Star Sonata

Some suggestions
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Author:  anilv [ Wed Sep 14, 2011 11:51 am ]
Post subject:  Some suggestions

1. When the radar map gets a makeover, please consider making it scalable like a window so that players can get a broader view of the field of play (dependent on their ships' radar abilities, of course).

2. Make the galaxy map scalable instead of this x1, x2 nonsense. Maybe allow us to toggle an option to have the map briefly appear and fade out whenever you jump through a wormhole.

3. Make the chat bar scalable.

4. (Tentative) Use HOME and END keys to rotate the camera around 90º, so you can view the field from the north, east, and west as well as south. It just doesn't feel right to use more than a single tick of camera tilt if it means giving up so much vision to the south of my ship, even though it looks neat.

5. (Kyp's suggestion) Displace some larger objects from the plane of play. Not only are they annoying to traverse, it would give an even better feeling of depth.

6. The background scene in Deep Space gives a nice feeling of being wayy out there, but there's still a perspective problem. I don't care if the little dots are stars or space dust, but the ones that are moving faster than the scene should not be behind it graphically. That just doesn't make sense. Can't the background scene just be moved all the way to the back, or else the farthest back layer of dust be made to move slower than the background scene?

7. My ship appears underneath some space stations, such as the one in the main Cadet galaxy. This seems pointless and makes it a tiny bit harder to dock.

Author:  SimonV2 [ Tue Oct 25, 2011 10:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Some suggestions


/signed on all counts.

Author:  syberian [ Wed Oct 26, 2011 3:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Some suggestions

Also, theres no transfer all/ all of type button ;/

Author:  JeffL [ Thu Nov 03, 2011 6:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Some suggestions

1. Definitely agree on scaling the radar window with your radars stats.

2. We were working on trying to make the gal map scalable for almost a month and have now tabled it. It was just too hard to get right in this graphics engine. I agree, though that the 1x and 2x are not that great, especially when I tried playing on a larger monitor. I'm trying to think of some kind of improvement to the 1x, 2x thing that's not quite as complicated as resizing the window dynamically with the mouse, but that is more functional than what we currently have.

3. Similar issue to 2. It's just not something we can easily do in any sort of reasonable time frame.

4. While this would be easy to do, I really worry that it would be more disorienting than it would be useful. It hasn't been patched yet, but Jey has changed the max camera zoom from what it was to "omg I can't believe I can zoom out this far, I can see the whole universe". My guess is that zooming out would be a lot more useful than rotating the camera.

5. This is an entirely content issue, unless you are talking about things like suns that are in randomly generated galaxies, in which case, I personally disagree.

6. I'm not sure.

7. I really still don't know the answer to the issue with ships and space stations overlapping.

8. There is no need for a "transfer all" option when you can select everything in your inventory and just drag it to where you want it to go, or right-click and use the normal transfer option. I think removing it and reducing clutter is better than having it and saving yourself one extra click (and possibly a scroll) for when you need to to do.

Author:  syberian [ Thu Nov 03, 2011 6:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Some suggestions

JeffL wrote:
8. There is no need for a "transfer all" option when you can select everything in your inventory and just drag it to where you want it to go, or right-click and use the normal transfer option. I think removing it and reducing clutter is better than having it and saving yourself one extra click (and possibly a scroll) for when you need to to do.

Of course there is such need, transferring throu drag and drop is nice, but for re gearing aka small amount of items.
For moving loads of items transfer button was a lot better.

Author:  anilv [ Thu Nov 03, 2011 6:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Some suggestions

Thank you for the feedback, Jeff. I was under the impression that Evolet / Deathdisguise developed a system to resize GUI elements; if that's the case you should really check in with him about that. It would be great to eventually have resize abilities for not only chat and map, but also the radar interface.

Increasing zoom abilities would probably be a fine way to get around rotating the camera.

As far as "transfer all" goes, maybe I'm not aware of it but I did not think it was possible to select everything in your inventory with a single click. If that's not possible, you will still need to select each item manually in order to transfer them all somewhere. That's way more than the single extra click. At any rate, I did play the beta to level 100 so if there's a way to select all in the inventory, it should be more obvious in my opinion.

