Star Sonata

Seer/Drone conflict
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Author:  Mail [ Mon Oct 24, 2011 6:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Seer/Drone conflict

The Lost One wrote:
Mail wrote:
thijs12b wrote:
Soooo what class is there to counter an engineer?

1 Zerk will take out an engineer, easily.

Time Warp

Give me your best Berserker, and let's have a try. Last time I piloted my not-so-broken Pax Levitas, I beat Tallon in a 1v1.

So yeah, please, bring it on.

You're not the spread of engineers.

Time Warp

Author:  The Lost One [ Mon Oct 24, 2011 6:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Seer/Drone conflict

Choose any mediocre Engineer and any mediocre Berserker, and the outcome will be the same.

Author:  thijs12b [ Mon Oct 24, 2011 7:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Seer/Drone conflict

The Lost One wrote:
Choose any mediocre Engineer and any mediocre Berserker, and the outcome will be the same.

I killed ashta's zerk in colo on my sort of below mediocre engineer.

Author:  Battlecruiser23 [ Mon Oct 24, 2011 9:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Seer/Drone conflict

-Best Stealth: Noone else is stealthier, unless you sacrifice combat prowess.
-Massive Radar: Can see everything and for another seer.
-Critical Punch: Relatively minor DPS becomes insane DPH.

One. A person. A thing with a soul.
Drones have no soul, which means they have no behind, no commands(for now), and are completely helpless if tractored.

If there was a much reduced radar bonus from DM, then there may not BE a counter to seers, outside a base.

To kill a seer, you must put out a massive amount of burst DPS. Which isn't too hard for a zerk, SD, or sniper. However, if the seer is anything better than absolute stupidity(how'd the seer get to this point otherwise is anyone's guess), then the seer carries a few damage tweaks(assumption we include DS's and AWC's and AHships), a few adv blocks, and a pwi.

Stealth(and to a lessor extent, radar) is the seer's shield and weapon. That Adv Block will keep him alive for the split second it takes to whack the pwi once and escape. His stealth will allow him to sneak up and strike. And if a pesky sniper tries hiding, the radar will see him.

-Aside from shm and engineer, no class, alone, has the ability to regen all the damage the seer can cause in the time that it takes to charge a pwi: 30 seconds.

Imagine, you cannot fight back against a Seer. SD's are worthless as a pirate class; every pirate is a seer. There is no counter, so anything not a seer or a shm(regen +healing) is a deadman.

Seer IS a class that in every game, has the very potential to break the game. The point is a class that can hide from all, see all, and escape after dealing a massive chunk of damage is a class that could defeat the purpose of any other class in pvp.

There HAS to be a counter to seer.

Having a sup radar controller allow something like a titan see the seer before the seer can shoot it is fine, just NO to nerfing drone radar to a point where it can't see seers with the controller.

Author:  basebot [ Mon Oct 24, 2011 11:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Seer/Drone conflict

We're saying so you need a controller to see them, you fucking idiot.

You don't need to tell us the entire history of Seer and what happens in game. This is the Star Sonata forum, we play it too, remember? Christ man, learn to keep your posts short.

Author:  thijs12b [ Mon Oct 24, 2011 12:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Seer/Drone conflict

What annoys me is that everyone stupid engineer with no brains some charges and a BFD can win vs. almost any other class.

Author:  The Lost One [ Mon Oct 24, 2011 12:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Seer/Drone conflict

I hardly use BFDs anymore. I sometimes deploy one or two if I know I am fighting a Seer or a Sniper.

Author:  Mail [ Mon Oct 24, 2011 2:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Seer/Drone conflict

The Lost One wrote:
Choose any mediocre Engineer and any mediocre Berserker, and the outcome will be the same.

I disagree.

thijs12b wrote:
The Lost One wrote:
Choose any mediocre Engineer and any mediocre Berserker, and the outcome will be the same.

I killed ashta's zerk in colo on my sort of below mediocre engineer.

What would make you think that counts lol?

Time Warp

Author:  thijs12b [ Mon Oct 24, 2011 7:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Seer/Drone conflict

Hell I think i've even beaten your zerk time warp on my engi somewhile ago , in colo.

Author:  Battlecruiser23 [ Mon Oct 24, 2011 7:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Seer/Drone conflict

Tbh, zerks are Very, predictable. And thats probably why they can be beaten by an engineer of lessor quality.

An engineer, on the other hand, can fight at short, medium, and long ranges. They can be static or mobile(not sure how that'd fair as a real setup). Their slaves are bonused, which, while it is not a massive bonus(Shm/FC), is something to take note of.

A zerk...I have yet to see a zerk that didnt fall under one of two categories. Either a KMW design with an emp aug...or two, somewhere in the setup. Or an In Your Face massive dps no range setup.

Serious categories. Using a zerk like the bastard child of a SD and a sniper doesnt count for "PvP setup".

Author:  Mail [ Mon Oct 24, 2011 11:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Seer/Drone conflict

thijs12b wrote:
Hell I think i've even beaten your zerk time warp on my engi somewhile ago , in colo.

I've never been killed by an engineer in colo on my Beserker.

Time Warp

Author:  shawn_mccall [ Tue Oct 25, 2011 12:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Seer/Drone conflict

Problem being that a Seer can 1 shot 2b in PvP if the drones cannot see them...

Yeah it's the same old argument, but until you come up with a solution to the massive handicaps an Engineer faces from a monetary point of view every time the attempt to PvP, I could not give 2 shits less about your GG. If I have to risk at least 10b every time I decide to put up a fight instead of taking a death I damn well better have good odds of winning.

Author:  ping101 [ Tue Oct 25, 2011 3:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Seer/Drone conflict

As annoying Droners can be, I dont really have a big problem with them. Colo just makes them look OP, Fighting them for real is a completely different story.
The fact's are; If you attack them odds are your going to die, If you dont then you live. Picking your battles is key to being a good Seer.

When I first started talking to the greats of the class both past and present they told me that survival is the most important thing.
*Hat tip to Neba for proving that point to me.

-Bad at Games

Author:  Mail [ Tue Oct 25, 2011 3:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Seer/Drone conflict

Yeah, colo makes them look OP. Imo, people should kamikaze kill drones, rather than kill the engineer(which I know is standard practice). Just so you can hurt them more!

Time Warp

Author:  reyjalrmm [ Tue Oct 25, 2011 7:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Seer/Drone conflict

cant crit drones from what i get?

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