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Team: Strawberry Pancakes
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Post Various Bugs and Comments
  • Debris rotates around the wrong location. This also results in the target ring on debris seeming to be positioned incorrectly
  • Incorrect typing cursor location when clicking the password box. If you click inside the password box on the login screen, notice the typing cursor is placed at the wrong location. A guess is it might be using the sizes of the corresponding letters rather than the size of the asterisks to determine position clicked at. This is especially noticeable with longer passwords.
  • Trying to target ship sitting on an AI base can cause problems. I've, at times, been unable to select a ship because it was under the AI base. It should functional more like in the previous client and cycle between objects at the location.
  • Right click a ship in the Ship tab and you will see an option for id_select_ship.
  • Black boxes on engine graphics in floaties.
  • Massive lag (around 8 FPS) for me on any quality setting below Very High. Specs: Nvidia Quadro FX 570M, 4 GB of RAM, T9300 Core 2 Duo 2.5GHz
  • Spacebase description text gets cut off if it's two lines long.
  • Clicking the up button in trade tab of base can cause an attempt to buy items sometimes
  • A server crash caused the spacebase window to stay open even though I was no longer in the base on server restart.
  • Old Man Block: not all stats fit in the tooltip (notice the lack of a size stat).
  • Improper overlay of the stasis effect on Jey's wingship in the Nexus noticed when on low quality setting (might've been fixed in the most recent patch?).
  • Sometimes the mission text doesn't scroll up when opening a new mission. I think this occurs when you open a new mission with the mission completion textbox open and scrolled at the time.
  • [s]How do I toss X of a stacked non-commodity item? I did not have a Toss Some option.[/s] (Seems to work now.)
  • Info opton in right-click item menu seems to do nothing. Is it supposed to pop up a permanent item "tool-tip" box?
  • Double click item to equip in place of current item. Right click switched out item. Sell. It will sell the item you equipped and didn't even right-click.
  • Stasis graphic overlays on the "unknown ship" graphic in floatie sometimes.
  • Can sometimes see "unknown ship" graphic with the actual ship and fully visible exhaust behind it in the floatie. Looks rather odd.
  • Selected squadmate, got tooltip, he warped, now the tooltip is stuck on-screen.
  • Can't see the bottom item in inventory: stuck behind the scrollbar
  • Game did not log out on required patch: just sat at a star/dust-filled screen.
  • Using the keyboard to select yes/no on the toss dialog causes the item to not be tossed and prevents the game from receiving keyboard input outside of dialogs until it is restarted
  • Completed the Suspicious Package mission and the mission was still listed in the spacebase (happens on the previous client also) until redock. Double clicking on the end mission again after completing it will cause some odd mission text to appear.
  • Transfer ship options sometimes give your current ship instead of a docked ship as an option to transfer to.
  • Suns will not properly load and display on floaties. Initially it only shows the transparent "particle" effect around the sun. Upon having the sun enter the screen normally by flying to it, the sun will display (without the particle effect). I was using Very High settings at the time.
  • Mission graphics are stretched on the map.
  • NCC Bulk is ridiculously large (much larger than the target ring).
  • Double-clicking to buy a ship out of your piloting level gives a confirmation box asking if you are sure you want to buy the ship. It then does not allow you to purchase said ship anyway due to being out of piloting level range. Clicking the buy button does not bother to bring up this dialog box. Dialog box should be removed.
  • Name boxes passing behind the target selection box block out the graphics inside it.
  • That larger dark sun in Paxius has one MASSIVE selection area.
  • Some things on the map (Alrai and Paxius, Deneb and Acropolis, Sol and ???) are so close together that the selecting mechanism gets finnicky about what you are trying to select.
  • Arrow keys don't scroll through items in trade bay
  • Station Management "cost per level" text gets cut off at the bottom (it's not completely in the text box).
  • "Toggle centering mode" doesn't seem to do anything on the map except move the map to an odd location when clicked
  • "Target Options" appears on top of the full-size map's zoom scroll and prevents clicking there
  • Earthforce Headquarter requires Peacemaking 1, which is no longer at the base it was at before. Is there a new way to get Peacemaking 1 or is this a bug?
  • It's possible to target the "Orbiter" object used by the spacebase in Earthforce Celestial Garden Outpost
  • Is the Rosburst Drone Device supposed to make Roswell drones instead of Rosburst drones? The energy cost seems rather steep for the same drone as the Roswell one.
  • AI bases have an indisputable hatred for my Roswell drones (Update: I think it might be the teamed ones).
  • /search also doesn't center on the galaxy. It seems there's something up with the code meant to center on anything on the map.
  • I'm noticing a MASSIVE collection on lines going to an unknown galaxy behind Sol. My guess is that the lines pointing to an unexplored galaxy are actually all pointing there.
  • Double clicked a ship in the trade bay and it attempted to sell instead of buy.
  • "Transfer some" does not pop up a dialog box.
  • It's possible to stick the spacebase window to the edge of the screen, after which is becomes rather difficult to pull off.
  • Wrong skills being shown in bases!
  • Holding down the up arrow in the chat area does not scroll the chat.
  • Team chat gives both a log-in and log-out message on member log-in.
  • No line in Key Options for "hide UI"