Author:  Russell [ Sun Nov 06, 2011 5:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Some suggestions

What is desperately needed is a "transfer some" command, base building is just not practicable without it.

Eg I need to put 200 retadis extensions on a base from my singularity sphere. I have 5000 in the ship, how do I do it easily and quickly?

Currently in C2 you have to toss 200 and then scoop them in another ship, not really practicable if you have to build a large number of bases.

I am not even sure if it is even possible for a single player to build as I havent tested multi clienting in C2 yet.

BTW I DO LIKE the ability to select drones and give them a target override.
But I had to find that out from a friend, where is the detailed instructions for all the functions in C2?

I really dont think that C2 is ready to replace C1 yet.

Author:  syberian [ Sun Nov 06, 2011 5:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Some suggestions

Russell wrote:
What is desperately needed is a "transfer some" command, base building is just not practicable without it.

Eg I need to put 200 retadis extensions on a base from my singularity sphere. I have 5000 in the ship, how do I do it easily and quickly?

Currently in C2 you have to toss 200 and then scoop them in another ship, not really practicable if you have to build a large number of bases.

I am not even sure if it is even possible for a single player to build as I havent tested multi clienting in C2 yet.

BTW I DO LIKE the ability to select drones and give them a target override.
But I had to find that out from a friend, where is the detailed instructions for all the functions in C2?

I really dont think that C2 is ready to replace C1 yet.


Author:  THE Massif Destruction [ Sun Nov 06, 2011 5:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Some suggestions

Russell wrote:
I really dont think that C2 is ready to replace C1 yet.

~ hαvε pεοplε jυsτ noτιcε∂ τhιs?

Author:  JeffL [ Thu Nov 10, 2011 12:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Some suggestions

Well, Jey put in the "transfer some" and "transfer all" options to make sure people are happy.

Author:  Battlecruiser23 [ Thu Nov 10, 2011 1:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Some suggestions

JeffL wrote:
4. While this would be easy to do, I really worry that it would be more disorienting than it would be useful. It hasn't been patched yet, but Jey has changed the max camera zoom from what it was to "omg I can't believe I can zoom out this far, I can see the whole universe". My guess is that zooming out would be a lot more useful than rotating the camera

EVE has it where through a simple UI command(right click then select) you can reset the camera behind your ship in the default position.

Why not use that to help reorient players? Except making it a, Delete.

Author:  JeffL [ Thu Nov 10, 2011 2:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Some suggestions

If I was going to do a camera rotate I would do it where you hold down a key and the camera rotates, but as soon as you let go, it snaps back into place. But as I said, I really don't think it would be nearly as useful as just zooming out, or even as useful as temporary camera pans.

Author:  Cygnus [ Thu Nov 10, 2011 2:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Some suggestions

That type of rotation wouldbe almost entirely useless, jeff. It would have to stick if you want it to have any tactical benefit at all.

Author:  Jey123456 [ Thu Nov 10, 2011 8:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Some suggestions

just about every base building related functions are now fixed and optimised for my enjoyement ! (and i hope yours). All the transfer functions are fixed (transfer some, transfer type, transfer all) from either main inventory, secondary inventory or base inventory.
Drag and drop also work great, although for now is limited to a transfer kind of transfer. (i want to add a shift modifier to it to transfer one, and maybe alt to transfer all that can fit), but for now it will have to do.

I also fixed the sorting of the base tab, trade bay, and all sort of other userbases related bug in my userbase annoyance/bug hunting fun :P.

I am currently nearly done in my feature annoyance/bughunting (userbases, slaves, squad, fighting, ap, drones and ui)

Offcourse im not stupid enough to say there will be 0 bugs left on release, there are always some of those damn critter that slip past the tests.

But i sure as hell plan on having the client completly playable and enjoyable on release. (and as bug free as possible offcourse). Once were finally past that milestone, the real fun begin !.

C1 was a polished turd, really shiny and all, but nothing much more could be done for it. C2 is a diamond in the rough, lots of things can be done on it to make the game even more enjoyable. New features are a breeze to add compared to C1, performance wise it will only improve of the weeks/months

Author:  playerboy345 [ Fri Nov 11, 2011 2:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Some suggestions

C1 might be a polished turd, but it's the shiniest turd I have ever seen!

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