Star Sonata

Let me use Lagkiller 100% of the time.
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Author:  Javatech [ Thu Nov 24, 2011 12:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Let me use Lagkiller 100% of the time.

No More Of This...

Much More Of This...

When lagkiller turns off it completely kills my ability to play the game, when it's active it makes everything oh so smooth and game actually fun to play..

This turns on and off back and forth non-stop. Even setting it to require 100 or higher FPS doesn't seem to force it to stay enabled. If I could just make it stay enabled at all times I could play non-stop without ever dealing with lag.

Author:  Javatech [ Thu Nov 24, 2011 12:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Let me use Lagkiller 100% of the time.

Great, I just got killed because of this stupid fucking thing blanking out my screen. I could here myself getting shot, see my shield going down but I couldn't see my attacker or what it was using.. I couldn't see to run, fight, anything.

Author:  paxiprime [ Thu Nov 24, 2011 1:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Let me use Lagkiller 100% of the time.

You need a better graphics card buddy :)

- Paxx

Author:  Cygnus [ Thu Nov 24, 2011 2:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Let me use Lagkiller 100% of the time.

Obviously we people with crappy computers need better ones. On the other hand, i was under the impression that it was supposed to run, on low, as well or better than the old client did. When it is on "disable ALL" it runs smoothly on my computer, and while i wouldn't want it like that all the time, when I'm doing uber runs and other team stuff, functionality is far more important than looking pretty.

As it is, i dont think it would be possible for my computer to handle olympus, which was one of the few things i still actually logged on to do.

Author:  saran [ Thu Nov 24, 2011 11:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Let me use Lagkiller 100% of the time.

Cygnus wrote:
Obviously we people with crappy computers need better ones. On the other hand, i was under the impression that it was supposed to run, on low, as well or better than the old client did. When it is on "disable ALL" it runs smoothly on my computer, and while i wouldn't want it like that all the time, when I'm doing uber runs and other team stuff, functionality is far more important than looking pretty.

As it is, i dont think it would be possible for my computer to handle olympus, which was one of the few things i still actually logged on to do.

In a lot of ways it does run as well or better than the old client. They did NOT promise it would run under the same requirements. Do not confuse these terms as they are Very different. Jey did say that the lagkiller is still new and fresh and will have and need tweaking in the future.

Send in your support ticket with your screenies and give Jey a chance to look at it and see what can be done. But like all games, you need to have the hardware to run it. It is your responsibility to ensure your system can function when it tries to run a game. Not the people who sell or offer the product.

But I am sure that Jey will find more ways to tweak it and make it run better. So rest assured, your in good hands. Perhaps there will be a way to set lag killer to a level manually.

Author:  Cygnus [ Fri Nov 25, 2011 1:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Let me use Lagkiller 100% of the time.

Well, my system DID run the game just fine until they went and changed it :P

Author:  Javatech [ Fri Nov 25, 2011 2:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Let me use Lagkiller 100% of the time.

Don't get me wrong, I have a computer that can run the game on the highest settings with high res textures. I rather be able to play the game on *All* my computers though, especially when the one currently having problems was the computer I used the most.

Here's what a Hotrod+ looks like on this computer:

This is what it looks like when it fires:

Author:  Javatech [ Fri Nov 25, 2011 3:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Let me use Lagkiller 100% of the time.

Btw, Prosynce is looking a bit sexy today.


Paxx looks ok too I guess...


Author:  Jey123456 [ Fri Nov 25, 2011 5:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Let me use Lagkiller 100% of the time.

Next patch will improve performance by a huge margin (again). Especially in fights where there is a lot of projectiles (uber runs for instance).

Ill see if i can add a /command to force the lagkiller always on for the few of you who want it, although i doubt ill be able to find any space in the config option dialog for such an option (nor make it save to the userconfig).

Author:  Happy_Tree_Friend [ Fri Nov 25, 2011 6:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Let me use Lagkiller 100% of the time.

Couldn't you just manipulate the lagkiller lower/upper limits so that it would be on all the time? Say put the lower limit above your max fps?

Author:  Jey123456 [ Fri Nov 25, 2011 6:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Let me use Lagkiller 100% of the time.

no, because the lag killer code has limits set in so that regular players who dont know that they are doing, dont mess up their client :P.

Author:  Markoz [ Fri Nov 25, 2011 9:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Let me use Lagkiller 100% of the time.

Not to insult, will there be a disable option for the lag killer?

Or wouldn't that be needed at tall if "like you said" wont even notice it working in the background?

Author:  Jey123456 [ Sat Nov 26, 2011 4:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Let me use Lagkiller 100% of the time.

you can already disable it. just set your upper limit to like 1fps in options. (unless your average fps is 0. in which case well... lag killer off wont give you much :P)

Author:  Javatech [ Sun Nov 27, 2011 2:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Let me use Lagkiller 100% of the time.

On low settings, please remove the very highly graphics intensive warp effect. It takes about 5 - 6 seconds to process it with no action going on around me. I think if this was removed/changed I could play this game much easier. This is what causes the big nasty white out on my screen most of the time, gets me killed often and completely locks my client up each time til it's finished loading.

Author:  saran [ Sun Nov 27, 2011 11:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Let me use Lagkiller 100% of the time.

Javatech wrote:
On low settings, please remove the very highly graphics intensive warp effect. It takes about 5 - 6 seconds to process it with no action going on around me. I think if this was removed/changed I could play this game much easier. This is what causes the big nasty white out on my screen most of the time, gets me killed often and completely locks my client up each time til it's finished loading.

But like all games, you need to have the hardware to run it. It is your responsibility to ensure your system can function when it tries to run a game. Not the people who sell or offer the product.

the warp effect is one of the lowest. Missiles use far more graphics when they are spammed. Your computer cannot handle SS well at all...and there are limits to what can be done without making you a new client.

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