Mission Issues
  • "Exploring Fly Incubator" -- mission objective graphic still above wormhole after objective performed, but before mission completed.
  • Mission Vorian's Plan has "$galaction" in the text.
  • Vorian's Plan starts after wrong mission (doesn't require Finding More Work)
  • Agent Hauser graphic doesn't match mission text when first meeting him
  • Mission "Meet the Mole" -- "Travel to $endstation in ..."
  • For mission "Radio Frequencies" you can just scan the same Volcom 10x
  • Mission "Vorian" -- "Vorian is hiding out in $galaction..." and "Storm $galaction..."
  • Mission "Reports from Anchor Point" -- "Return to $endstation..."
  • Mission "Zobitan's Quest" -- "return to $endstation..."
  • Mission "Striking the UrQa" -- "in $galaction..."
  • Mission "New Arrival" seems to have a missing endpoint
  • Mission "A Strange Sun" has no newline between the mission objectives
  • Mission "Storehouse of Knowledge" -- "Find Lyceum and scan Lush for
    Devanar" Copy and paste from previous mission; there is no scanning Lush
    to be done.

UI Comments
  • Clicking ship on character select should load that character in my opinion. I'm not sure if this is a bug that it doesn't or a UI design problem.
  • Base backgrounds are too bright. It is often impossible to read text in the spacebase windows due to the cyan-ish text blending with sections of the background. Just darken the backgrounds.
  • It's too difficult to read text that pops out of your ship (eg: scooped items and mission text). It shouldn't pop up, enlarge to massive proportions, then disappear so quickly for longer lines of text. Reduce the max size, the rate of enlargement, and adjust those and the rate it fades out at to be based on the string length.
  • Said text also looks ugly currently due to these factors.
  • If hovering over an item in your inventory it should display a tooltip that quickly disappears when no longer hovering (like right now). However, If clicked have it stay open even when no longer hovering over the item. Tooltip and clicked items should show in separate boxes. This or some other system like it would make it so much easier to compare items.
  • Would look better not having ships tilt in floaties: only rotate (always an over-top view of the object). Engines and other effects should also not show in this. It should merely be an easy and efficient method of identifying targetable objects.
  • Trade tabs overlap with the left/right scrolling arrows. It looks a bit ugly and is somewhat annoying to navigate with.
  • Scrolling text on floaties is a bit slow. It'd also look a lot nicer with smooth-scrolling text.
  • Chatbox background fades out in transparency too quickly at the top, making it difficult to read messages. The partially transparent gradient should run further up.
  • Having Sell before Buy in trade bases seems a bit odd imo.
  • Clicking buy removes highlight on selected item. Would be preferred to keep it highlighted. Not sure if this is a bug or not.
  • Easier way to quickly identify player and AI ships on the target selection seems to be necessary (underlined name?).
  • AI text in galaxy chat can get annoying when trying to talk to people. Especially when there's a lot of AI text. Maybe just have it over their ship? Or have it disappear from the chat after a bit based on message length? A separate chat?
  • Floaties having numbers to show the object's distance away. This would be a great improvement on their UI functionality.
  • Target text background in the upper-right should fade out slower and still have a mostly-transparent background behind the text even afterward for readability reasons.
  • Needs to be easier to see how skill points will be spent. Maybe a X/Y or Y-X = NEW TOTAL in the skills tab of spacebases when selecting a skill?
  • Don't always confirm that I want to toss something! It's really annoying when I want to toss 1 ration. Should also not white out the background.
  • Situate pop-up boxes in set pre-determined locations, selecting the nearest pre-determined location to where the click occured to place it. Having confirmations always in the middle of the screen can be annoying when I must confirm multiple times.
  • Give error on "all aug slots used" rather than "can't unequip X aug". This could be confusing to new players how it is right now.
  • Redunant mission graphic below and above stations. Would look better with it just below them.
  • Rather than the ship graphic (or other graphics) for unknown ships (and other objects), have these graphics faded out with a question mark overlayed on them. This would look better aesthetically and be easier to determine what it means I think.
  • New radar looks pretty ugly.
  • Different colour for the space base dots on the map. They're currently a bit difficult to see and can blend with the lines.
  • I can't seem to be able to figure out how many galaxies I have not expored off of some galaxy based on the map.
  • Switch how the current and selected galaxy are shown on the map. The glow for selected galaxy and highlighted text for current galaxy makes more sense, and it's more important to be able to see where you are currently.
  • There doesn't seem to be anything indicating the DF and number of jumps away a selected galaxy is
  • No way to close out the target options box, but X needs to be pressed to open it
  • Is there some method to easily access target options for slaves from their icons? I can't seem to target them or access these options quickly. Maybe some kind of right click menu on them?

