and customers ARE leaving. and at the rate at which it is happening i am afraid my favorite waste of time and money is going to go away. i dont want to see that happen.
but if the waste of time and money isnt fun anymore, i'm not going to continue to play.
No doubt the devs are working hard, good for them, i work hard too, and choose to spent some of that money on 8 subs. but wont continue if the game doesnt work. C1 works. C2 doesnt. Nuff Said.

Author:  paxiprime [ Wed Nov 16, 2011 9:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why??

*Paxx looks at giant wall of text and reads, "I am a paying customer"

Then refers magically to the topic that Jeff posted not to long ago.


This week you are not a paying customer, the server is theoretically down and you have a choice as to wither or not you want to help out and make reasonable suggestions, and report bugs that are wrong with SS2. So yes, you are bitching, and you are disrespecting the development team.

- Paxx

Author:  Camsy [ Wed Nov 16, 2011 9:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why??

~Ignore this box as i made a mistake =S

Author:  Xonok2 [ Thu Nov 17, 2011 5:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why??

Just 1 question on topic:Why doesnt this client run at all? Test client worked wonderfully and now i cant run it on low(used to run on medium).

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