Gameplay Comments
  • Rats crit way too often. Jeff stated this was intended behaviour, but I feel it's merely annoying for newer players. Such a higher crit rate should be connected with a unique mission AI to teach players about critical hits and their effects.
  • Earthforce Engineer on the early pirate side need to not heal so effectively.
  • Zebu AI might be a bit too difficult for new players due to their secondary usage.
  • There might be a tad too many embryos in Fly Incubator.
  • Paximinus AI might be too strong. It takes forever to kill them.
  • Master Maggot is too weak. Can easily outrun the slow embryo fighters it launches as they push themselves backwards, and the maggot itself doesn't even attack directly. Significantly upping the speed on it's fighters would help.
  • Ur'Ziq Bana is too hard currently. The Kasa Qii has too much shielding and the AI either have too much shielding or damage (pick).
  • Could you put some kind of warp effect at Vorian's current location when he changes location?
  • The game should mention the items on the hotkey bar early on to new players! Maybe a little info in a very early mission's text so players know they have a secondary on their ship and how to use it. Not only does this teach new players and improve their survivability, but using the secondaries makes the Nexus a lot more fun!
  • There's currently no SP scaling on Drone Deployment or Remote Control.

Fucking loot...
Awesome character art by my friend Jee.

Last edited by Nuromishi on Wed Sep 14, 2011 11:11 pm, edited 53 times in total.

Sun Sep 11, 2011 10:03 pm
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Post Re: Various Bugs and Comments

Ricoh wrote:
might sound hard 4 u...but learn reading?

Stay strong, live long, and walk humbly.

Strawberry Blueberry Pancakes

Sun Sep 11, 2011 10:31 pm
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Post Re: Various Bugs and Comments
-Massive lag (around 8 FPS) for me on any quality setting below Very High. Specs: Nvidia Quadro FX 570M, 4 GB of RAM, T9300 Core 2 Duo 2.5GHz

specially in SOL,Nexus..the last time ended 6.7k away :evil:

and nice Bug compilation lol! :twisted:

Sun Sep 11, 2011 10:39 pm
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Post Re: Various Bugs and Comments
Dispatched wrote:
and nice Bug compilation lol! :twisted:

It was just some stuff I wrote down from about 4 hours of gameplay during my free time this weekend.

Fucking loot...
Awesome character art by my friend Jee.

Sun Sep 11, 2011 10:46 pm
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Post Re: Various Bugs and Comments

"You have graciously arrived, you have known pain, you have known weariness, now come on earth, take your rest, enter into your palace, rest your limbs; may our lords come on earth."

Mon Sep 12, 2011 12:16 pm
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Post Re: Various Bugs and Comments
Nuromishi wrote:
Dispatched wrote:
and nice Bug compilation lol! :twisted:

It was just some stuff I wrote down from about 4 hours of gameplay during my free time this weekend.

So if you played for more than 4 hours...? :shock:

Axis Industries

Mon Sep 12, 2011 12:24 pm
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Post Re: Various Bugs and Comments
Battlecruiser23 wrote:
So if you played for more than 4 hours...? :shock:

Obvious bugs that always occur can be easily identified in a few minutes. As you cut through the obvious things, however, it begins to take longer. Especially when you have to start dealing with bugs that only occur under a specific environment that is encountered very rarely.

Fucking loot...
Awesome character art by my friend Jee.

Mon Sep 12, 2011 1:26 pm
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Post Re: Various Bugs and Comments
Content issues!

I have another shield I'll toss on the Engineers so they're easier to kill. Also, I might toss on a specialty item to nerf their shield regen into the ground even more.

The embryos seem to be a problem so I'm considering un-aggroing them.

Paximinus have been nerfed hardcore. With their super item they were nearly impossible to kill.

Maggot Master (and Flylet Master) -- I was thinking I should give him a parasite gun that slows you down?


"My name isn't Slick. It's Zoidberg! John f***ing Zoidberg!"
Some people want to love their god. Others want to "love" their god. Mmmmm.... adum.....
<< OMG It's my head in a jar!!!

Mon Sep 12, 2011 2:21 pm
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Post Re: Various Bugs and Comments
Calypso wrote:
Paximinus have been nerfed hardcore. With their super item they were nearly impossible to kill.

Yeah; it was taking so long I eventually decided to just leave the Nexus and go to Sol for some missions.

Calypso wrote:
Maggot Master (and Flylet Master) -- I was thinking I should give him a parasite gun that slows you down?

That could be one option to make the enemy an actual threat. Try it out a see how well it works? :3

I also posted some bugs involving missions, by the way. Not sure if you looked at those.

Fucking loot...
Awesome character art by my friend Jee.

Mon Sep 12, 2011 3:25 pm
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Post Re: Various Bugs and Comments
I'm going to keep adding things as I see them.

Fucking loot...
Awesome character art by my friend Jee.

Mon Sep 12, 2011 9:10 pm
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Post Re: Various Bugs and Comments
If you could split your mission bugs and general bugs as you find them that would help to break things down.

>>Clicking buy removes highlight on selected item. Would be preferred to keep it highlighted. Not sure if this is a bug or not.

This is a feature, it has to do with the dynamic pricing code I believe.

>>There doesn't seem to be anything indicating the DF and number of jumps away a selected galaxy is

tool tip is on its way in

>>No way to close out the target options box

I will move target options down so it doesn't cover target info, that box was changed right before beta. No plan on closing it, just not in the way anymore.

>>Rather than the ship graphic (or other graphics) for unknown ships (and other objects), have these graphics faded out with a question mark overlayed on them. This would look better aesthetically and be easier to determine what it means I think.

my personal preference is to have the specific target type logo come up on fade out in the target box but no logo in the playable area, for ships especially I find this quite unsigthly.

>>Target text background in the upper-right should fade out slower and still have a mostly-transparent background behind the text even afterward for readability reasons.

Agreed on the slower fade, don't like random boxes of color cluttered about though.

>>Don't always confirm that I want to toss something! It's really annoying when I want to toss 1 ration. Should also not white out the background.

Confirm will probably stay in. White out I really want gone, its just hasn't been done as it is low priority.

>>Floaties having numbers to show the object's distance away. This would be a great improvement on their UI functionality.

Can't remember if this was in at some point or there was some issue with this. I'm kind of conflicted on this one. It would be a cool information bit, but it would really clutter things up. Optional if it went in would be my suggestion.

>>Easier way to quickly identify player and AI ships on the target selection seems to be necessary (underlined name?).

#1 idea so far, soooo much better than that weird green human thing.

>>Chatbox background fades out in transparency too quickly at the top, making it difficult to read messages. The partially transparent gradient should run further up.

I like the fade, if you don't go into images, open it with photoshop and paste the same image on top of the other and save, you will now have a "darker" text box. If you need me to do it I guess I could.

>>Scrolling text on floaties is a bit slow. It'd also look a lot nicer with smooth-scrolling text.

Cant be much faster, one thing I do not like is the "Gate to" it sometimes prevents me from actually telling what it is a gate to...

>>Trade tabs overlap with the left/right scrolling arrows. It looks a bit ugly and is somewhat annoying to navigate with.

This could be fixed, but it means they will be BADLY clipped before the arrows, it looked terrible.

>>Would look better not having ships tilt in floaties: only rotate (always an over-top view of the object). Engines and other effects should also not show in this. It should merely be an easy and efficient method of identifying targetable objects.

They are going to tilt, its a camera on the ship in the actual scene. I would like for there not to be engine effects though, they don't work really.

>>It's too difficult to read text that pops out of your ship (eg: scooped items and mission text). It shouldn't pop up, enlarge to massive proportions, then disappear so quickly for longer lines of text. Reduce the max size, the rate of enlargement, and adjust those and the rate it fades out at to be based on the string length.

I think its fine, its just a quick, this happened, I don't want it there forever. Maybe less popping out at you.

>>Base backgrounds are too bright. It is often impossible to read text in the spacebase windows due to the cyan-ish text blending with sections of the background. Just darken the backgrounds.

This is on the to-do list.

"You have graciously arrived, you have known pain, you have known weariness, now come on earth, take your rest, enter into your palace, rest your limbs; may our lords come on earth."

Mon Sep 12, 2011 9:51 pm
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Post Re: Various Bugs and Comments
[quote="Feathers"]If you could split your mission bugs and general bugs as you find them that would help to break things down.[/quote]

I'll find some time to do that tomorrow.

Mon Sep 12, 2011 10:42 pm
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Post Re: Various Bugs and Comments
Feathers wrote:
my personal preference is to have the specific target type logo come up on fade out in the target box but no logo in the playable area, for ships especially I find this quite unsigthly.

That was my main problem. It looks rather ugly having an abstracted icon replace the ship within the 3D world. Also completely confused me as to what was going on at first.

Feathers wrote:
I'm kind of conflicted on this one. It would be a cool information bit, but it would really clutter things up. Optional if it went in would be my suggestion.

Having it be an option would be nice. The current floaties are great for telling the direction of things, but don't tell you anything about distance without going through them all as targets.

Feathers wrote:
I like the fade, if you don't go into images, open it with photoshop and paste the same image on top of the other and save, you will now have a "darker" text box. If you need me to do it I guess I could.

I plan to do that for myself later on. I don't want to make modifications now, though, just to ensure I'm seeing what any other vanilla player sees. Figured I'd bring it up since it does make it hard to read chat sometimes.

Feathers wrote:
one thing I do not like is the "Gate to" it sometimes prevents me from actually telling what it is a gate to...

That'd be an appreciated change. The "Gate to..." thing is pretty unnecessary when I can see the wormhole graphic already and it merely makes it harder to quickly identify where it goes.

Feathers wrote:
I think its fine, its just a quick, this happened, I don't want it there forever. Maybe less popping out at you.

It works well for numbers, but anything longer (scooped X, player says Y, mission completion) it's impossible to read currently.

I sorted out the mission issues and game bugs. By missions I assume you mean the data from the XML files and not bugs related to how the game deals with aspects of missions.

Fucking loot...
Awesome character art by my friend Jee.

Tue Sep 13, 2011 12:18 pm
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Post Re: Various Bugs and Comments
What's up with this "hide UI" key? I couldn't find it listed in the key options, but when I hold 'u' (I remapped suicide off of that key) it hides the whole UI.

Looks pretty cool, though.

Fucking loot...
Awesome character art by my friend Jee.

Wed Sep 14, 2011 11:12 pm
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Post Re: Various Bugs and Comments
It used to be L, and should probably go back to L to avoid confusion with the U key.

"You have graciously arrived, you have known pain, you have known weariness, now come on earth, take your rest, enter into your palace, rest your limbs; may our lords come on earth."

Thu Sep 15, 2011 7:22 am
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